I am a closet drinker. I use drinking to numb out life, or to enhance it if I happen to be in the rare good mood or socializing. In otherwords, most evenings for over 20 years I drink. I drink in secret hiding it especially from my husband. I have a stash in my closet. If not, I sneak gulps of anything that's in the liquor cabinet, watering the bottles down if it's obvious and replacing whats missing with a trip to the liquor store the next day. My family thinks I drink socially and maybe just a few drinks during the week. I haven't always pulled it of and have been caught several times. I just tell my husband I will stop and eventually it dies down and I go back to my old routine.
This is the reason why I can't get rid of the liquor in the house. My husband drinks
responsibly. I can't tell him any of this, I don't want to explain why. I just want to know how many people do the same thing.
This is so humiliating, I can only admit it online. But getting it out feels really good. You are the first people I've told about the secrecy. I'm actually a memebr for over a year, but posted here by mistake. I am doing better tha a year ago, but want to do much better that now.