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fellow closet drinkers?

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    fellow closet drinkers?

    I got to the point that hiding bottles was to much trouble ,so I bought 4 litre boxes ,I threw the outer box away before I got home and kept the inner pouch under my pile of wool .Unfortunately however clever I was hiding the wine , the effects and the smell always gave me away. I was like bettygirl I told my family I had stopped ,but I don't think they trusted me.
    AF 10th June 2014


      fellow closet drinkers?

      My favourite trick was to disappear into the other room to update my iPod on the pc - I would take a pint of Pepsi which I would swig half then fill the glass with vodka then down it in one. I'd go back into the front room feeling proud and clever. Twenty minutes later I would be all over the place, but still thinking nobody would see through me (I was wrong!)
      Last drink 6th September 2013


        fellow closet drinkers?

        Sometimes I'm actually proud of how inventful and sneaky I can be - why I don't know. Maybe because I feel like I've got "one up" on him since he can be so self righteous it's sick.

        Anyway - thank you all. I don't feel so alone anymore.


          fellow closet drinkers?

          For me it's beer. Awhile back I discovered the tall 8% beer cans. They were lighter so easier to tote into the house, stash and carry away. I only need a couple to feel a good buz. Then I needed 3, then 4. I fell down the stairs one night and didn't even remember. I woke up and everything hurt from my face to my feet. I was lucky I wasn't seriously injured. My husband knows I drink secretly but can't figure out how I'm doing it. He doesn't know the extent of it or how long i've been doing it either. Now I'm nearing 5 or 6 and rarely do I go 3 days without drinking.

          I think I'm so smart and have everything under control and then I fall again or do what I did last week. I wanted more beer so I went to get 2 more "going to the drug store honey". When I came back I couldn't park and ran into my husband's truck. I should have my car back tomorrow. I'm scared now - what's next?


            fellow closet drinkers?

            Doodles123;1555556 wrote: I wanted more beer so I went to get 2 more "going to the drug store honey".
            I never hid my drinking but I came up with plenty of excuses to run to the "little store". I'd burst into my daughters room and say "Hey...want some candy???" Eventually she knew what I was doing, but she always got candy out of it. Thank heavens I always made it back home to her, since I was leaving the house already intoxicated. I cannot even imagine making THAT call from jail to my parents "I left your granddaughter at home alone so I could go get beer and now I'm in jail"....uh no...that's a call I never want to make!!!
            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              fellow closet drinkers?

              I have been a closet drinker for the past three+ years! It started out with me going to the car to chug those small bottles of wine as social lubrication (no one else out for dinner seemed to want more wine, and I was always praying someone would want 2-3 glasses like me, but some how everyone else was able to drink in moderation!)... Then I started to get a bit of a tolerance and found I was drinking more and more. I remember the first (and fortunately one of the very few) daytime drinks I had, but it was then I realized I had a developing problem. I don't know why I kept making excuses for myself. I became an evening drinker. I couldn't wait to get home from work so I could drink drink drink. I dont know how much I would drink, but if I said 3-4 drinks, that would mean 3-4 huge ones, and each drink was probably the equivalent of 2+ drinks). K9Lover, I definitely did the runs to the "little stores" or to the "drug store" but I was actually going out to get more booze! I always had a stash in my dresser or my closet (wine first, then eventually hard liquor)... The funniest part (peculiar, not haha) is that NO ONE knew (no one knows except my people at AA). I was always well behaved, maybe more talkative, rarely slurry, and I didn't get red. I definitely had messed up sleep patterns and hangovers (these were somehow "managable") so I kept making excuses for myself saying I could keep this up. Over the past 3-4 months, however, my mood started really changing - I think I was developing more and more of a tolerance, drinking more, sleeping less (cumulative 4-5 hours was good for me in one night!), and getting alcohol-induced anxiety and depression, a vicious cycle. My husband started to notice I was always mad at him, he couldn't figure out why. So, I have been sober since 10/7/13 (minus one night, but I am going to forgive myself & take it one day at a time), I started going to AA, made friends, and I am starting to feel like I can manage this. I hope this isn't all the proverbial cloud 9 (pink cloud), because I often hear myself saying "my problems aren't as bad as so and so's, this will be easy for me." The fact is, alcoholism is alcoholism, no matter how much I drink (drank), if I know it's a problem for me, it's a problem...


                fellow closet drinkers?

                Welcome YellowBrickRoad!

                I'm so glad you're here! You should join us over in the Newbies Nest thread, it's very busy, but you'll be welcomed with open arms! Please stick around so we can get to know you!

                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

