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I'm so glad I don't drink anymore. But it is challenging to deal with emotions w/o AL

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    I'm so glad I don't drink anymore. But it is challenging to deal with emotions w/o AL

    I am always amazed when I get a craving out of the blue. I don't know why it is such a shock. I've just read through my old posts and it seams that I hit this point more frequently then I think. I shudder to think about how I was dealing and coping with my emotions when I drank. I was so hard on myself. I thought I was relaxing or having fun... Sometimes I even thought I needed alcohol to "think". I'm into my 10th month and while I do not think about alcohol or NOT drinking nearly as much as I use to I have these repressed emotions that come up that just flat out hurt. I'll get a lump in my throat that is really painful. My mind is functioning so much better now and I can get through these emotional waves when they come through. I guess I'm posting because I realize I am feeling really lonely today and just getting that off my chest helps. When I use to drink I'd call friends or family when I was lonely and not remember my conversations. I called my sister today because I was lonely and miss her.

    I got a major brush off. I'm realizing that I get rejected a lot by her. She is going through a lot right now. Her husband just finished 30 days AF after she had threatened to leave him. I care a lot for my brother in law and really feel for him. How could I not? Honestly, with others sobriety I have a lot of hopes I know anything is possible and on the flip side anything can happen. She didn't mock my sobriety, but said that I'm unusual. That most people don't just stop. I'm not sure why that made me feel angry with her. I had to just stop because I found all other options physically and mentally too hard. It was my way out. There was nothing easy about it at all, drinking would have made my attempt to be sober harder. It sounds so obvious but it's not when dealing with such a mind game that substance had on me. I'm not sure if this makes since. I was scared if I drank again I'd die so I had to stop. I guess I don't really understand, she wanted me to stop drinking and I did. When I stopped I used any and all inspiration I could. The thought of never calling my little sister drunk again was a HUGE inspiration. At first I quit drinking to be better to my boyfriend and family, and so that I could remember what was going on when I was out socially... because I was worried I was acting poorly. I was worried what people were thinking. Now I still don't drink for that reason but mostly I don't drink because I need to be better to myself. That part is tricky. I'm finding I drank for a lot of reasons. Now I'm not drinking for a lot of reasons, ironically the reasons I started drinking in the first place. Full circle I guess. My sister probably had too much on her mind and wasn't being sensitive so I shouldn't feel angry with her for what seamed to be discounting my sobriety. Argh! I feel nuts. Thanks for listening. I think my feelings were just hurt and that use to be a big trigger. The lump in my throat really hurts. It's weird.

    I'm so glad I don't drink anymore. But it is challenging to deal with emotions w/o AL

    Hi Choice
    one thing I have learned is not to dismiss or diminsh my feelings, they are there, they are real & they are how I am feeling, a friend of mine who was in therapy told me I need to acknowledge what i am feeling out loud, offten when we try to dismiss what we are feeling it makes it worse. Maybe you could try emailing your sister, that way she can respond when she has a moment to herself, away from all her stuff that she going thru, to reply to you.
    any way I hope everythidng else id going well for you.
    Progress, not perfection!!!
    A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


      I'm so glad I don't drink anymore. But it is challenging to deal with emotions w/o AL

      Hi Witchy,
      Thanks for your response :l I think your advice is good. In the past I think I used alcohol as a bridge for communication. I'd just bottle things up inside and when I drank I would reach out. I felt shielded because I was numb. I felt like I got hurt less when I was sensitive. I think I was just running away from strong emotions, good ones and bad ones. I had to stop drinking because my nerves became fried, all coping skills felt like they were gone. I was a mess and the gig was up. I really like what you said about not dismissing feelings. I think your right, they do get worse. What is awkward now is that I have messed with my mind so much that it's hard to get a grip on what am I actually feeling, how can I express myself... etc... what should I say... how am I coming across... I guess the exciting part is I will need to find a new sober voice for situations like this one.

      I'm glad you mentioned e-mailing her. I thought of that last night but worried that I'd be causing her harm during a difficult time. I was concerned that with my hurt feelings I'd say something off the cuff. In the past I would never even think of e-mailing her my feelings because I would want to avoid confrontation. I'd just call her drunk weeks later and tell her all sorts of things. Mostly all loving and kind. She would always ask me why I couldn't tell her such nice things sober. I think I'll e-mail her when I straiten out why I had such an emotional response to what she said. I think it will be a good step for me and our relationship. Maybe even writing the letter and not sending it would be a good step for me at this point. (I just felt a wealth of fear at the thought of hurting her).

      It was really good to hear from you Witchy :l Other then some hick-ups things are going pretty well. I don't log as much and want to catch up on how your doing? I miss you :h


        I'm so glad I don't drink anymore. But it is challenging to deal with emotions w/o AL

        Hi Choice,

        I'm sorry to hear you are having a few problems at the moment, it's not an easy journey as we relearn how to deal with difficult emotions. I've no answers but just wanted to say hang in there and keep going :l Maybe take a step back and speak or email your sister at a later time when you are not feeling so emotional?

        It's good to hear that you are well though and still going strong.

        Dewdrop :h
        Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


          I'm so glad I don't drink anymore. But it is challenging to deal with emotions w/o AL

          Thanks Dewdrop,
          It's good to hear from you :l
          I'm going to take your advice and wait. I agree it is such a challenge to deal with difficult emotions now sober. It is easier then drinking so I'm glad I don't drink anymore. I'm a lot better today and I know if I'd drank instead of posted last night it wouldn't be the case. I think I'll just figure out how I really feel before I send her anything confusing. I don't feel angry with her at all today. The feeling must of passed. I am not use to this happening. It's so wonderful to hear from you. :l :h


            I'm so glad I don't drink anymore. But it is challenging to deal with emotions w/o AL

            Hi Choice,

            No advice here, but just I understand how you are feeling.
            I find myself quite emotional recently and things getting on top of me.
            During these times, I would just usually go on a bender, and hit the booze hard, so now we just deal with them, however tough they can be.
            But much better than ignoring them and drinking.
            Hope you are having a good day today

            Damo in Dublin
            Still trying !!!
            AF 25th June2014


              I'm so glad I don't drink anymore. But it is challenging to deal with emotions w/o AL

              Thanks damo,

              It helps a lot that you understand. I think it's pretty eye opening once we stop drinking how to handle emotions that bubble up. The farther along I get on this path the more I realize how being sober makes my life much more manageable. I did the bender thing all the time myself and it really takes a toll. Handling my feelings and emotions is so awkward now, but at least I don't feel like I'm unraveling or scared. Today is better. I'm actually having a lot of "light bulb" moments since I posted this the other day. I wouldn't have had them if I'd thrown in the towel. I'm back to ODAT. For a while there, I thought I was beyond thinking I'd ever drink again. I am so thankful for this site. It's really been a lifesaver so many times. The help and support is invaluable. I am going to be alone this weekend and I forgot that I had a bottle of wine in the house I'd bought last month when we had company over. It never was opened and I think it needs to be given to someone so I'm not alone all weekend knowing exactly where it is in the fridge. I'm really not that far away from being AF 1 year and I'd really like to get there. It's been a goal for a while that I forgot about but need to focus again on.

              I hope your having a good day today too. :l

