:thanks::thanks::thanks:to MWO - without your help I don't think I could have done it!
30 days ago when I was totally rock bottom with my drinking I searc the net for an online AA and a life coach that can help me because I am not in a position to go for help - by accident I found MWO and started reading and eventually joined. This is the LONGEST time that I am not drinking since I can remember...
Some of my greatest fears like what will happen when I came in contact with people drinking and socializing also started to work out fine:
1. Yesterday I were playing with some of the local Shangaan people a board game at my place. They were drinking wine and I drank water. It was a very long game and they wanted some Paradise whiskey (cheap local brand) and ask me to buy them some. I did. They drank and I drank Coke. At one stage I actually smelled one of their glasses (could be a mistake) and felt nauses. When the game were over there were a half bottle left which I put away in my kitchen for when we play again - then they can have it - uptil now - writing this - I forgot that that whiskey is in my house! Normally - by this time I would long go finished that bottle by myself! I did'nt!, the
2.this afternoon a holiday couple that have a resort near us came to visit. We are friends and because we live with a zero social life, I were very happy seeing them - they came with a Savanna in their hands. When that were finish I offered to go and buy them more. They said if we will have something with them - I said we are not drinking anymore. Start chatting about it. Tey asked how long am I of the booze. I said 30 days - they congratulate me and admitted that they wish they had the GUTS to live without alcohol because they know they are drinking too much but they just can not be in Mozambique without a beer in the hand or a glass of wine with sunset. I could talked to them about alot of things I learned from MWO. and felt good.
The strange thing is they are opening a new bar next Friday night and said that they came to invite us to the opening party - but as we are not drinking anymore we would not like to go...I said - Iwould like to go - i will drink cooldrink!
Now - because they know I'm not drinking I can go and have a nice social time with friends and a cooldrink in the hand - because I cannot loose face...!

Thanx again MWO. You people saved me for 30 days!