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    Binge every night, not taking medication, Dog is worried about me. I want to wake up and feel like a real person!


    azmarkm - big hug coming your way :l

    Please maybe try a break from AL - 30 days seems like such long time when we are drinking but you would be surprised what a difference it makes.

    Come here when you feel like drinking - we are all here to help each other - It sounds like you really want to break this chain - please let us try to help you.

    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.



      Sheri;1107672 wrote: Hi Azmarkm,

      I know you've been struggling and was wondering if you have a plan going forward that doesn't include AL.

      There was a time when I thought AL helped me, but that is the hook that traps us all in the never-ending vicious cycle. Getting AL out of my life was the only way I could wake up and feel like a real person. It didn't happen overnight, but I didn't get myself into the predicament I was in overnight either, and what I realized is the longer I stayed away from AL, the stronger and more real I became.

      We all know that our disease/affliction/addiction is progressive, but so is recovery, and we've all got to start at the beginning and make our way through the difficult parts to get to the other side.

      Please let us know how we can help you.

      Sheri, I think it has to be all or nothing and nothing it is. My body just doesn't want to deal with this anymore, nor do I want to deal with it!

