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Hi from a newbie

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    Hi from a newbie

    Hi everyone,

    I'm a 34 year old female who has been drinking for about 10 years. I am lucky in that I have always managed to function pretty well and have always maintained a job and kept my head above water financially. But aclohol abuse has caused me terrible problems in my relationships and I'm very worried that I will lose a wonderful man who wants to marry me.

    I have cut down on my drinking but I still get blackout drunk every 3 to 4 days or so. I get very cross with myself as I can easily go without a drink for a few days but then I seem powerless to resist the cravings. I have been aware that I have a problem for a long time and I have never really been in denial, alhough as I do not drink every day I find it very hard to convince others that I have a problem.

    I have just started Kudzu today and hope that will help. I've read loads of messages and they've made very informative reading, one defining the difference between withdrawal symptons and cravings was particularly helpful.

    Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.

    Hi from a newbie

    Welcome Kitty:welcome:

    I think it is very hard sometimes to convince others of just how bad our drinking habits are if we are keeping them 'hidden' at home behind doors, or we seemingly live normal lives in other peoples eyes.

    I have recently read a post by another of our members (CV1) about Alcoholism and fixing the Brain. It is an amazing (and quite technical) read, but I was so interested in how, after years of overdoing the alcohol, our brain/body chemistry actually changes, which can make giving up/abstaining very difficult to do. Your cravings could be caused by this
    Addressing those changes include taking vitamin/mineral supps, making changes to diet etc etc.

    I too have spent the last 10-15 years really overdoing the wine. But over the last couple of months I have been slowly starting to take the supplements suggested and I have far fewer cravings than what I used to. I am taking topamax (still on 25mg).

    You are a fantastic age to address this. You're young, you have a great man, you could still have kids if you want to.
    You sound like you are being upfront and honest, plus you have posted here which is an awesome place to start:thumbs:

    I am only a few weeks (this time) back AF and I really feel 'at home' with it now. The positives for me far far outweigh any benefits I got from annihilating myself every night (and sometimes day).

    Keep going and moving forward with positive steps!
    To find Cv1's post, just do a search on 'Alcoholism and Fixing the Brain'


    Sober since 30/06/10


      Hi from a newbie

      Welcome Kitty!

      You have found a great resource here with a lot of people who have a great deal of strength and wisdom to offer.

      Stay tuned, because it works!


        Hi from a newbie

        Thanks for the replies. Amelia I have already printed off the fixing the brain threads. I was really busy at work today but will read them asap. From a quick glance I see what you meen about them being very technical but they look very interesting.


        Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.

