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Groundhog Day

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    Groundhog Day

    So. I'm back here again. I can't seem to shake this alcohol thing. I go a couple of days and then drink on the third day every time for some reason. It is ruining my health and life. I'm desperate. I guess I'm really not happy with my life at the moment and it numbs the pain for a few hours. I KNOW all the horrible consequences and the common sense reasons not to do it buuuuutttt STILL without fail manage to convince myself each time that it's not that bad.. or I'll just stop next week. etc etc Going cold turkey will be hard especially as I'm moving into a share house soon and people will be drinking around me a lot and I'll want to join in. I told myself oh it will be ok as I just wont drink alone, only when I'm socializing. It's like I'm in two minds. A constant battle with myself when It comes to alcohol. It's driving me crazy!
    Courage is not the absence of fear, it's acting in spite of it.

    Groundhog Day

    Hi Angel. I can relate to several things you describe. I went through that cycle too of a telling myself I wouldn't drink, then drinking and telling myself I would quit tomorrow / next week / on my birthday / whatever, then feeling guilt and remorse, then telling myself I wasn't that bad, etc. Over and over and over.

    For me, controling my intake was simply not possible. While I could always find someone who seemed "worse than me" the truth is, my own consequences steadily got worse over the years. Comparing to others was not productive for me.

    In order to stop, I had to be 100% committed to the idea of being alcohol free. 98% committment with a small part of me thinking I could drink safely didn't cut it.

    Not sure if that helps. A firm decision is important, I think, to getting off on the right foot.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Groundhog Day

      Groundhog day! Not laughing but I use the same term. I support your efforts and am with you in spirit.


        Groundhog Day


        I echo what everyone else before me has said. Until I finally got 30 days AF under my belt, I didn't realize how much better I would feel once it was out of my system. That being said, it's still not easy, but much, much more manageable. I've learned the hard way that I cannot moderate as I think a lot of others here will tell you.

        Ultimately it is your choice - just coming here and sharing has probably been a huge step for you.

        I look forward to hearing more from you!

        You'll find lots of encouragement and support here.
        Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


          Groundhog Day

          Hi Angel,

          I think it's safe to say that most of us have been where you are now - stuck in a repetitive cycle & knowing full well that things could/will get worse!

          Bottom line is you have to make a decision: stay in the cycle & hope for the best OR take charge & make some important, positive changes in your life.

          Getting those first 30 AF days under your belt is a great place to start. Everything changed in my thinking once AL was out of my life - it could happen for you too

          Make the best decision for you!
          Wishing yuo the best!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Groundhog Day

            HI Angel,
            Just wanted to say good luck in your journey!

            Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


              Groundhog Day

              Oh man can I relate to the title of your post. It does seam to get like that movie for sure! Same old story. Not fun. What's cool is it can change, I didn't think it could but it can. Your going to feel so much better. Take care, Choice


                Groundhog Day

                Hi All, thank you for your lovely messages. Doggy Girl- Hello! Yes, that does help I reaaalllyyy need to make a decision and stick to it. Easier said then done... Haha. Rosyreal- With you in spirit also! Hi MollyKa your post was really sweet, thank you. I stopped drinking for about 28 days before and I remember feeling like I was a teenager again, in relation to energy and looks anyway! Oh, and definitely finance too. Jolie- I look forward to hearing more from you too, Cute Avatar by the way Lavande- What you say makes so much sense. Thanks for your help.sunshinetoday- thankyou! Choice- Hello! and thank you also xxxxxxx
                Courage is not the absence of fear, it's acting in spite of it.


                  Groundhog Day

                  Hi Angel

                  just wanted to agree with the others and tell you yes it does get easier the more AF days you get under your belt, I think its then you have more to compare too, just a thought anyway, as for the day 3 thing I was told that it takes 72 hours for the last of the alcohol to clear yor system which is why you want to drink again, your body wants it fix of AL, not sure how accurate that is but day 3 was always the hardest for me.

                  Anyway hope you are feeling okay:l

                  Just taking it day by day.......


                    Groundhog Day

                    Hi Angel - I can so relate! this is my fourth attempt since finding MWO. I woke so happy and energised this morning and ready to face the world. I had a good day and feel relaxed and well - but yet again, the cravings are back - 5:45pm on a Saturday evening - and so many thoughts as to why a drink is a good thing. I fired up my laptop and am reading diligently, making the voices recede. After a weekend under my belt, I know next week will be easier. Day 6 almost conquered!
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                      Groundhog Day

                      Hi Angel,
                      Me too honey...but at least we keep trying which has got to be A step in the right direction!?! I like to think so :H I also like to think everyday that we do make it through is one less of falling into bed ready for the reaper!! (I talk of myself only here-lol). So power to you for trying! And well done for the ones you've tucked under your belt!
                      Hi Scottish Lass, hope you made it through unscathed. What a bloody struggle. Still buildings and Rome and all that.
                      Hope everyone's having a super sober day! :l

