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    Hi all,

    I love this site so much! You all are so very kind and it is sooo nice to know I have somewhere to discuss the problems related to alcohol as well as learn. Thank you all for that.

    I am truly committed to do this because of myself and for my children. No doubt about it. After reading posts even from months past, I have come to the realization that I really need this. Sobriety that is.

    I have a question about depression. I have battled with anxiety and depression my whole life. Along with having a whole family of alcoholics (although for some reason they are functional, and I am not) I was wondering what are some thoughts about medications? I have been on Prozac, Paxil, Effexor and Cellexa in my life and none seemed to work for me at all. I found ALL of them made me want to drink even more. I guess they got me so UP that I wanted to come down.

    Are there any thoughts of St. John's Wort? I have read so much about it. Not sure if I want to go back on to the man made stuff or want to try something else?

    Thanks for any reply.
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    and... what I meant of having a whole family of alcoholics, I meant I have the genetic make up for this disease along with the family history of depression.
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      I have very similar genes!
      I suffer from an anxiety disorder. I had tried Paxil, Prozak and Welbutrin without success. I did have great success with Zoloft for 8 years and when that got less effective I switched to Lexapro and that has also worked well.
      I do recall that when my dosage was too high I would not sleep very much and would feel very 'up' and I do not mean in a good way!
      Do not give up until you find the right one that will work for you.


      : doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results................... Albert Einstein



        Hi theislalndbaby and welcome,

        My husband has been on a combo of celexa (20 - 40 mg daily) and wellbutrin (?mg) every other day for the past 4 years, depression runs both sides of his family. what helped him the most at the start was the therapy. He had to come to grips with the anger the depression had caused., and the damage the anger had done to his relationships. He does fairly well when he stays on that. Before that he was on: zoloft, effexor, paxil at different points in his life. I think it is a matter just as Laurav said finding the right combo for you.

        I wish you luck. I personally found not drinking calmed me down. I sleep better too without alcohol.

        Best Wishes on success,



          I agree with Mary. When I drink my anxiety gets much worse.
          What a cycle.....drink to feel less anxious and then feel even worse after. Sigh.

          : doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results................... Albert Einstein



            I agree

            I agree for sure about the anxiety part. Mine is definitely worse when I drink and especially when I come off of the alcohol. Day 4.....ahhhhhhhh....and it is only 6:26am Pacific time. It is going to be a loooong day!
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              I have taken Prozac daily for about 15 years. To me, it's like vitamins for my psyche. With MWO, I took the supps and topamax, and I had digestive problems. After 30 days of abs, I did not go back on topa, even though I was drinking in moderation. I think I will take the topa again because of the holidays. The way I see it, I'll probably cycle between taking topa, doing abs, and moderate drinking without meds. Your depression needs to be treated. I don't think St. John's Wort is powerful enough.



                theislandbaby wrote: I agree for sure about the anxiety part. Mine is definitely worse when I drink and especially when I come off of the alcohol. Day 4.....ahhhhhhhh....and it is only 6:26am Pacific time. It is going to be a loooong day!
                I know what you mean! There are so many hours in the day when sober. And, not all of them good. I've been blaming drink for my problems for so long now that I've failed to recognize I've got problems wholly unrelated. Aw man! Depression, isolation, winter . . . none of these things help. I think I might check into the St Johns wort. I'm on Prozac, but with little relief. Maybe I'm just impatient.
                Endeavour to persevere . . . endeavour to persevere.
                Really glad to have found this program :exclaim:
                Yah, I know Moderation; I pass it every day on my way to Excess.




                  On day four? Well done!
                  Yah, I know Moderation; I pass it every day on my way to Excess.



                    I suspect that it becomes hard to judge the effect of the depression/anxiety meds while still drinking. I think when we are drinking, it adds so much fuel to the fire...when we begin to crave the drink...we get anxious til we get it....when we are hungover, we are more depressed....know what I mean? I think if we can get some control over the drinking, some of the emotions will settle down as well. Then it may be easier to figure out what of our dep/anx is there in and of itself, rather than alcohol related, and how the meds are working....just a thought,

                    formerly known as bak310



                      I certainly recognize that cycle. I knew I had to break it. What is working for me now is having NO alcohol in the house. If I don't buy it, I can't drink it. I do have a few (up to three, usually two wines) when I go out. If I really feel craving, despite the Kudzu and supps which are working great generally, I will stop and have two wines at a bar before coming home. It actually feels good and secure after that knowing I am coming home to a safe haven--one where there is no alcohol. I can have two drinks out and know I won't continue at home, which I used to do. Big time. I have had no withdrawal with this method. If I feel nervous I take more supps. I am also on Paxil. It feels so good the next morning not to feel tired (hungover) and ashamed.
                      I told my hub I am not buying any more wine for the house and he is very happy. I wouldn't let him down for the world. I would feel too terrible. So I guess this works for me. Forever, I hope.

                      One woman's solution, but I thought I'd share it.





                        Thanks for all of your input. I appreciate it. I guess I should really analyze this further after a bit of sobriety. :thanks:
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                          It really is a vicious cycle... I am on Effexor ans my anxiety/depression has been a bear... I do have a lite for winter blahs and if I eat right (low carbs high protein) I feel OK ... I too tend to isolate...



                            Hi All, I'm on cipralex for anxiety, I've always liked a drink but started drinking more because it 'stopped my anxiety' Now i realise that it makes it worse, If I had a glass of wine the anxiety would go away for about 10 mins then come back much worse, another drink, another 10 mins, then angry husband cos he knew i'd been drinking in the day time, then MUCH more anxiety. It really is a vicious circle. At the minute i'm not suffering anxiety and i'm convinced its because i'm curbing my drinking. Hope that it lasts......

                            Take care all, Paula xx :l :h :l



                              I can relate to everything you guys are saying.

                              I too suffer from major anxiety and depression and none of the SSRI"s that I have tried, have worked. However, I continued to drink while taking them. I also take Ativan for my anxiety but have continued to drink while taking that as well.

                              I am now suffering health, job and relationship consequences so I must stop the booze. Everyday, I tell myself that I won't drink and just about every day, I do drink. I have purchased the book and am going to look into the topa. I also ordered that herb which is supposed to help. I sure hope it does.

                              The most amazing thing of all is that I can have a list of things to do and at the end of the day, nothing is done and I have wasted yet another day of my life and dig myself deeper into the hole. Some days I get so disgusted with myself that I don't want to live. Not a good place to be. And I have to keep wondering how this happened to me at age 48! Pretty old to become a full blown alcoholic.


