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Also withdrawal symptoms

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    Also withdrawal symptoms

    Hello everyone
    How can these be alievated without librirum? I wonder if anyone can help?

    I have the supps and the CD's

    Also withdrawal symptoms

    go away
    Enlightened by MWO


      Also withdrawal symptoms


      This person isn't Lizzy Mouse - I have seen a post or too from him/her and all is well.

      Sorry, unregistered, we've been having a major problem with one who can only post as an "unregistered" because she's been banned. She is who SKendall thought you were.

      Your best bet is to search "withdrawal" on this site. Many postings on that.

      Good luck, and PLEASE register.

      It's hard to distinquish sometimes.....



        Also withdrawal symptoms

        Hi Helen thanks for that,

        I am just wondering if anyone has any clues , rather than taking drugs.

        Thanks again



          Also withdrawal symptoms

          I am so sorry for my incorrect post. I;ve beena little hypersensentive to the "unregistered" postings.

          I am so happy you chose this site/.

          SKendall:welcome: :thanks:
          Enlightened by MWO


            Also withdrawal symptoms

            Yes being unregistered does not always mean it is the devil, but it is easy to think that. Welcome Caitlin. Please keep coming around here. You might find just what you need.
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              Also withdrawal symptoms

              hi unregistered, the first time/s I quite suddenly a couple years ago I had really awful withdrawals and horrific nightmares for at least two days...wait it gets better...then after reading here and elsewhere I started to take good doses of magnesium several times per day which really helped me. it was still really lousy last time I went AF after a bad binge which ended at noon on Halloween (after reading a fantastic poem by Irishlady) and I was sicker than hell for 3 days but without the nightmares thank goodness...I really hate those. If you are in really bad condition there's no substitute for a doctor visit...probably would have helped me a ton but I'm really hard headed. There's more info on the welcome section of the site too.
              take care.
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Also withdrawal symptoms

                Thanks Skendall, Helen , Determinator and Lush.
                I have magnesium but haven't tsken it in a long while. I have been trying to down grade my drinking and so far it is working ok. I don't have topa or campral
                I am going to try to do it day by day, one glass less at a time. Because I drank 4 bottles of wine last sunday, and have been severely feeling the effects, but now I am down to 2 bottles and my body is getting used to it ( although I get tired during the day ) .
                Hopefully tomorrow I will be ok on 1 1/2 and so on.
                Thank you sincerely for all your kind words of advice. I will let you know how its going


                  Also withdrawal symptoms

                  Okay Cait

                  We'll be here.

                  Feel free to post away when the urge hits. There is always someone here....the beauty of this community.

                  Take care and I'll keep an eye ...



                    Also withdrawal symptoms

                    Beware of what you use!


                    My Dr. gave me Ativan to mitigate the withdrawals. Ihave done this so many times now that I know that I am going to feel like poop for three days and then I will begin to feel much better but this is usually the time that the cravings kick in and I start again.

                    Also, I am now addicted to the Ativan.:upset:

                    If you have a seizure or sever DT's you need to get to an ER. Spikes in blood pressure can also occur as you withdraw and can cause strokes.

                    Be careful and good luck.



                      Also withdrawal symptoms

                      Welcome Ids!
                      I'm new here as well. I wanted to post regarding Ativan.
                      Ativan is extremely addictive, I have personal family experience with this, as my mom was totally addicted to it (unknowingly) for 8 years and thankfully due to being admitted to the hospital for something unrelated, she is now off of it. She is now on something called seroquel (quetipine). Originally it was used for schizophrenia but mom mom is on it for anxiety. It is supposedly non habit forming and it's working wonderfully for her, she is like a new person.
                      Please ask you doctor about it.
                      Nov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
                      April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
                      wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
                      wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
                      wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
                      wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
                      wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
                      wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )

                      I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.


                        Also withdrawal symptoms

                        Hi Caitlin,
                        I was worried about the withdrawls when I decided to give up....but they didnt happen

                        I was a bottle of vodka a day girl so I was expecting some nasty withdrawl surprises.

                        I guess that sometimes they just dont happen and according to some very wise people on this site, they dont last all that long so I'm sure you'll comke out the other side just fine so dont be too scared.

                        It's well worth a couple of crappy days for a clean and fresh start.

                        Good luck


