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New (Again)

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    New (Again)

    Hi everyone,
    I am introducing myself as it has been a long time ago that I was here. On another Day 1 AF and wanting a place to write about my feelings. First, I have spent the past year and a half "clarifying" that my goal must be AF; moderation is not an option.

    I am also noticing some different thoughts I have and reasons for wanting to live an AF life and I am hoping these reasons will prove to be better and more effective than generic reasons like "this is bad for me."

    I have isolated myself from people for many years now, but I am starting to see how much I have isolated myself from my own soul :-( And I think it is that Soul that has refused to be silenced. It's the part of me that really does want to live a life of self respect and dignity. And it wants to be known. So tonight I am sitting with these thoughts and I will also be taking my dogs for a nice long walk. Sober :H

    New (Again)

    :welcome: Good for you! with a different attitude and staying at MWO you will be succesful this time!!!

    [QUOTE=DogLover77;1102984]Hi everyone,
    I have isolated myself from people for many years now,

    Isolating yourself...because of your dinking problem or hermit personality?


      New (Again)

      ha-ha Beachbump :H
      Isolating for BOTH reasons :nutso:


        New (Again)

        Good for you Doglover.

        Life is so much better without AL. We all deserve this chance! You can do it!!


          New (Again)

          Best of luck DL.
          Many people on here are doing really well staying sober.
          Really hope you can do it also.
          Stick close to this site and explore for great advice and encouragement.

          All the best.

          Damo in Dublin
          Still trying !!!
          AF 25th June2014


            New (Again)

            Hey Doglover,

            Welcome. Great to see you here. I can relate to the feeling of isolating from people. I did that for years but am slowly working on not doing it. This forum is a good place to start learning how to be with others - even if only thru a social network. Sometimes I still want a delete button in real life though :H.

            Stick around and read, read, read. There are so many helpful stories here. Good luck.

            Hippy Chick
            I finally got it!
            "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


              New (Again)

              Hi Doglover

              New thinking, new start, what could be better right?

              You know modding is not the way for you now, so maybe not having that option in your thoughts will help you focus.

              As for isolating yourself, I understand totally, drank for confidence for so long, now I feel more confident than I ever did when I was drinking, figure that one out

              Good luck in your journey:l

              Just taking it day by day.......

