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Day Nine and I'm feeling Fine!

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    Day Nine and I'm feeling Fine!

    Beautiful day here and I can see it with a clear head. How wonderful life is, we just forget how special everything is when we are drinking AL.

    Friday night, last night and yes, I did have cravings for about a hour. I had my partner here with his 2 children so it is a little noisy and lots going on which I am not use to as I live by myself. Normally I would have a glass of wine in hand drowning it out or just sitting on the lounge with them drinking, just me drinking. Still having a good time but forgetting everything we did in the morning. Then pretending I feel ok when they crawl into my bed at 5 in the morning and all I want to do is throw up. Then acting all day I feel fine when all I want to do is have another drink to get rid of my hangover. So yep, I would sneak one in a coffee bug so my partner and his kids would not know. I use to have a bottle of vodka hidden in my dressing room for these moments. Then we would all go on a picnic but I would make sure there was a least 2 bottles of wine packed, and on the drive it would be at least 10 in the morning so I would drink a vodka and orange on the way. Yikes!

    No more I do Not Drink AL Anymore!!

    So Day 9 get in line and join me AL Free Today!! :l

    Day Nine and I'm feeling Fine!

    Wow Mia thats amazing to come from that to nothing and feeling so fine, well done so inspirational, i have never been a big drinker i.e. spirits or drinking in the day etc but i was very reliant on a glass or two every evening which gradually sneaks up to a bottle, life is much better without it, and posting here and reading posts like yours help a great deal, who would ever want to go back to living like that, so glad your safe and sound in mind and body, day 3 just ending for me now so will tune in on day 4 , enjoy your lovely healthy day x
    Keeps x:happyheart:


      Day Nine and I'm feeling Fine!

      Fantastic Mia, you really are accomplishing what we have all set out to do. When I reach day 9 I will jump for joy. Actually day 7 will mark the longest I have ever gone since I started over-doing it. The whole waking up in the morning part is my favourite !! Sitting here at the end of day three and feeling pleased as punch. I have a hubby who is continuing our daily drinking without me. He is not a huge drinker; just 3/4 of a bottle of wine a night. But it's interesting to observe him when I am not joining him.

      Why am I finding this so easy... and this being Friday night????

      Keep Walking you are a MAJOR cheerleader and I give you a lot of credit for my following through on our commitment. You are always there to cheer us on. Because of you I went to the back of the property and bounced this afternoon...

      I hope you enjoy your bike ride tomorrow morning.

      Again, Mia, keep inspiring us!!

      I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

      "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
      ? Lao-Tzu


        Day Nine and I'm feeling Fine!

        Hi Keepwalking and Tipps! You both put a big smile on my face when I read your posts!
        Tipps, that is my most favourite thing about being sober is waking up without the hangover. Even when I wake up in the middle of the night and for a split second I think oh no here I go again but then I remember thats right I dont drink anymore yeh!!! Such a sigh of relief!

        Tipps, maybe we are both are finding it easy this time around is that we are just sick of the fight with AL! My body was just worn out with the constant fighting. So tired. My soul wants to live in peace once again.

        Sleep well you beautiful people. I am of to work for the afternoon. Then on holidays. A sober and peaceful holiday. Not going anywhere so I will be here alot!!! We do not drink AL anymore!


          Day Nine and I'm feeling Fine!

          Mia, I wish I could bottle your enthusiasm and sell it..........Id be loaded!!! (by loaded I mean rich).

          Keep it up
          Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



            Day Nine and I'm feeling Fine!

            Nelz how are you? Hope you have been on your bike!! Look forward hearing about it!! x


              Day Nine and I'm feeling Fine!

              Mia;1125386 wrote: Nelz how are you? Hope you have been on your bike!! Look forward hearing about it!! x
              Im pretty excited, Im going to a race track with it on Sunday.......I can run it just as fast as it will go and not get a speeding ticket! LOL

              I cant wait

              I will be on the very track that I have in my avatar........thats my favorite corner, its where I was draggin my knee for the first time
              Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



                Day Nine and I'm feeling Fine!

                :happy:Hi Mia,

                Congratulations, well done!

                Hi Tipp, Nelz and keepwalking...have a great AF weekend. I'm on day 13. Tomorrow will be 2 full weeks. I'm sleeping better, and working out again. Thanks for all of your great posts, they all really help me through my days.
                THOUGHTS become THINGS
                choose the GOOD

                AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


                  Day Nine and I'm feeling Fine!

                  good work all of you I was not a heavy drinker I was like Keep walking I'd look for a glass at around 5 0r 6 To have a glass and over time it was the bottle and I couldn't leave the bottle till it was finished
                  But I'm Now on day 17 and feeling good determined to be af for june


                    Day Nine and I'm feeling Fine!

                    Mia, thank you for sharing how it's going for you. I'm new to this, started moderating in the sense that didn't drink every night in May. Normally, daily wine drinker - not til evening, sometimes just 2 or 3 glasses but way too many nights killing a large bottle with dh & feeling like crap soon as I woke up. May 30th started 30 day AF, on Day 6! Identify with favorite part being morning, but strangely enough for me my favorite is when I go to bed consciously, snuggling down, knowing I took care of my face & teeth & will remember going to bed. Yes, I will join you AF today!

                    Nice to hear of all others' successes! It is freeing, is it not?
                    The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                      Day Nine and I'm feeling Fine!

                      To My Health...seems like we have the same drinking patterns with the wine...starting out small then finishing the bottle! Morning is my fav too, but I am also liking the fact that I go to bed sober and took care of everything before retiring. Slept much better last night (night 2) than the night before but stayed up too late. Still feeling much better this am than if I had drank!

                      Mia, I have also had those cravings late in the day but just saying to myself that I DON'T DRINK, NOT AN OPTION, has helped immensely. And reminding myself how good I will feel in the morning too.
                      Well Done Everyone! Keep up the good vibes! DAY THREE AND FEELING HAPPY!
                      Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                      BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                        Day Nine and I'm feeling Fine!

                        ToMyHealth That is another part I love about being sober, brushing my teeth at night and putting my face cream on and snuggling in my bed and looking at the stars.


                          Day Nine and I'm feeling Fine!

                          Hey ToMYHealth, why don't you also join in on the thread in the fitness section called 30 days, no junk, no wine and lots of exerscise. I think you would fit in perfectly with us all.

                          Hello, Keep Walking, Barbie, Merry, Mia andNeltz ... let's all continue to get to or to enjoy being in the double digits AF...

                          Sunday afternoon and I have TONS of energy to burn... tummy and head feel great.


                          I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                          "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                          ? Lao-Tzu


                            Day Nine and I'm feeling Fine!

                            Love to hear about your kayaking. I've been 2X is all. Enjoyed 2nd time more as wasn't quite so nervous. Next season I want to sign up with a group and learn more skills - esp avoiding alligators.
                            Took 2 Calm Forte last night & slept much better.

                            Feeling good on a Monday!!! Yes!!! Tonite am invited to a neighbor's to play Mahjong. Don't know anything about game or them. Normally, I would bring a bottle of wine. Not going to as I have no idea if they drink, and I'm certainly not going to. Should be interesting!

                            WTG, ladies!
                            The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.

