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Problem drinker - want to stop

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    Problem drinker - want to stop

    Hi all,

    I feel sad posting here but I have to. I have been wrestling with a drink problem since 2004 - so for 2 years- and I desperately want to stop. Prior to this, I was an abstainer. I had previously had problems with alcohol due to depression and had been through therapy to quit drinking. I managed to stay sober and abstain for 8 years. Then I found out my ex husband was having an affair with my brother's wife. 3 months later I took my first drink and things have gradually been spiralling out of hand since...

    We are now divorced. I divorced him. To top it all, I was diagnosed with Graves Disease earlier this year. My drinking is not helping this condition at all.

    I am a binge drinker. I have no doubt about it. For example, this weekend, I consumed 2 litres of white rum in 2 days. I can then go for days without touching it. And then the cycle starts again. I didn't start out this way. When I initially started drinking again, I was drinking half a bottle of red wine a night. then it increased to a bottle. Then wine became spirits. I was drinking half a bottle of something every night. Then I thought this is ridiculous, you are drinking every day. So I said I would try to cut back. I now drink less frequently but I drink more in a session. When I drank those 2 litres of rum this weekend, I drank constantly, from Friday night until the bottles were empty - the early hours of Sunday morning.

    As well as the binge drinking, the thing that really disturbs me about my drinking is the blackouts. I honestly lose whole weekends and cannot remember what I did, said, whatever. Thankfully I don't go out so I don't throw money around/end up in bed with strangers, which I think would happen if I was not at home. All my drinking is done at home. I usually start on Friday evening after work and am often sitting in the same place, in the same clothes, come Sunday. Then there are the injuries. I try to cook when I am drunk and often have burns on my hands and arms (though none at the moment, thank God). And I keep falling over and hitting my head. Yesterday I came to with a huge lump on my forehead. I honestly cannot remember getting it but I am assuming I feel and bumped my head. It is the second time I have hit myself there.

    Obviously the worry is I am going to kill myself. I have bumped my head hard enough to see stars at least 3 times to my knowledge. I have fallen over and been too drunk to get up again. At the time I always say I am going to stop and I do manage it for a few days. Then it starts again. I never get hung over. I do shake sometiimes, especially when I have been on a real bender, as I was this weekend. But today, I feel as right as ninepence - like nothing happened. And this is the problem. If I suffered more, I thnk that would be a bigger incentive to stop. But I don't. What is more, like many others, I drink because I love alcohol. The taste, the altered feelings, the buzz.

    I don't think I can do controlled drinking. I have no self control. I need to abstain completely. Has anyone got any tips to help me stay off the drink? As stated, I can go without drink for days. I just need to find a way not to start again. I feel too ashamed to go back to my doctor over this. She was so good, getting me into rehab that first time and I didn't drink for so long. I was so proud of my sobriety and feel like the biggest idiot in the world for starting again. At the moment, my liver function tests indicate that my liver is distressed but not yet damaged. Obviously I do not want liver damage on top of everything else. I desperately want to stop doing this to myself.


    Problem drinker - want to stop

    Hello Hoagy,

    On reading your post my first instinct was to throw my arms around you, hug you and tell you everything would be alright, just imagine I am doing that to you now, but apart from that I'm not qualified to help you properly.

    Please, please go back to your doctor tell her the way you have told it on here, she will help you I am sure.
    Alcoholism IS an illness. it can't be cured, but you can learn to control it. Please don't give up.
    Do keep on posting and reading on here, perhaps someone else can be of more help to you then me.

    Please Hoagy let us know how you are getting on, good or bad we are all here to support one another.

    Will be thinking of you,

    Love Louise x.
    A F F L..
    Alcohol Free For Life


      Problem drinker - want to stop

      Hi there Hoagy,
      It took a fairly huge smack in the mouth to push you off the wagon and I dont know if I could deal with it without hitting the bottle, but I guess people like us need to find another way.
      I agree with Louise( Irish lady) best to go to the doctor to help to put you back on the path.
      I'm so impressed with the 8 years it really gives me hope.Another member on MWO had info on another site which is really helpful too.
      Rational Recovery from alcoholism, drug addiction, addiction treatment, recovery group disorder, non AA, non 12-step, cocaine, herion, sex addiction
      and go to recover now.I found it very helpful.
      Good luck with it all.
      I'll be rootin" for ya ( as the Americans say )


        Problem drinker - want to stop


        I feel your pain. I can sure say that I've been in your shoes. I thought for about 3 miserable weeks, that if I only drank nights when I didn't have to work the next day 7 am-3, I would be alright, besides being on a job that I truly was disgusted by. After I got a wake up call and posted here the weekend I couldn't take any more, I realized that I was fooling myself. I've never gone back to where I was a year ago...drinking 4 to 6 22 oz bottle of Heiniken, but I knew if I didn't get a handle on things, I would have been back in the same place. I even changed the beer that I drank, because it didn't effect me like the Heiniken.

        All in all, it's still alcohol, and I had to get a reality check, and realize that if I want to continue to strengthen my recovery, I couldn't stay on that road. Over the last few weeks I keep my changed drink to the amount of drinks where I feel mellow, not drunk and I make sure it's not everyday.

        Stay here and you will continue to succeed!

        :h Brandy


          Problem drinker - want to stop

          Welcome Hoagybear-

          Sounds like you have had a very hard time recently. I'm so sorry you have had to do thru all that.
          I'm with Irishlady though - please go back and see your doctor again. This is what they do. They are there to help - and I know she will help you. It is so hard to open up to people about this so I understand you may feel you are 'letting her down' or something but you are so much more important than any of that.
          It is time to think just about you. It's your turn to worry about you and to take care of you.
          You are the most important person in the world right now so treat yourself that way.
          Do whatever it takes to take care of yourself.
          When I started working on my problems with drinking I kept thinking "it's all about me".
          It helped remind me that I was worth the extra care and concern, I was worth taking care of and I was worth saving. And I figured I was just the person to work on that project!
          You sound like such a caring and great person. I hope you do some good things for yourself. Thanks for posting and joining in here. Take care of you - ok? (Call the dr)


            Problem drinker - want to stop

            Hi all,

            Thanks for your replies. They have really helped. I am thinking about the doctor. So far, since my last bender, I have not drank anything. I have thought about it but told myself no way - I am not seriously tempted at the moment. It is when serious temptation strikes that I am worried about. What to do? I am taking a bit of hope from the site about rational recovery (thanks for the link Victoria). It talks a lot about self-recovery being within the ability of most of us. I am trying not to doubt myself. It says self-doubt is what derails most of us. That and health professionals telling us we cannot do it on our own. Of course, some people can't. But I can be pretty strong willed (I gave up smoking after a lifetime 2 pack a day habit, for example!).

            With my marriage, it was dying for a long time before the end came. And, although I found out my ex was having the affair, he did not admit it was an affair. I found out last year that he was sleeping with her. Before that he lied and lied...even when I had the evidence and was putting it in front of him, he was still lying. We were sleeping in separate rooms. His choice, although he blamed me. He would not do marriage counselling - anything. Just kept blaming me for nothing (because when you looked at his complaints, they were so petty). But since separating, I realise he has always been a petty, immature person.

            I guess drinking again was about dealing with the upset. It was also about self-medicating. I had Graves Disease symptoms for years but despite going to the doctor more than a dozen times over 3 years, she kept insisting there was nothing wrong with me. Yet if you had seen me... my hair had fallen out, I had gained weight, despite not really eating, I had chronic insomnia, profuse sweating, swollen feet and ankles, skin problems, tremors and heart problems (palpitations and erratic heartbeat). I kept going back and saying there was something wrong and she kept saying I was fine! Anyway the Graves symptoms became worse after I found out that my ex was messing with this woman (Graves can be aggravated by emotional distress). My doctor said I was depressed and put me on anti-depressants. They did nothing because I did not feel depressed. I kept saying that wasn't it. Depression wasn't the problem. But she kept insisting it was. The drugs made the illness worse so I stopped taking them and started self-medicating with red wine, something I regret bitterly today. I could go on but at this point the story will be familiar to most of you.

            I do agree, it's all about me. I do not want to drink again - ever. I know it's easy to say but I have to ask myself how serious I am about this. I know if I give it my all, I can do this. I have done it before. If I don't or allow myself to be kidded (i.e. one won't hurt) I will be back at square one. I know I am barely past square one (having only been without drink for going on 2 days now) but everyone has to start somewhere - right?

            Thanks again,

            Helen (Hoagybear)

