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Hello... Abstinence vs. Non-abstinence. YOUR HELP... Thanks.

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    Hello... Abstinence vs. Non-abstinence. YOUR HELP... Thanks.


    I have come to this board many times, and have read many of your posts over the years, and this is the first time I am actually trying to seek advice through MWO. I don't think I could ever do anything like this in front of a physical crowd (like AA), so I am so grateful this avenue is available. I have a HUGE problem. It is bad. I never thought it would get to this level, but it has.

    I drink ALL the time. ALL the time. What was once "fun" and funny, is disgusting and pathetic, and even though I know it it is, I don't care, when I don't want it to care--if that makes any sense. I drink ALL THE TIME, I hide it consistently, and I get away with it (so I believe). The lengths I go to to hide it is disgusting, tiring, and depressing. 80 percent of my time is thinking about how to get alcohol and how to disguise being able to get it. That is 80 percent of my life, every day.

    I have made progress in a way, I hope, by finally approaching my doctor and a family member about it. They are helping me, and I am grateful for that, but I still don't think they understand the extent alcohol has developed a control over me. I don't think I can be completely abstinent, which is all they propose I do. I physically and emotionally can't. I got a prescription for Naltrexone, and am wondering if anyone has any input on the Sinclair Method and whether it has worked.

    Any advice is appreciated...

    Hello... Abstinence vs. Non-abstinence. YOUR HELP... Thanks.

    Im pretty new here.......been abusing AL for about 20 years. I thought about stopping, tried it once or twice, always came back.

    After my "scared straight" incident, I have managed to stave off AL for about 10 days now.

    My next goal is to reach 30 days AF, I feel that after that period, the patterns/triggers will at 11

    Just try one day, then the next day, build off the success, you will feel MUCH better. I have more energy now, and sleep a lot better(used to have to mix AL and sleep pills to get to bed)

    GL lots of great peeps here with lots of great advice
    Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



      Hello... Abstinence vs. Non-abstinence. YOUR HELP... Thanks.

      What was the "scared straight" incident? What did it require?


        Hello... Abstinence vs. Non-abstinence. YOUR HELP... Thanks.

        hi lindyle and :welcome:
        you have taken a huge step by admitting your problem. i found once i was honest with my doc i could finally get on with addressing my alcohol issues. i too would struggle with a physical group and find mwo a fantastic source of info and support.
        as for the naltrexone, you could go to the meds section, there is a lot of info there. i know ukblonde has recently started nal and has posted a thread about it.
        if you are drinking all the time you could have a problem with withdrawals. i dont know too much about it but just be careful. im sure someone will come along with more advice on this. keep reading and post any questions you have.
        Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
        Keep passing the open windows


          Hello... Abstinence vs. Non-abstinence. YOUR HELP... Thanks.

          Hi Lindyle

          I've started using Naltrexone and so far am feeling a lot better. I don't have charts or graphs of my drinking, but at the moment it's not affecting my life to the same extent it was before. There have even been one or two occasions where I have gotten absolutely nothing from alcohol and thus stopped at the first drink - this is virtually unheard of for me.

          I have however been warned that I could well be in the 'honeymoon' period for Nal, and that drinking might get worse before it gets better. I've been reading around in the internet about TSM, as well as joining a specific TSM forum. It's not an overnight cure. The main thing I struggle with is waiting at least one hour before drinking, thus I tend to take my 50mg earlier in the day for this reason and sometimes take another 50mg if I know it's actually going to be much later when I get chance to drink(ie towards the end of it's 10 hour effectiveness).

          I am a bit worried because I've had two drinking occurences this week within 48 hours of each other, but one of those I left at 1 drink because I simply didn't get any buzz from it. The second was a little more, and I did feel something but still stopped at less than 1/3 of my usual intake in one session.

          Naltrexone isn't giving me any side effects apart from nausea which is handleable, and it's not too expensive so will be carrying on with it


            Hello... Abstinence vs. Non-abstinence. YOUR HELP... Thanks.

            Hi lindyle welcome to mwo, Your took a great step in coming here and posting fair play to you, There are lots of great people here with lots of great advice and support as we can all relate to what your going through, keep posting and asking questions as you are not alone, :-)

            :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

            Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
            I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

            This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


              Hello... Abstinence vs. Non-abstinence. YOUR HELP... Thanks.

              lindyle;1114519 wrote: What was the "scared straight" incident? What did it require?
              I ended up in ICU with no idea how I got there.....they werent gonna let me leave......Ill post up the whole story here in a few days in the abber section.

              It wasnt pretty, but I have a great wife supporting me, and a very strong determination to never ever let that happen again.

              Ive been a daily, heavy drinker for a few decades, I just decided to stop and at this point, its still working.

              I am researching outpatient treatments and drugs that curb the cravings as well, this HAS to work
              Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



                Hello... Abstinence vs. Non-abstinence. YOUR HELP... Thanks.


                Hi It's a personal decision that everyone has to come to grips with as to what works for them. I had no idea how much easier abstinence would be (for me) until I did it. Non-abstinence was just too hard for me personally. I'd be in denial if I think I could moderate safely. I also had no idea how much better my life would be sober. Best of luck in your choice. :h

