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Witching Hour has hit me in the Face

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    Witching Hour has hit me in the Face

    Sunday afternoon here 3.30pm. I thought witching hour had disappeared from my thoughts. Nope! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!

    17 days today I was great all day and the son of a b........ has hit me fair and square in the face. I am emotional, sad and edgy. I feel like a big cry. Why cannot we be like normal people. I know I have to get past this and as I have said in a previous post I did not expect this to be all easy. So far I have had more good days than bad. But right now yuko!

    I think I go out shopping now. God this is going to cost me a fortune!

    I Do Not Drink AL Anymore!

    Witching Hour has hit me in the Face

    Sorry you are feeling down. I'm only on day six but I already had one of those emotional days last week. They suck! Good plan on going shopping-it should help take your mind off of things.
    Being normal...hmm what is that like?
    Stay motivated!
    Jackie M


      Witching Hour has hit me in the Face

      Well done Mia and Jackie M. That witching hour is a killer. As you say do something else and it passes. That is my strategy anyway!


        Witching Hour has hit me in the Face

        Well, just got back from shopping, very expensive witching hour but I will do what ever it takes to stay sober! On a lighter note I must say that it was very nice to be driving on a Sunday afternoon to go shopping completely sober it almost felt surreal. Normally by this time 6.00 on a Sunday afternoon I would be starting my second bottle of wine. xx Wake up Monday morning as I do not work Mondays with a massive hangover only to start drinking early to cure my hangover.

        On to day 18 tomorrow AF!


          Witching Hour has hit me in the Face

          Good on you Mia, hope you bought yourself something nice. Keep strong you can do this, just think how good you will feel at the moment of waking tomorrow morning when you realise you didnt drink last night.
          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


            Witching Hour has hit me in the Face

            Way to go Mia, you deserve to go shopping. Think of the money you are saving by not buying alcohol.
            (that's my excuse anyway)
            Don't worry, be happy!


              Witching Hour has hit me in the Face

              Well done Mia & Jackie,

              Keep fighting this !!
              You are worth it, and you wont regret it.

              All the best.

              Damo in Dublin
              Still trying !!!
              AF 25th June2014


                Witching Hour has hit me in the Face

                Good for you mia,

                That's what cravings do, that's there job, Just when you think you have got over them out come huge cravings that try & grab you back down,well done on your escape plan,everyone needs one.
                On a lighter note they do get much less as more alcohol free time passes.

                :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                  Witching Hour has hit me in the Face

                  Good job Mia for riding the craving and appreciating the drive on a Sunday afternoon sober. That's the kind of thinking that will always get you through. At least it does for me. I hope you bought something nice. :l


                    Witching Hour has hit me in the Face

                    Thank You everyone. And yes I did buy some nice things! Spent to much but what the heck! Goodnight going to bed sober and Happy! xxxx


                      Witching Hour has hit me in the Face

                      Hey Mia, glad you rode the nasty voice out. Knew you would. Keep doing whatever it takes to silence the cravings. Everyone here says it gets easier and I am counting on that. Remember it you EVER slip up, don't go away, stay and jump back on the wagon. Don't say you will but the last few times I followed along with a A/F group and slipped up, I dissappeared and looking back it's so counter-productive and sets us back a few days, months or even weeks.


                      I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                      "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                      ? Lao-Tzu


                        Witching Hour has hit me in the Face

                        Well done Mia, Im gonna try that next time, go buy me something REAL nice............o wait, whats that, I feel a shopping spree.........errrrrrrrrr I mean craving comming on.

                        Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                        DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                          Witching Hour has hit me in the Face

                          Well done on the shopping distraction, Mia.
                          Maybe come up with some less expensive distractions you could use in times of need.
                          Like - just a drive without the shopping. Drive somewhere nice and walk. Visit someone.
                          Do whatever form of exercise appeals. Bake or cook something nice.
                          Anyway, shopping beats drinking, so well done.


                            Witching Hour has hit me in the Face

                            Well done Mia! Keep up the good work. sweet dreams.


                              Witching Hour has hit me in the Face

                              Oh Mia - how funny - the posts are quiet tonight. So as I sit with the internet on, thinking again about wine (Lav thinks that our cravings maybe due to the full moon ) - so i went to Amazon - my cart now has 17 items in it, and I have no AL in me (or in the house) - too funny!!!
                              hopefully this is not replacing one addiction with another - I said no chocolate tonight eitehr, so obviously had to have something - maybe I better go break out the chocolate!
                              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

