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Sunday fun

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    Sunday fun

    IN a real spirit of let's look back and be ashamed what is the most scarily embarrassing thing or plain stupid or plain desperate thing you did when drunk. I have three things I really ain't proud of.

    One - dropping a chop suey roll from the top of an escalator in the railway station, picking it up on the bottom step wiping it down and eating it cos I was drunk yeugh

    Two - waking up in the night and finding myself taking a leak in the corner of the bedroom as I thought I was in the bathroom. Double yeugh!

    Three - having to sit and vomit and have a "loose rear" in a supermarket public lavatory when hung over (total shame)

    I can look back and laugh now but what a sad valueless individual I had become. Thank god I have given up AL. When I pick up a drink I check my dignity into the cloakroom.:upset::H
    Last drink 6th September 2013

    Sunday fun

    Yes Softy - there are so many things I done when I were drunk - but you know what - at this moment I can not remember one...except swimming in the lagune drunk while my workers hide in a dune - looking after me for in case I drown...what else - oh, my husband drive with my quadbike into a house of one of the village families where we live - -into their kitchen while they had supper. Apparantly you only saw rice raining through the air. He broke all their plates and had to replace it as well buy them rice :-) Will think of more...


      Sunday fun

      Oh yes! Last year went on a Europe trip. Everything went well for the first 5 weeks. Then we went to Portugal - also o'k' drinking beer or port but not getting drunk. On our way back on the train to Madrid we were suppose to have a sleeping couch. I were very tired and looked forward sleeping. When we got on the train to Madrid at a little station on Spain/Portugal border Valenca, just after midnight there were no sleeping coach for us... we parked with our suitcases in the bar coach and start partying with other passengers. Got so drunk - slept under the coachmaster's bunk. Twice people tried to get me out but everytime I just went back... we were another 3 days in Madrid before we went home - don't remember ANYTHING about that 3 days or how we got on the plane back to South Africa. When we landed we were so drunk I could find my children that came to pick us up! TERRIBLE! SO ASHAMED!


        Sunday fun

        Jules Verne

        Around the world in 80 drinks!!!:H
        Last drink 6th September 2013


          Sunday fun

          Awwh no!

          Hahaha, far tooooo many to list, but I think they are the best ways for me to lay off the sauce. MANY vomiting in public, knowing I've got to get my kids somewhere and driving them there whist vomiting into a bucket on my knee - 'Mummys got a tummy bug...again', crashing through someones greenhouse whilst plastered at a party, then promptley wetting myself whilst unconcious, very promiscuous behavoir with God knows who - which is cringeworthy (the ones I remember anyway), not to mention V. risky. Drunk chatting in chat rooms/texting/e.mailing...the next day...'oh my God I said WHAT?', getting my boobs out at the works christmas party,:H oh Lordy the list is ENDLESS.
          The ones I truly regret though are the evil bitter and twisted things I've spat at my nearest and dearest, just for a reaction (sure got one). That breaks my heart more than anything, and put me on this road to sobriety that I'm now on. I never want to be that person again, and cause so much heart ache, especially when I didn't mean a word of it, just the booze making me feel so sorry for myself, and angry at the world.
          All in all, I'm using each and every one of them to remind me that I should never drink again! It has surely not enhanced me in ANY way (lol). Day 8 today, had a nuts morning already, but I'm sat with a smile on my face, thankfull that it maybe a tough morning, but sure glad I don't have a hangover on top of that! Yeay!



            Sunday fun

            I can agree with that noodle sometimes I struggle with things and think to myself how tee hell did I cope when I was doing this drunk/ hungover. etc

            So many things to cringe over, telling the kids I'm fine when I wasn't, taking them to school the following morning drunk, picking them up stinking of booze and trying my hardest to convince the world and myself I was sober.

            Constantly dashing to the bathroom to vomit or the other end not pleasant but for some reason I felt the need to repeat day after day all the time knowing it was my drinking causing the upsets.

            Going out with friends and getting so drunk that I can only remember falling down constantly and nothing else and waking up the following morning having somehow made it home and into bed worrying about what I'd done in front of them, once my hubs came downstairs to find I'd laid bowls of nibbles out on the floor picnic style...

            Just taking it day by day.......

