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new day
new day
today i don't have to work so my routine is different. I have an appointment and then typically i come home and drink beer for the rest of the day. Today I will try something different as in examine the toolbox one of the members suggested to me though I have not found it yet.I will keep looking. Might keep me out of trouble. If I can just change one thing, I believe that leads to be able to change another.
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new day
hi rosy, hope you can avoid the booze temptation. i noticed on another thread you asked about wether to keep using one thread or to start a new one. i lot of people find that using one thread to post there journey on can be helpful, it also helps others to follow how you're doing and offer advice/support if they can. the toolbox thread is in the just starting out section, hopefully someone will come along and post a link (i havent worked out how to do that yet)
i had a mad craving to drink on monday, i just went to bed and relaxed (errrr went to sleep) for a bit and it passed. its always good to do something else to keep busy, perhaps a walk, bake a cake (and eat it) just something to take your mind off alToday is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
Keep passing the open windows
new day
Hi Rosy here's a link to the https://www.mywayout.org/community/f1...box-27556.html it's in the monthly abstinence section and can be tricky to find at the startAF 5/jan/2011
new day
rosy, it's good to see you back today with a plan of action (read the toolbox) instead of drinking. I can relate to your post. I used to LOVE the days when I had either no appointments or just early appointments and then I would come home and DRINK. For me, that ended up being a self imposed prison. Once the drinking was underway I really couldn't do anything else. I am so glad not to be living that way any more. I hope you find your way out of that too!
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
new day
HI Rosy,
Habit breaking is always a good way to change the cycle. Drinking was a habit whether I felt like I wanted to or not, I just did it. Glad to see you already have ideas in the works!
Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington
new day
Good plan to change your habits. Hope it works out well for you today. I will be thinking of you and hoping you have made good choices. Am already late for work so must go but sending you strength.
MazDeveloping an Attitude of Gratitude