I am a binge drinker. I drink when Im stressed and when I want to have fun. Then I drink alone and in excess. I don't drink every day, but atleast twice a week. Then I spend a few days recovering and feeling horrible inside and out. I am stronger than this. I have a great job and a beautiful little girl. I realized recently (in the last 3 days) that there is more to life than the feeling I get when I open a can of beer. I admitted to my fiance that I was drinking too much yesterday. He said he knew. I asked why he didn't bring it up to me at all. He said I would get mad when he has tried. I have overcome many bad situations in my life, I have a great job, and most importantly a daughter that I won't be able to hide hangover's from much longer. I don't want her to know me as someone who deals with life by smoking cigarette's and drinking till 3am on a weekday. I have asked God for help with this situation, and I found this site. I am determined to make this change, renew my sence of self, lose weight, and put this in my past as quickly as possible. There is More To Life, and I plan to experience it.
Thank You for reading this, and any word of support is appreciated as I am not someone who will talk about this with friends or family. I have my sister and my fiance for support here at home, but this is where I will come for confort from those who know how it is when the time comes during the day to pass on that former comfort. Bless You All, :new: