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Does anyone have an answer?

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    Does anyone have an answer?

    Hi everyone! I am new here........but not new to quitting drinking.........I drank since my college days and for may years enjoyed it..............then came the hell associated with spiraled out of control and I have quit numerous times...........this time I plan to be quit for the rest of my life.........the alternative it death-really............

    but my question is this: does anyone know why someone----me and others----go from drinking to blacking out? not getting buzzed or drunk.............just drinking a bunch........and waking up the next day? all of the enjoyment is gone..........there is no buzz or good vibe like I had when I was younger......? I just don't get how it progresses to enjoying booze, getting a buzz to drinking then blacking out..............

    If anyone has insight into this, I would love to hear about it!

    Does anyone have an answer?

    Sheri;1125609 wrote: Hi Wectmall, stop and think about what I was really consuming in that pretty package, or rather what was consuming me, and I couldn't fathom how I'd make it through a day without.

    Now that I'm sober, I can see exactly how and why I fell into the trap and it amazes me that it's even legal.

    The short answer is that it's POISON! :H



    That really hit home with day I realized that it was consuming me,
    only, I couldn't see it from the bottom of a bottle. For what ever reason I floated to the top, I know that reason was my life raft, and I'm not willing to let go of my life raft. AL is
    poison in a pretty package and there is no room for it in my life. 14 days AF!
    choose the GOOD

    AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


      Does anyone have an answer?


      You're right, AL should be illegal. Think of how many lives that would save, both literally and spiritually.

      Oh, If only I were Queen of the
      THOUGHTS become THINGS
      choose the GOOD

      AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


        Does anyone have an answer?

        Thanks Sheri,

        Great advice and wise words as usual.

        Still trying !!!
        AF 25th June2014


          Does anyone have an answer?

          This will not help you but I have no bloody idea. I wonder that A LOT! The only thing I've come up with is the more we drink, the more our bodies get used to it so instead of having a few bears, glasses of wine and getting a buzz, we end up needing a bottle or two BUT we then experience AL poising before any buzz so we're out cold... Maybe!?!? Or maybe we do get a buzz but we are too drunk to feel it or remember it....


            Does anyone have an answer?

            Hi Wectmal,
            I could have written your post. I tried to moderate for a while but found I lost count when I blacked out, and it was amazing to me that I was pretty much blacking out between my 3rd and 4th drink. That hadn't always been the case I use to remember more. I loved partying and staying out until last call. (Or I thought I did). Yeah, the fun ran out of it for me too and I had to quit for life. That's the goal for me now. Really the only option for me now because the more and more I read and learn about alcohol and it's affects on our mind, body, and soul... whew! I'm just glad I found this site and found some facts about blackouts. I use to think it was funny that I was killing brain cells. Really that is just sad. Not funny.
            All the best, Choice.


              Does anyone have an answer?

              When you say blackout do you mean just not remembering or being unconscious?
              I think your tolerance does build for a while and then drops as you move further on. In one book I read it said that if you've reached the stage of drinking much less than you used to with the same effects you've probably moved onto the next stage and it can be dangerous.


                Does anyone have an answer?

                Dancingon that was how it was getting for me, I was begining to have blackouts with less alcohol, each time I started drinking after stopping for a few weeks I was still drinking huge amounts but each time I was blacking out on a lower amount of alcohol. It may sound strange but until I came here I didn't even understand I was blacking out as such....

                The other thing too was the scary amounts I'd drink and not even realise whilst drunk, I can remember thinking I'll have just one last glass of wine, after having drunk probably at least a bottle and half then waking up the next morning and finding an empty vodka bottle, one of the 70cl litre ones, or my best effort two litres of Bayleys as well, that extra had been consumed in a relatively short amount of time probably about an hour or so, How I ever managed to make it to bed will puzzle me for ever I think

                I'm just glad I'm not in that place anymore, something else to add to my list I think.

                Just taking it day by day.......


                  Does anyone have an answer?

                  I don't think I made it there.
                  But I did have some scary blackout experiences where I realised the next day that I must've done something while drunk. I once went to return a DVD in the morning and couldn't find it anywhere. I had vague memories of thinking it was a crap movie and thought I would tell the store that when I returned it. It gradually dawned on me that I didn't think that, but I must've returned it and told them that while tanked
                  Haven't been there for a while

