I have missed work a lot lately, but am very fortunate to have great bosses, who now know about my struggles with alcohol and depression and have been very accommodating.
I have had a bit of am Epiphany about drinking over the last few days and I realize now how positive of a thing being sober could be for me.
I haven't hit rock bottom, but I'm damn close. I'm worried rock bottom for me is going to be a trip to the hospital with liver/kidney/heart problems. I'm still young and relatively fit considering what I have done to myself over the years, so I really need to deal with this beast right now.
I am going to to be tapering down for a few days, as I don't want to get a doctor involved. I have done this on several occasions and made it for up to a few weeks without drinking, so I know that I can do it safely with minimal withdrawals.
Glad I found this board, I think it will be a big help.