Reasons to be AF:
- To protect my relationship with my fianc?e
- To be more productive when revising for exams, drawing etc
- To improve my skin and general health
- To avoid unpleasant side effects from eczema medications
- To learn more about myself
- To enjoy life with a clear head
- To begin to have pride in myself again
Alternative drinks:
- Tea
- Coffee
- Various fruit juices
- Smoothies
- Lemon Favoured soft drinks
- Red Bull
- Exams
- Mother/Sister?s depressive periods
- Arguments with friends/family
- Boredom
- Work Days
- Stressful times at home/work/school
- Social events
- Feeling sad/miserable
Ultimate Goal: To be AF from April 25th until June 10th (45 days)
- Start every morning well - Wake up to a song which is both relaxing and inspiring - use the time the music is on to think about the day ahead, what I have to do and get my thoughts in order. Relax, eat breakfast and enjoy the first few minutes of my day, no matter the weather or events to follow, have some quiet, relaxed time.
- Use all free time wisely. If I have a free hour at college, revise in the library or go for a walk, avoid going home for short bursts - it only tempts me to drink and makes me feel bad.
- After college go out for a walk, go shopping or spend time with my fianc?e
- Play bass for an hour every day, keep working at it and learning new things to keep my mind and hands busy
- Replace AL with juice, tea or soft drinks.
- Exercise at least 5-6 days a week, swimming, walking, jogging or simple exercise routines that can be done at home
- Make a to do list for each day, do not sit still, continue to work on the to do list until it is done, and then add to it if there?s still time left in the day
- If late night cravings are bad -go to sleep-
- Keep a journal of thoughts, feelings and ideas, draw and write to express myself however seems best. Always have paper or notebooks with me for this purpose, no matter where I am
- If the stress gets too much, have a cigarette, I?m not giving up yet and if it helps me escape AL then fine by me.
- Plan each day in advance, what needs to be done, prepare everything I will need for the following day the night before to keep me busy when I am most at risk from cravings.
- Always be mindful of my sobriety goals and goals in life. Constantly add to a list of things I would like to do and achieve in life, and cross them off whenever the opportunity presents itself.
- Be present on MWO every day, from the moment I turn on the pc in the evening, post in this thread, the army thread, AF daily and newbie?s nest. Post in need help if I need help, do not be afraid to ask.
- Help others whenever I can, through, MWO or in daily life, do my best to be there for others in the way I would want them to be there for me.
- Withdraw from my bank account all money that I would spend on alcohol, put it in a box and use it to treat myself or my fianc?e whenever I want to