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    new here:)

    hi . names jay new here .obviusly had a drinking problem for sometime . but been in one to one coumscelling and group for about 6 months now and things have improved. hoping now to slowly work my way to abstincence. been doing things to help myself ie taking supplements going to the gym . and trying to keep postive im not too sure about a week down the road or whatever in terms of drinking but ju for today im sober and hope to remain that way .
    im from the uk
    a few weeks ago a friend of mine died from alocoholism he had a fit whilst he was still asleep . the sad thing was he was about to go into rehab and had greatly reduced his intake ... one of the problems in the uk are these super strength ciders and lagers theyre poison heavily chemiclaized stuff and theyte cheap . why the govt doesnt ban them is beyond me as they are banned in europe . dont know about else where .
    well its nice to be here and i hope people are doing well
    best wishes all

    new here

    Hi Jay!

    I'm also new here. I'm 10 days AF and starting my second week of topa. I must say it makes me feel weird, but it definitely takes away the cravings. I've tried just about everything else, I hope this works. It will work. I will make it work. Stay well.


      new here

      Hi Jay -

      Welcome. I am new here, as well. I have found much support and much information here. I am sorry to hear of your friend. Perhaps, you can find the help here that he, unfortunately, missed.

      Read and be well.
      Yah, I know Moderation; I pass it every day on my way to Excess.


        new here

        Hi Jay,
        This is a great place to find support and advice.
        This place has helped me heaps.
        Good luck
        Keep posting


          new here

          Welcome Jay, Chile and Bluemoon :welcome:

          I"m new too and I just posted a thread on Dove's thread to welcome Dove, Michael, Scarlet and Boyce. Wow, what a great group of Newbies we have here (hope I haven't left anyone out... if so, give a shout!)

          I started last week and have been AF for 9 days. I'm a binge drinker and I want to be AF (well, that's what I'm aiming for) I drank for years and years without much issue - except maybe frequency. In the last several years though, something shifted and now most times when I do drink, I slam the drinks trying to rush myself into a stupor. It's ugly. It is now a real problem. So, I've decided I want a life without alcohol... what a concept!! Still early days....

          It's nice to know we're "in this together"...


            new here

            Hello Jay:welcome:

            I'm so sorry to hear that you have lost your friend in such an awful way. Your story will be a sombre warning for some who read this post.

            Congratulations on the positive progress that you have been making over the past 6 months. To go to counselling and to group, takes an enormous amount of courage and work on your part. You really do have to start facing up to your demons.

            I hope that you will find warmth, support, humour and friendship here to help you on your journey.
            Well done.


            Hello and welcome to Bluemoon and Chile (Well done on 10 days AF!!!!!)

            Sober since 30/06/10


              new here

              Hi Jay,

              I'm new here too. Posted on the Newbie forum yesterday. So sorry to hear about your friend. Although I am from the US, I lived in the UK for 4 years a few years back and still have a daughter living there (at university). I know what a struggle it is to try and quit - especially at this time of year and in the UK. Alcohol is everywhere!! And there's always the local pub.

              While many people will be faced with the awful task of trying to stay sober and say NO this time of year, I will at least be returning home to the US (I currently live in central Europe) to the South, where in my hometown, alcohol is actually banned! (Lots of closet drinkers there). So, in a way, it will be a refuge for me, but will make it all the more tempting when I return here after the holidays.

              I have been a full-blown alcoholic for over 12 years, and I have struggled over the past 3-4 years with my sobriety. Quitting for days, sometimes weeks, at a time.....only to start back at it again when I'm "feeling better". At this point, it has taken it's toll on my health - stomach problems, etc. That's when it's time to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Do I choose Life or Alcohol??

              So.......Good Luck.....Stay Strong........and come here to visit whenever you feel the need. That's what I plan to do!


