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    I am an embarrassment to my boyfriend and myself when I drink because I just carry on and don't stop. I hate the person I become when I drink, it reminds me of my childhood with my dad, and I vowed I would never be the monster he was, but on alcohol I become somebody else and it is crippling. Please I need support because I need to get back control of my life. Any advice?


    Hi Little L and welcome . Alcohol make's all of us into people that we don't like, maybe not at the start but by the time we work out we need help, it does . You have found a great place in MYO with great people willing to help and support, read lot's and ask question's, there is no "one fit's all" way here but lot's of way's to find your way out .
    AF 5/jan/2011



      Little L - welcome to the MWO community. Remember that addiction is a disease that is often passed down through families. Doesn't make it any better I know, and I often felt the same way about about my father.

      You know what though? I am different then my father, because I decided to do something different and confront my drinking (just like you are). In that way, I am NOTHING like him because rather than continue to alienate my family and those that love me, I chose a different path and so became the person he NEVER chose to be.

      So, instead of stewing over how much you are like him, realize that you are your own person who can make your own choices, and do what you need to do to make it happen. Download and read the book if you haven't already, and spend some time hear reading about other people's stories - something I took great comfort in when I was just starting out. Above all, feel free to ask for help and share what you are feeling, as simply being able to talk to others about what is going on in your life helps immensely.

      Best of luck to you.....
      Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."



        Hi Little L!

        Welcome to MWO, glad you found us, this is a good place!
        The best place to start is by reading the MWO book. You can download it right from the Health store here.

        You took a smart step by reaching out & asking for help! We're here to support you but you need to make a commitment & a good plan to kick AL out of your life. I did & I am grateful

        Wishing you the best!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



          Welcome Little L....

          I am glad you are here. While I do not have alcoholic parents (I guess I'm the black sheep), I can relate to being out of control. I am just coming back again. There's a lot of support here. Just keep reading and posting when you can. We can do this.




            Hi L

            I just want to join the others in saying hello and welcoming you into our family. You've done the hardest part by asking for help and in the right place as we all understand how you feel.

            Stay strong, read everything you can here and decide on a plan that seems right for you:l


            Just taking it day by day.......



              Hi LittleL, and welcome. The good news is that you realise that you don't like your relationship with alcohol, and that perhaps you need to look at getting the power back.

              Regardless of your long term goals, abstinance, moderation, etc, it sometimes is a helpful thing to take some time away from alcohol. A lot of people take a 30 challenge of no booze, to help clear their heads and gain some perspective, to better help them with looking at their life, and where they want to go.

              For me, this pattern you describe continued for a long time, and got worse, until I was a rock bottom. I don't wish for you or anyone to go there. You can fight this battle. One step at a time.

              Sober since Feb 7, 2010.

