Our coconut trees are hanging heavy with coconuts and we have to find a climber to get them of and did'nt make that a priority...so. this morning my puppy dog came screaming into my bedroom. The problem? A cocnut fell on him!! He is so small about 5 inches high! Luckily apparently the cocunut cathced only on the side of his little body - so his O.K. (They say more people die of coconuts felling on them than strucked by lightning!)
That me decide today is the day to get the guy climbing the trees...now I've got a hell of a lot of coconuts (20 trees full of cocos). Last week I saw on MWO Holistic Thread about the uses and advantages of cocunts. I thread to the lady writing about is and she send me link where I can find a recipe making coconut oil!
Today I am making coconut oil... THANK YOU MWO!:thanks::thanks::thanks: