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    Need help

    Hi Niki...I'm a newie too, now sitting here during my 7th day AF (haven't been this long without a drink for about 18 years)...Know what you mean about the exhaustion...I agree with Scarlett, you have a lot of poisin to get out, any detox makes you feel like a bag of crapola for a few days...stick with it and try the Allen Carr trick...tell yourself that these feelings are due to the 'monster' inside you dying...if you feel bad, you're going a good way toward killing the beastie..this is what I am trying to do...every time (about 450 times a day!!!) that I have a feeling for the vino, or a bad feeling that I think I can cure by 'having just one glass' (my favourite joke)....I try not to think of them as cravings, try not to think that I am doing without, or going without something I really want and need...but rather, that each time this happens and I stick my thumb on my nose (or usually far more antisocial hand gestures) to Mr Booze, I am inching my way toward a healthy body and mind...I really find it helps to think of the dreadful urges I get as a good thing rather than something I must deny myself......just a thought.
    Also, like you say, the lack of sleep does NOT help does it...I think many of us have experienced the AF insomnia...try the supplement forums and see what ideas there are there to help you get a bit of shut eye...

    Anyway...all in all, good sound like you've got a great mindset to really boot you into AF, and don't worry too much, I'm sure your old bod will get into the idea that sleep is not just something that comes after the ingestion of rather too much.......huzzah and hurrah for you!! (sorry, came over all Enid Blyton there...) The Melon


      Need help

      Hi There Niki,

      I'm new and I'm in Canberra. I've been struggling with my alcohol addiction for nearly 10 years now. Enough is enough! two weeks sober now. What do I do with all the extra time I have now???

      It always seems impossible until it's done....


        Need help

        Peace and calm

        Thanks Scarlet, Jasin, Flip and The Melon (love it!)

        I'm glad it is not just me going crazy tired and thanks for the postive reason. This is logical and makes huge sense - I keep thinking I'm getting to my healthy body and all the toxic crap that has come with alcohol abuse and the related crap I used to eat is going, going, going, going. Thanks for your support and best wishes and blessings to you in your efforts. This place is awesome and I now can't wait to get home from work to read the replies (I'm never disappointed!) - rather than rush home to guzzle my first, second, of wine.

        I also have to add how amazed I am about how this has effected my stress levels in terms of work and life. I used to wake up at 3-4am in the morning and have mini anxiety attacks over the most ridiculous (in hindsight) things and haven't done that since I started last Sunday. It is amazing how stopping drinking effects every part of your life in so many ways and brings clarity to your mind.
        Thanks everyone


          Need help

          I'm still really tired too after two weeks. Can hardly keep my eyes open sometimes. I thought it was the new drugs I've been put on. The first week I felt real flat, could hardly smile some days.
          It always seems impossible until it's done....


            Need help

            Hi Niki

            I have just joined this site and just feek great knowing there is somewhere I can share this journey. This is day one for me and I know it is going to be the hardest thing ever but I simply don't have a choice. I have nothing but bad memories of my actions (when I can remember them) when drunk I have just turned 36 and my addiction to alcohol is ruining my life and my relationships.

            I do not want to lose any more friends, my husband or my family (those that still talk to me) because of wine. I want to live a healthy life and love myself.

            So hi from another in Oz,


              Need help

              Hi Louie, welcome! :welcome:

              I've made it to 30 days!!!! WOW.

              Nikki, how are you doing?
              It always seems impossible until it's done....


                Need help

                Hello darling,
                I'm a 'pom' and I adore this site, we are all here for each other. Stay strong babe and keep smiling. Remember "the future looks bright"
                Things could be worse, you could be here in the North of England as 80mph winds hit (the hens stop laying).
                Much love and happy thoughts


                  Need help

                  Hi Niki, you and i could have been separated at birth, except about the bit about a husband and two kids. i am tired of everything you listed, the worst thing is the physical disintegration - i look at photos from about 7 yearsa go and think 'where did it go?' i have put on 21 kgs and along with all of that goes the guilt, the self loathing, the clothes not fitting/ looking like crap, the dull eyes, the lacklustre skin. i am new to this site 0today and feel so relieved i have found something like this. i hve never even chatted on line before so it is all a bit daunting but VERY exciting.
                  Best of luck with your journey to sobriety. keep sharing your progress.
                  Great positive loving vibes your way sister
                  Mamma Mia


                    Need help

                    ps Niki,
                    I am an Aussie and I live in Newcastle, I am divorced and have a 9 year old daughter.
                    Just so you know


                      Need help

                      Hey Mama Mia,

                      I am from Sydney as well and can relate - I too have gained around 21 kgs and my skin and eyes are shite!!

                      Am just about to get ready for dinner tonight and dreading having to excuse myself from drinking and turning down very good champagne and wine (something we have been collecting for years) but one look in the mirror wondering who the f--k is that staring back at me is enough.

                      I am married, no kids.

                      Cheers Louie


                        Need help

                        I'm Back online...

                        Hey Everyone - I'm back! My husband pulled the laptop apart to 'fix' his other computer so I have been offline for ages. Thanks for all of the support and replies - It was so great to be able to get back online and read everything. I can't believe how much I missed the support and how it helped keep me motivated. Did everyone have a good Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!

