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What should I do ?

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    What should I do ?

    What do people think ?

    I am under constant stress abc pressure and seem to be drinking far more than normal almost every day when I get home

    People are starting to say I look very tired

    Should I take a break from it ? How long ?

    Should I just drink say 3 days a week ?

    What should I do ?

    Most recommend going alcohol free for 30 days and then decide from there whether you want to moderate. Give your body a chance to heal and reset before you moderate would be my suggestion. Best to you! Remind yourself that you will only feel better!!!!


      What should I do ?

      Hello Time is now.

      You're right. The time IS now. Go for 30 day's alcohol free as Rivergirl alludes to. That will sort you out, and give you a clearer idea of your relationship with grog. Have you read the Toolbox?

      Essential reading, i strongly suggest.

      Edit: What 's the stressful situation? If you can address that too? Either way, stopping drinking completely will help you relax, reduce anxiety and depression, and help you get a positive outlook.

      Best wishes, and go for it.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        What should I do ?

        The time is now,

        I see you've been around MWO nearly two years - what was you plan?
        Did you get any AF time in? Have you been trying to moderate?
        That choice is entirely yours of course!

        The suggested 30 day AF period of time is very helpful indeed. At the end of my 30 days I changed my mind completely about trying to drink moderately. By then I realized that there was no way for me to control AL - it controlled me! I know I made the right choice for myself, I hope that you do too!

        Best wishes!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          What should I do ?

          Hi time,
          I, like the others suggest, agree with 30 days. It sounds impossible doesn't it? But its certainly doable. 30 days gives you a chance to confront many different drinking situations. In the course of a month you may have stressful arguments with Signifigant other (have a drink), parties (have a few drinks), social work events (have a drink), feeling down (have a drink) feeling happy (have a drink) feeling fat (have a drink) etc. So if you stop for 30 days you can look back and say "hey I didn't need AL to get thruogh any of those things"

          I have past the 30 day mark and I went thru Easter, a funeral, arguments, money troubles, happy occasions, boredom etc. a couple of months ago I would have been drunk for each and every one of those situations. but this time I did them all Sober. you can too.

          AF since Sept 2013...


            What should I do ?

            Hello time is now.

            I really get the stress cycle. I was the same, work, stress, drink, sleep, heavy head, start all over again. It is amazing when I interrupted the cycle by giving up alcohol how differently everything looked. As the others say try to give up for a stretch of time and see how you feel. Exercise too if you can as it really helps. Good luck.


              What should I do ?

              Thanks for you input

              yes i have been on and off here for a while , i guess i have good and bad patches, sometimes it doesnt seem a issue other times it clearly is

              I do think about having a year off to see the results but never quite get there

              I guess starting with 30 days may help, but i have a bog family holiday soon .............................


                What should I do ?

                yeah i'd do 30 days. It you struggle then you'll have no other option but to face the facts that you do indeed have a problem which needs to be sorted or controlled.

                maybe instead of making a holiday a drinking holiday or using it as an excuse to not give up, just take a break from it all,all the stress, all the al. It'll do you and your body the most amazing good.


                  What should I do ?

                  The clue is in your name .The time is now..If you keep drinking the way you are it will slowly drag you down(as it is doing now)Go for the 30 day break dont give yourself the excuses to drink,Go for it now.

                  :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                  Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                  I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                  This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                    What should I do ?

                    Thanks. Do people think we sometimes are to hard on ourselves ?


                      What should I do ?

                      well i think some times in my life i set myslef up to fail like i am going to do 1 year of the booze or 100 days etc why not try just a few + plus business goals etc

