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Thanks it's working!!

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    Thanks it's working!!

    Dear all,

    I have been on this site for just under a week and I'd like to say a big thank you for the messages I have received and also for the wisdom I have taken from all of the threads I have read.

    My usual drinking pattern is AF for about 3 days then a blackout drinking session, but this week I was AF for 4 days then last night I had 4 cans of beer. I drank it slowly, all the time consious of what I was doing, there was even a bottle of wine in the house which I did not open. I remember going to bed and I woke up this morning without a hangover!!

    I feel a little guilty because my aim was to stay AF but a little at a time is better than nothing. I am taking Kudzu which really does seem to help but I think my main motivation has been coming to this site. Just posting now and again and reading about all your experiences has really given me hope.

    Thank you all.

    Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.

    Thanks it's working!!

    That's great!

    Hey Kitty, that is so super to hear. What you have done is actually a great step forward. Everyone here is working the program in a way that works for them, and everyone makes progress at their own pace depending on the goal they want for themselves, or just the journey itself is powerful, because reading the literature and postings will educate yourself and give you power. I am trying for moderation, and my progress is slow sometimes and I do slip but not to the point where I was before, because like you said, I am conscious of it, and I know that I am not alone. :thumbs: Way to Go!! Suz
    The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


      Thanks it's working!!

      Way to go Kitty The only danger now is thinking that you can always do moderation because you have done it once - just bear that in mind.

      My extreme pack from MWO arrived today, but I'm not going to open it with a hangover, it will be a big moment. And I got myself a personal trainer who will give me hell if I keep binge drinking!


        Thanks it's working!!


        Congrats! Sounds like you're on your way to success..



          Thanks it's working!!

          Kitty that's sounding good......don't know if you're anything like me, but if you can stick to the four cans and then LEAVE a convenient bottle of wine, that sounds like a big step forward. Is this something you feel can be a way to control your drinking now, or do you still feel that AF is the way to go?


            Thanks it's working!!

            Hey Kitty, thats unreal mate. Don't feel guilty, small steps buddy, small steps and being able to leave the bottle untouched!!, I know I couldn't, bloody fantastic. You should feel very proud not guilty. Keep up the great work. Kim
            Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!


              Thanks it's working!!

              Thanks for the replies everyone, Weemelonhead I'm not quite sure about AF being my way or not yet. I think at the moment I would be putting extra pressure on myself which would more than likely be counterproductive, especially with the holidays looming.

              Owly I know what you mean about becoming complacent. I'm going to see how things go. I just want to be in control even if I am not AF. I would love to be able to go out socially and just have a couple of drinks. I haven't let myself go out for a long time because of some of the awful scrapes I've gotten into. I'm very lucky that I haven't been seriously hurt or worse on some of my escapades. I just have to hold on to those memories, and not think that everything will be fine now. Because just that 1 extra drink can grip me and not let go.

              I'm really enjoying being here guys.


              Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                Thanks it's working!!

                Hi Kitty
                You're doing great. Any improvement is a step in the right direction.
                Well done

