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Here again

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    Here again

    Hi everyone,

    I haven't been to this site sence last summer when I was doing so well with MWO and the meds. I was controlling the drinking and feeling very good. But here I am again, I relize now that I have to stop all together but I don't know how. I stopped the TOP because it was making me sick. I felt like an airhead and I lost so much weight that everyone thought I was sick.. What do I do now I tried AA so many time without success. I am ashamed to return.


    Tiny Tina
    Tiny Tina:flower:

    Here again

    Hi Tina,

    Welcome back.
    Well, you have already made a start by logging back on.
    You were doing well last year so no reason why you cant do it again.

    This site has been my main support in quitting and am now over 5 months so far.
    Do you think you could do without meds ? and just healthy eating and drinking ? lots of fruit, veg , water and vitamins ?
    I set myself small goals and logged on here every day to just read and post.
    The support you will get is amazing.
    Maybe just try stay Alcohol free for 1 week, see how you are, extend it to 2, than 30 days.
    One day at a time as they say.
    Make it your main priority. NO MATTER WHAT, I AM NOT DRINKING TODAY !!!!
    It CAN be done, and you CAN do it.
    Its bloody tough going sometimes, but so worth it, the benefits of staying sober just get better each day.

    Best of Luck Tina,

    Damo in Dublin
    Still trying !!!
    AF 25th June2014


      Here again

      Hi Tina, there will be others who come along and post links to the tool box - I don't know how to do that.

      I just wanted to say welcome and let you know I have been where you are. I was a daily drinker for 10 years and for the last 4 years I tried everything to quit. I did AA, Counseling, read books, took Naltrexone - I was desparate and hopeless at the same time.

      I started here last April but didn't stop drinking til this March. What really helped me was this website and going to Smart Recovery Meetings. I realized finally that I could not wait for sobriety to happen to me, I had to work for it. The biggest change I had to make was to decide I would never drink again and stick with it. I tell myself over and over again, No Drinking No Matter What. The first few days are the hardest but if you stick with it things do get easier.

      At the times you feel weak you really need to have a plan to deal with it. Have a list of things to do, come here and post, call a friend, anything but drink.

      I think sometimes I oversimplify this but honestly it is what is working for me. And the most important is to take it one day at a time.

      AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

      Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


        Here again

        damo180;1127670 wrote: Hi Tina,

        Welcome back.
        Well, you have already made a start by logging back on.
        You were doing well last year so no reason why you cant do it again.

        This site has been my main support in quitting and am now over 5 months so far.
        Do you think you could do without meds ? and just healthy eating and drinking ? lots of fruit, veg , water and vitamins ?
        I set myself small goals and logged on here every day to just read and post.
        The support you will get is amazing.
        Maybe just try stay Alcohol free for 1 week, see how you are, extend it to 2, than 30 days.
        One day at a time as they say.
        Make it your main priority. NO MATTER WHAT, I AM NOT DRINKING TODAY !!!!
        It CAN be done, and you CAN do it.
        Its bloody tough going sometimes, but so worth it, the benefits of staying sober just get better each day.

        Best of Luck Tina,

        Damo in Dublin
        You took the words right out of my mouth.
        I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

        Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

        Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


          Here again

          Welcome back :l
          There is no shame in returning, that just about broke my heart reading that. It's hard to figure this stuff out and not a cake walk that's for sure!! I think posting is key to how I was able to stop.... especially when I was unsure of what people would think... There is always someone who understands. I'm so glad your back. :h


            Here again

            Hi Tina,

            Welcome back, MWO is a good place!

            Make a firm commitment to quit, get rid of all the AL in your house & make yourself a good plan using the great ideas in the

            That worked for me along with the MWO Hypno CDs. You can do it too

            Wishing you the best!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Here again

              There's no crying in baseball & no shame in trying over and over till you get something right. I quit cigarettes in the late 80's and it took me many times to finally break free. Each time I devised a new plan and got smarter with each new beginning. Now I try to do the same with booze and have flopped flat on my face more times than I can remember. I too was doing fine last summer and am starting day 4 today. Be kind to yourself and take in all the advice surrounding you here and go for it. I look forward to reading your posts to see how you are doing!! Read & Post and don't look back. :welcome: aboard!!


                Here again

                hi Dimo,

                Thanks for the advise. I was just today is day three and I was thinking about how I was going to get thought tonight without 0drinking. I decide to logon and there were so many nice post and advise form everyone I think I can handle it. I guess I am were I belong.
                I do workout just about everyday and I eat well. I just can't take the meds anymore they were making me sick.
                Tiny Tina:flower:


                  Here again

                  Choice,thanks for your kind words, I will stay close.
                  Tiny Tina:flower:


                    Here again

                    Best of luck Friend. You can do this. It's hard, but really worth it. And please do not feel ashamed. I had more "Day Ones" than I care to mention. You are in the right place
                    February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                    When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!

