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Made it almost thru Day 5... and then..

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    Made it almost thru Day 5... and then..

    had a few drinks Friday and Saturday.
    I'm bumbed that I messed up but I'm not going to beat myself up over it.
    And I didn't over do it. I made it 5 days so I know I can do this.
    Thanks everyone for being here.

    Made it almost thru Day 5... and then..

    You're right not to beat yourself up. 5 days is awesome. For some reason it is also often the day people hit the wall and lapse. Then there is the whole fact of it being weekend, which shouldn't make any difference when you drink most days, but still seems to have a psychological pull.

    Just get back on and try for 7 days. Tell yourself that next weekend will be AF, and make some plans to be busy enough to keep you out of trouble


      Made it almost thru Day 5... and then..

      One of the best pieces of advice that has helped me the most is..........just say I wont drink "today".....and not try to envision life without AL.

      Hope that helps a little

      After doing much research, Im very convinced that proper vitamins is very beneficial as well
      Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



        Made it almost thru Day 5... and then..

        I'm with dancinon you know you can do 5 days so now try for 7 days and also try to get something else planned before the week-end so you don't slip
        I've just finished 7 days and now on my 2 nd week I got my crocheting out to take my mind off it I know it's hard I also have to watch my husband drink knowing I can't have that first drink


          Made it almost thru Day 5... and then..


          Distraction is the key!!!!
          Revise your plan - fill it with lots of things you like to do to keep your mind off of AL! Change your routine - that helps as well

          merry, congrats on your 7 AF days!!!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Made it almost thru Day 5... and then..

            Thanks everyone!
            I know I can do this


              Made it almost thru Day 5... and then..

              Mya - i got to 5 days at the beginning of May and was so let down, that i did not even manage to get thru day 1 next time i started! Day 7 today, witching hour has arrived, but I am determined - do not be down on yourself, celebrate the 5 days AF - that is a big achievement, use that success to bolster your confidence to do it again.
              As so many wise folks say - one day at a time....and they WILL add up:l
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

