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Day #1

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    Day #1

    Hi All:

    Been lurking for several days and have to admit that reading others' stories has really put this whole drinking thing into perspective for me. I've known for ages that I have to stop drinking for good...moderating isn't a possibility for me...but taking that first step just seemed too frightening somehow. I come from a long line of drinkers and it's been part of my daily life for way too many years now. Embarrassing situations? Check. Hiding how much I drink? Check. I could go on and on. I feel really ready to pull myself out of this now, and hopefully with the wonderful support here, I will be successful. :new:


    Day #1

    Judy, This is a fabulous site. I sometimes just spend an hour reading old posts. I always gain something coming here. Good luck to you and keep reading and posting.


      Day #1

      Thanks, Peace, and I've already learned probably the most important lesson here--that I'm not alone! I'm feeling encouraged by reading the posts and I definitely know there's strength in numbers. I was AF for four years but inexplicably started up again about three years ago. My husband has just become a non-drinker because of a health issue, so now is the perfect time for me to tackle this again. I'm so looking forward to finding myself again. Thanks again!


        Day #1

        Welcome JBE - you have found a great place to be. Stick around you'll meet some great people and there is always someone about if you need to talk.
        It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


          Day #1

          Hi Judyblueeyes

          Is this Day 2 for you because I'm going to try and have an AF day today.



            Day #1

            I did it!


            I'm on day 2! I managed an AF day yesterday. It was really tough but the day before even tougher. I confessed to my husband and best friend. It was really very sad, humiliating and embarassing.

            BUT, confessing helped my get through yesterday. If I hadn't shared with these two key people I probably would have fallen off at about 3pm yesterday. The guilt and shame now out in the open meant I just couldn't cause them both all this upset and bail.

            I took the kids to the park at 3:30, we fed the ducks got home played and I just kept drinking herbal teas and keeping busy. I had a weird nights sleep, sweated allot (tmi) but feel very proud this morning - I have NO hangover.

            I think today might be harder but I plan to go swimming when my husband gets in. Plan Plan Plan is my plan!

            No wine in the house was a good move. Poured my last half a bottle away yesterday morning - it felt good!

            I have to do this, I know it has to be better. Stay stron and focus on all the positives guys. One day at a time x


              Day #1

              Welcome Judy, glad to have you here.
              JoeB, way to go keep trying!

              Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                Day #1

                Hi Judy,

                Welcome to MWO! This is a good place with lots of info & support

                If you haven't already, go to the Health Store here on the site & download the MWO book. Theres a lot of good info in it for you. Also look in the for lots of great ideas to help you make your plan.

                I think most of us can admit to procrastinating......putting off quitting although we knew we really needed to do just that. But you can do it - we're here for support.

                Wishing ytou the best on you journey!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Day #1

                  Hi everyone, and thanks for all the cheerful support!:thanks:

                  It's DAY TWO for me and, for all the dreading, not drinking last night was much easier than I thought it would be. I never drink before 5, so if I can make it past my witching hour, I'm good to go!

                  UKB and Joe: It looks like we're in exactly the same place, and I'm happy to have company on this journey. I'll be here for you whenever you need someone!

                  Anyway, no hangover this morning, but weird dreams and sleeplessness last night. I guess my poor body is just so used to being knocked unconscious and having the night to recover. Sigh. I also have some mild ringing in my ears...maybe it'll just go away.

                  My husband and I are going to FL for the week and leave at noon (I'm in Chicago). There's a big bottle of vodka in the kitchen pantry down there, and my plan (the first one for the day) is to dump it as soon as we arrive. No way will I get past 5 p.m. with that calling to me from the pantry!

                  Have a wonderful day, everyone!:h


                    Day #1

                    Welcome JBE! Congrats on that AF day. Together we can do this.

                    Congrats also to Joeb! Love your plan plan plan!

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      Day #1

                      Day 3

                      Hi all,

                      I can't beleive I'm made it to day three. Yesterday was hard. I was cross, angry and a rat to my children. However, again this morning I feel good about myself. I feel like my skin looks brighter and my eyes less like road maps. All little positives. I'm also thinking that I've got an extra ?20 in my pocket which would have been drunk and waisted in just two days!

                      It's raining today so am planning a painting session after nursery and some cooking. Just keep saying I DON'T WANT TO FEEL SHIT, I DON'T WANT TO FEEL SHIT. Get the herbal teas and low cal hot chocolate next to the kettle and be strong. I hope today will be better not worse. Pleeeeeeeeeeeease let me win! Comon all you, we can do it. It has to be better xxx Hopeful x

