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So Far

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    So Far

    My original post last Monday was a cry for help and advice , I was amazed at the response from people whom I dont even know how they took the time to post lenghty replies and advice to me.

    I figured I would start this thread to track my own progress , kinda like a diary I guess. So here goes

    Sunday morning time 7.45am uk time

    I am quite pleased with myself. I was so down after my visit to the gp I really tried to cut back on alcohol to see if I could do it alone. reading the posts from others on here made me think I could at least try taper down. From Wednesday till now I have drunk 1, 750cl bottle of vodka and 1 ,35cl bottle. For me this is a bloody miracle I had been drinking a
    750cl bottle a day till last Wednesday.

    My wd is what I struggle with and it was quite normal for me to have a drink within 30 mins of waking up.,and I am a very early riser. I have not had a drink till at least ten am and have been trying to just have really small measures say 4-5 a day.

    I have woke up this morning and as of yet am not shaking I hope they have calmed a little , I still have headache and aches but I think this is because I am not totally off the vodka.

    So why am I pleased, yesterday was a worring day for me I knew I was going out last night and was scared that the little bit of progress I had made would all fall down , During the day yesterday I had 3 bloody marys , I am trying to cut down on the pepsi max I usually have with vodka in a bid to trick myself out it I dont know why but I drink tomato juice much slower and there is much less vodka in it ,

    Anyway I went out last night for 3 hours and didnt have a drink at all. In the pub playing pool with a band in the background ( whom were, I have to add the worst singers I have ever heard, they almost emptied the pub of customers )

    I was out 3 hours and had 2 diet tonic waters I came home and had two small single measure vodkas and was in bed sober for midnight I am taking it one day at a time and hope that soon I can be having a drink free day then two .... I see the alcohol nurse on Tuesday so at least I know I wont feel as bad or as shamed as I did when i saw my GP last week as I am trying to help myself

    So Far

    Cakes ~
    This is fantastic news. Well done you. I've never been able to cut down in my entire life. You've given your self such a head start with the alcohol nurse.

    Just a wee thought has pepsi max got caffeine in it? I know that I get a bit antsy when I have to much caffeine.

    Looking forward to your next update.

    J x
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      So Far

      CQ you have done an amazing job, with that level of dependancy cutting down is a real achievement and a great start :goodjob:. As Molly and Jackie say, the next step is seeing the nurse on Tuesday, good luck with that and I hope that you can stop completely after seeing her.

      Shame the band was so terrible, but excellent job of not drinking whilst out, that is a challenge I have yet to take on, so you have inspired me that I can do that too!

      All the best for next week, let us know how you get on.


        So Far

        Well done Queenie, keep at it, youu will not know yourself soon, you will feel so much better
        your doing great, good luck with thenurse, let us know how it goes
        Progress, not perfection!!!
        A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


          So Far

          Just wants to add my hugs and say well done for cutting down the way you did, I'm an all or nothing girl too, although the time before last, I just drank a half bottle of vodka during the day instead of my usual amount to wean myself off and that seemed to help.

          Well done on Sat night going out and not drinking, to do that whilst still drinking is great something I'd never be able to do.

          Hope your appointment with the nurse goes well and please update us, I;d be interested to see what she says and recommends

          Just taking it day by day.......


            So Far

            Aww thanks so much everyone I cant belive my difference in a week I know i did scare myself to death last week so i guess I am stronger than I thought , so sod you Mr GP who wouldnt help me get through the first couple of days ... I am getting there slowly myself

            I guess I am using this thread just to keep track of my own drinking , Sunday was another good day compared to the last few years , I had my first drink at in the pub whilst playing pool It was lager and lime , i have not drunk this for years really but figured it better than vodka, I was in the pub for about 2.12 hours I had another lager and lime and came home. We watched a movie and made dinner , I had two small bloody marys and went to bed sober

            I have my appointment with the alcohol nurse in the morning and am so pleased I have managed to cut down , my wd symptoms are almost gone, well the shakes have certainly calmed down although I am sweating like mad at night I look like I have had my finger in a plug socket the state of my hair on a morning ... very attractive look !!!!

            I am still getting headaches, but I am still drinking. My goal was going to try to stay dry today but as I am going out to dinner tonight I know I would probably cave in, so instead I am going to not drink all day and have two drinks of either wine or lager with dinner

            I dont want to dissapoint myself if i say I am not drinking then do, so thats todays goal I am now going to potter around in the garden and my veg patch then if it doesnt rain cut the grass .. here to another one more step day

            Lots of love T xxxx


              So Far

              and as for the band in the pub oh my lord I am a music junkie and it was just the local pub we popped to but there were probably about 50 people in the pub the band came on and within 3 songs there was a mass exedus lol ... they were dreadful they sund covers of Kings of Leon , Bruno Marrs , Eagles , and a few others we were in the pool room but the only way i can describe the noise was that he sounded like a character from The Simpsons We were howling with laughter


                So Far

                JackieClaire;1111305 wrote: Cakes ~
                This is fantastic news. Well done you. I've never been able to cut down in my entire life. You've given your self such a head start with the alcohol nurse.

                Just a wee thought has pepsi max got caffeine in it? I know that I get a bit antsy when I have to much caffeine.

                Looking forward to your next update.

                J x
                And yes J I am a pepsi max addict lol have been for years so its a double shock to my system lol I have never drunk as much tomato juice and tabasco sauce:H:H , my lips are numb :H


                  So Far

                  You are one amazing lady, Cake Queen !! To have the resilience and self-control to drastically cut down is a feat of giant porportions. We are all in awe of you ! Keep up the fantastic work on your emergence into the sober and healthy world. You are like a budding flower, slowly, delicately unfurling your beautiful petals in your own, measured time. You have more power than you know. You are an example to us all. Love Tips:goodjob:

                  I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                  "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                  ? Lao-Tzu


                    So Far

                    Well done queenie, you have drastically reduced your AL intake, that has taken a lot of guts. Just want to add my support, so glad you are feeling so much better! :l


                      So Far

                      Tips what a lovely thing to say xxxx although the rate I am eating I will be bouncing and rolling into my sober world I have never really eaten much but seem to be constantly picking at the moment


                        So Far

                        cake queen, i have just read back on your previous posts. you are doing amazingly well. cutting down from that amount must be really hard... and to stop drinking after a couple is fantastic (totally not in my capability)
                        with your strength of resolve and proffessional help you will achieve great things. WELL DONE!
                        Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                        Keep passing the open windows


                          So Far

                          Hey Cakes, Eating is the lesser of two evils and it's actually not an evil at all but a lovely pleasure. The pounds will come off when you start doing activities that you never dreamed of doing in the past. Everything will sort itself out. So happy for you.
                          Tips xxxoxx

                          I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                          "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                          ? Lao-Tzu


                            So Far

                            oh I am not worried about gaining weight I am only a uk size 10 I could do with toning up though when I get to the stage when I am not a functioning alcoholic I will re join the gym Its just unusal for me to pick and eat more than dinner on an evening I have a real sweet tooth at the moment something i never have had ever yet i have happily munched my way through loads of the kids haribos today lol


                              So Far

                              and its now nearly 5pm and still no drink , I am so pleased

