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    :new: Hi, my name is Sue, I live in the UK and I care for my husband who is disabled following an accident at work 5 years ago. I suppose I've known for a while now that I have a problem with drink. Sometimes I go for a couple of days AF, then get absolutley plastered (unconscious). I can even manage 2 or 3 weeks AF but I always end up with a big hangover in the end. I want to stop drinking, I don't think I could manage just to have a few!! Today I woke up with the biggest hangover and have spent all day feeling sick and tired and beating myself up mentally for letting it happen again. I have tried AA (not meetings but on-line) but couldn't quite get to grips with all the religious stuff!! This looks like a really friendly and supportive place to be. I'm slowly reading through all the posts. I intend to buy the cd's (I quit smoking a few years ago using a similar type of hypnotherapy). Sue x


    Let me be the first to welcome you. I'm sure you will find a lot of support here.
    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.



      Hi Sue

      Hi Sue,
      I just joined yesterday and already feel totally supported by this forum. I am determined also to stop and I know you can do it also. It must be difficult caring for your husband and I know here in Australia anyway carers don't get the support and recognition they so truely deserve! You will do brilliantly. I am waiting for all my CDs, vitamins etc that I ordered online. Good luck and keep in touch with everyone.Niki:welcome:



        Hey there Niki & Sue and Welcome, you have both come to the right place. I am only new as well and started on the programme 10 days ago and it has totally changed my life. Hey Niki what part of our great land you from I live in Sydney. Good luck guys these people are just fantastic they are so giving and supportive and non judgemental they have so much knowledge and are so willing to share and help, take advantage of all the support here it can get you through some pretty tough days. Good luck with your journey's and look forward to reading more posts. Kim
        Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!



          Hi Nikki and Sue

          I'm new here too, just under a week and I've found this place a huge help already.

          I'm working my way through all the posts, I've learnt more than ever in just a few days. I've found loads of experiences I can relate to, and it's really dispelled the myth that I am all alone in my problems.

          Nice to see another member from the UK Sue, I'm in London.

          There are alot of very wise and encouraging people here, and they are really supportive.


          Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.



            Hello sue & nik...
            Hope You find All that You Need Here.
            This Is a Great Place To Get All Kinds Of Info To Help You Out.
            If You Have A Question About Anything Just Ask.
            There Are Many People To Help .
            Life Without Drinking Is Life Worth Living.



              Hi there to Sue and Nik....I've been here for a few days now and already feel that you couldn't get a more supportive or empathetic group of bods if you looked (and I've spent the last 20 years doing just that!) Keep posting...I find that the more you contact and read what the guys on the site have to say, the more you feel you belong, and then asking for tips from others who have a wealth of 'tried and tested' advice to offer, becomes even easier....keep posting...the first step can be a bit freaky...I have seen a number of mails from those of us who lurked for a while before jumping in, but once you've taken the dive, you don't just get a space in the pool, but your own towel and chair and pineapple juice with jazzy umbrella!!! These folks are BIG givers...enjoy getting to know can only be a positive step....

              the melon



                Hello Sue, and welcome
                You've come to the right place...lots of help and support from some amazing people.
                Glad to have another Brit aboard - I'm from Scotland.



                  You have come to a wonderful place!


                  : doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results................... Albert Einstein

