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Short story

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    Short story

    Want to tell you a story - a true life story that happened to me about 30 years ago, which from time to time bucks me and today I'm thinking about it all the time...I never told anybody ever about it.

    When I were a young Social Worker, newly wed, no children and worked in a small country town I had an experience that till this bucks me-

    I went to see a client (a "case" as we called it) who was an alcoholic and she neclected her children because of her problem. This was my first home visit to her. When I got to her home she was lying in her bed with a glass of booze next to her on her bedside table. The room smelld of old, sour alcohol mixed with sigarette smells. Her hair was in a total mess - I remember she had blonde dyed hair they grew out at the roots. It was filthy. Her complexion was reddish,her face swollen, her eyes bloody, with mascara all over her face. You could see she was crying a lot. She was screaming and swearing at me with a hoarse, slurred voice. I realised that she is in no stae to have a interview with so I left. When I stepped out of her front gate I felt I want to vomit and I had a terrible anxiety attack. I also felt a very deep feeling of guilt - as if it was me lying drunk on that bed. At that time I did'nt drink at all!! Alcohol was not part of my life - I hated the smell of it.

    Through the years, specially when I started drinking socially I always thought of that day and spesifically of my unnecessary feelings of guilt. Why dir I feel guilty about some else's problem? Could it be because deep inside I knew that I'm vulnerable to the same problem? Was it suppose to be a warning that I decide to ignore?

    30 years later - and still remembering it???

    Short story

    30 years but now 30 days AF. You are on the right path. Just by coming here you can almost guarantee success.
    Last drink 6th September 2013


      Short story

      Hi BB,
      What do you feel guilty about? Guilty that you witnessed her at rock bottom (felt sorry for her), or guilty that you didn't/couldn't help her?
      That you are still thinking about it 30 years later shows you have a good heart x


        Short story

        Hi Noodle (still working on paintings to send pics for you...:-))

        No, it felt if I know deep inside that I am also going the same way as she - don't know how to explain - like a fore boding - as if I saw ME! As if "somebody" told me - this (she on that bed) is the way that you going to end up - it sounds weird, I know...


          Short story

          I had a similar experience, i deliver medication as part of my job and a couple of years ago had to deliver to a known heroin addict in a very bad part of town. i saw her children running around a filthy house stacked high with trash,looking after their opiate-addicted mother. I was delivering painkillers, lord knows who prescribed them to her and to this day i wish I hadn't gone - it would ahve made no difference if it was me or someone else that went, but I didn't want to be involved. I never saw the woman, her young daughter (probablay about 7 or 8) took care of everything. I nearly cried as I left.
          I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

          To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.


