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How do I talk about my problem with the woman I love???

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    How do I talk about my problem with the woman I love???

    I am 31 years old and have a problem with drinking. My problem is I can not just have a beer or glass of wine, I always crave more, and this has caused me great pain in my young life. I just moved to Santiago Chile with the woman I love and have been here about 6 weeks. She told me the other night she can not take my drinking anymore, which is about once a week, and wants me out. I need some advice on how to let her know how much I care about her and that I know I have a problem. I want help and I want to stop drinking. I do not have a full time job yet, the new country, and the fact that I have had my cell phone, mountain bike, backpack, and camera stolen from me since I have been here have all be huge factors of stress for me. Please ladies, offer me something to help me keep the woman I love, my best and possibly only friend, and make her aware that I want to change. Thanks:new: :thanks: :upset:

    How do I talk about my problem with the woman I love???

    It must be very stressful being in a new Country. My only suggestion is action speaks volumes, your words mean nothing to her. Why don't you download the book as suggested and start there, let her know you love her and do not want to lose her over something as stupid as drinking. Everyone here faces the same problem with drinking and our only differences are our personal lives. If you are serious you will start working on yourself right away try not to procrastinate.
    Good luck,


      How do I talk about my problem with the woman I love???

      Hi -
      My guess is she already knows you have a problem. Letting her know that YOU know its a problem - and that you want to do something about it - is a good step. Be honest - your fears, your inability to stop, your desire to fix the problem. And, your love for her. Hopefully, however, she isn't the reason for your interest in change - it must come from you, internally, or its sure to fail.
      The University in Santiago may be a source for help, community, and perhaps a job, if you haven't already tried there. Also, check out some ex-pat web-sites, perhaps you can find some connections in Santiago.
      Try to be optimistic. Method-act optimism, if you have to. And, look at things from her perspective - see how she sees you - it might help as a reminder of "why" when "why" becomes easily forgotten.
      Check back here, often, as well. There is much support here.
      And, you're in Santiago - Romance and Passion practically reverberate from the pavement.
      --- I know what its like to have stuff stolen. I've been carjacked at gunpoint, I've had my wallet stolen countless times in countless countries, and am currently fighting an ID theft on my credit. But, these are just things, of a certain monetary value and nothing more. Don't lose the moments you've got. The things you've lost will be long forgotten, but the moments you'll remember.
      I wish you well and I hope to hear more from you.
      Yah, I know Moderation; I pass it every day on my way to Excess.

