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    Need help

    Hi everyone,
    This looks like a really supportive place - I just joined yesterday and had a message this morning. That was really nice. I just want to stop drinking - am really tired of it. Tired of not remembering, being depressed about not being able to stop, being cranky with my kids, blacking out, being hung over, not going out to things at night because my priority is alcohol, being overweight, being goes on and on. My relationship of 10 years is almost over because of this and I don't want to lose him and do this to my children. I so need support. I ordered the CD and printed the book yesterday and am ordering all the vitamins etc today. Does anyone know if Topamax is available in Australia? Is anyone else from Australia? I know it doesn't matter, just curious...Thanks.

    Need help

    need help

    Hi Niki :welcome:

    Glad you joined us. We have lots of Aussies on the forum - just the greatest wit and humour. Read the book, listen to the CD's, start the supplements and check in here when you can.

    You are no longer alone in this, and it does get better.

    Enlightened by MWO


      Need help

      Hi Hilary,
      I am so glad you responded to my post. Thanks heaps and heaps. I will stay on this, it is so hard alone and so cool I'm not alone anymore.


        Need help

        We are all in the same boat and it does get better. I too am the mother of three, have been married just shy of ten years, I too was tired of being tired, feeling like cr#p so on and so forth. Follow the program and chat with us on the boards and I promise you will not regret your decision. I'm starting to sound like a sales person. Anyway, welcome. We can be a very helpful, supportive group. :welcome:
        Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


          Need help

          Hi there,:welcome:
          Glad you've come to the forum, I've found it a great support.
          We're all here to help each other through.
          I'm in Australia and you'll find a lot of us here.(surprise...surprise )
          Good luck.


            Need help

            Hello Nlynch..
            Welcome To The My Way Out Forums.
            This Place Has People From All Over.
            Its Very Nice & Helpful Here.
            I'm Very Happy To Hear That You Want To Change Your Lifestyle.
            Thats A Excellent Step Your Taking To Improve Your Life.
            I Don't Use The Meds Here So I Wont Be Much Help In That Department,
            But I Do Know That Everyday I Come Here I Find Info & Comments To Keep Me Going Strong.
            Life Without Drinking Is Life Worth Living.


              Need help

              Welcome Nlynch

              Hello and:welcome:
              Yes, another Aussie! Been drinking for over 20 years but with a few stops and start on this now on day 28AF! So it really does work! (OK, don't mean to make it sound that simple, but here I am!!) I had to get the Topa online from overseas; got fed up going to medical/professionals with limited/no understanding but discovered this has been the best all round help and support to quit/reduce drinking, so I'm sure you'll fare well!
              Look forward to hearing more from you


                Need help

                Hello Nlynch :welcome:
                You've found a great place.
                Very friendly and supportive.


                  Need help

                  Bless you all

                  Thank you all for your generous support and responses. It is now my first night and I have to say it has been years since I have been up this late - normally am passed out in bed by now. I have read the book but don't have anything else in terms of Top, supps or CD's yet. I believe the reason I have made it through my first night sober in many years is the support of people on this website. I know it is early days but feel so happy. I even went to my parents tonite for a BBQ and they offered me wine (many times) and I didn't even think about it. It is like I have made this whole mindshift and don't even want to drink. It is so weird. I just hope it lasts. I have to make it - with the support of MYO and all of you guys. Bless you all, today is the first day of the rest of my sober life. Niki:h :h


                    Need help

                    Welcome Niki...:welcome:

                    Your post was giving me goose bumps. I can so relate to where you are at this moment and I send you loads of cyber support. Congrats on turning down the in-your-face wine tonight. That's really good.
                    I'm on day 13 AF and want to stay AF... but it's early days for me so I'm just trying to keep focused on what's right in front of me, not what's down the road. Welcome and I know you'll find great support here.
                    I would suggest you start taking some vits/supps if you can. Getting good nutrition and some exercise are keys to the program. Keep reading the posts, you'll read all sorts of various experiences and opinions about other helpful ideas.

                    later, Olly


                      Need help

                      I know what you mean about the shift. When it happened to me, I felt so elated and so hopeful and so relieved just not to be hating myself anymore that I thought anything on earth was possible. And it almost is. Welcome to living!


                        Need help

                        Welcome Niki...mother of three here as well, and (young) grandmother of four..this is the place to be! My wish for you is that you receive all that you need here and that the new year brings endless possibilities to your consciousness.


                          Need help

                          Thanks again

                          Hey everyone, Thanks for all the ongoing support. I can't believe, well I guess I can kinda, that I have made it to day 4 of AF. I can't get enough vitamins, exercise and good food. It's amazing, it's like my life has changed so dramatically and I can taste, smell and see things in a whole new (sober and not hungover!) light!!.
                          I have to say I have felt a little tempted after an incredibly stressful day to drop by the bottleshop and grab a bottle of wine. The beer in the fridge also looked good just before I logged on tonite. But, I keep thinking about all of you guys and the support and how I would be letting myself and you down (even though you would never know) I felt too guilty and loving my new found health and vitality. How corny do I sound??!!

                          I had the day off work today as I am feeling exhausted, did anyone else get this? I don't know if it is because I have had some trouble getting to sleep (wasn't a prob before as I used to just pass out) - or if it's my body catching up and finally getting the opportunity to start healing and rejuvenating itself. Maybe both I have to say I am almost addicted to getting vitamins - my body is craving it. I had a huge bowl of raspberries and blueberries today while watching a movie- before it would have been chips and lollies to try to combat the hungover and get some energy through sugar. Don't miss that!!

                          Thanks again guys and I will keep checking in and I thank you for listening and supporting me.:h :h


                            Need help

                            Day 4 Exhaustion


                            Hi Niki, and welcome to the site. I have recently joined as well. I am speaking from my own experience of withdrawals, but if you are on day 4 AF, then the exhaustion you are feeling is probably your body detoxing the alcohol. I know that when I have been through withdrawals (many times), usually day 3 and 4......sometimes 5 are the worst for me. I think it's the alcohol leaving your system, your liver working hard to detoxify, etc. Not a doc, but have read up on it a bit.

                            That day 3 feeling of temptation is normal as well. But Congratulations on bypassing the wine store!!! It's tough, I know! White wine is my poison!!

                            You sound very determined. That is great.........a positive attitude makes a WHOLE lot of difference....

                            Welcome again.........



                              Need help

                              Hi Niki,

                              This is my first time on this site and I'm really glad I've found it. I'm from Australia, NSW and I'm hoping to get the help and support I need, I haven't been able to order the book and cd's as yet but hope to asap, and really hoping they will help, I'm tired of this problem affecting my life.

                              :thanks: :h

