I actually feel odd writing here although I've admited to myself many many months ago, years, that I have a serious problem...
I've just ordered the download book of this site, hoping to receive it soon.
I'm a 'secret' evening/night drinker at home, have been for about ten years now, the problem being nowadays that I need to 'knock' myself out to be able to sleep -no problem whatsoever, for the moment to not drink any kind of alcohol during daytime, it doesn't atract me whatsoever, it is only in the evening when alone at home. It all started then, ten years ago when I was administered sleeping pills because of personal problems, with my then husband, found they didn't work except if I added some alcohol into the math... once I was taken off the sleeping pills found that the alcohol still helped for the sleeping/anti-anxiety effects... so started with a simple can of beer... wonderful effect... it started going up until it reached four cans of beer... when I think of it it actually sounds ridiculous nowadays... four cans of beer and I slept like bliss!! WOW!
Nowadays I drink about ten cans of beer in the evening to get the same effect or if not half a bottle of whiskey to get the same effect,... I have trouble getting up in the morning, my breath smells of alcohol, I have bags under my eyes, I wake up feeling depressed, tired...
I have a good job, I am quite good looking, have no partner at the moment and scared to have one that will 'discover' that I seem to exist on my evening alcohol intake... I get panicky if I don't have beer or whiskey at home when I finish work... I enjoy my job, have good friends, but my anxiety level seems to shoot up out of the blue in the evenings and I resort to alcohol -drank for sometime white wine as I had an intolerance food test that said I should not go near barley for a time (beer, whiskey),... the white wine left me dehydrated totally, ... I'm back on beer and whiskey after a few dehydrating months of white wine.
My father was an alcoholic, I think I only knew him sober maybe ten times out of all my life, I'm scared somehow to think that this is a genetical illness -kind of 'you've got it, stick with it'.

I also smoked cigaretes far too much, started late (middle teens, the alcohol was more in my early thirties) but got hooked inmediately. After twenty years I decided to go to a psychotherapy to quit smoking in November and was great,!!! I quit smoking then and still doing well. The same psychotherapist is treating me for alcohol adiction and... it is not being that easy... she herself admits it is not so easy...
I have been interested in reading here about the maaaaaany issues,... milk thistle, L-glutamine, specialy Baclofen...
Under psychotherapy but in need of physical advice, as the psycho has been wonderful with cigaretes but.. I'm writing while sipping a bit of whiskey... not drunk though, that is not the problem, thee problem is that I seem to need to drink to be able to relax to be able to sleep... And more than once I've ended up over the top this way! I'm scared that I seem to be needing to be 'drunk' to be able to sleep,.... makes sense?
Hope it does.
Sorry for long post.