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    I am so confused. I don't know if I should make a promise to myself never to drink again (which I've done a million times and it never works for more than a day or so) or make a plan to only drink on weekends (another thing I've promised myself a million times and it's never worked.) I know I need a plan, but for today I guess that only plan I can commit to is that I won't drink today. Or tonight. I'll deal with tomorrow when it gets here.
    ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
    Goal #1 - 7 days AF -

    First Post

    :welcome: Irie

    Glad you've found us. Won't overload you with information today as you've just made that huge step reaching out for help.

    Have a look through the tool box link below, it should get you started with some ideas on making some plans.

    Keep reading, keep posting and let us get to know you.

    J x
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      First Post

      Welcome irie! :welcome: Look foward to getting to know you. x


        First Post

        Welcome Irie! Glad you found us. Don't worry about tomorrow just yet. Just don't drink for 24 hours. You can worry about the next 24 after that. I hope you have a great day!
        You always succeed if you never stop trying.
        Everyday we choose the direction of change.


          First Post

          :welcome: Irie, just want to say hello and wish you well on your journey, as you and others have already commented just think about today, you'll be great :l
          Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


            First Post

            Good luck Irie! Just for today is the best advise. Keep posting here as there as the support is fantastic.
            Take care.
            Don't worry, be happy!


              First Post

              Thank you all so much! I just got home from work and instead of reaching for a glass of wine, I came here. So...I know that probably doesn't seem like a big deal, but for me it is. I'm going to spend some time going through this site tonight and yes,I'm going to stick around. I'm so glad I found you!
              ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
              Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


                First Post

                Irie;1130994 wrote: Thank you all so much! I just got home from work and instead of reaching for a glass of wine, I came here. So...I know that probably doesn't seem like a big deal, but for me it is. I'm going to spend some time going through this site tonight and yes,I'm going to stick around. I'm so glad I found you!
                Oh Irie,
                I'm so glad you came back.

                It's huge not picking up that first glass :goodjob:

                You'll soon be into a new routine, walk in the door..............make a coffee, switch on computer and have your daily dose of MWO.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  First Post

                  Hi Irie!

                  Welcome to MWO!

                  With a good plan & strong commitment you can take back control of your life - I did

                  Please continue visiting the website frequently, I still do, it really helps
                  Wishing you the best!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    First Post

                    You have found a great site, great people, and great info.

                    Just take it one day at a time, and you will start feeling better everyday you stay strong!

                    GL with your journey
                    Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                    DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                      First Post

                      Welcome Irie! You've come to the right place. Make yourself at home! I find coming here everyday, at least once a day if not morning and night is key in keeping myself sober. I hope you find the same!
                      Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                      BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                        First Post

                        Yea! I made it through last night! The amazing thing was that I had a wonderful time without drinking. It was my 14th anniversary and we went out and had a nice dinner. That never happens. Usually we make plans to do things, but then by evening we decide we are to tired and would rather just relax at home (code for get drunk). My husband is a heavy drinker, too. He always seems to follow my lead though, and when I didn't drink last night, he didn't either. It was so nice for us to be out last night like normal people instead of holed up in the house, drinking in front of the tv until we pass out.

                        I haven't told him yet that I'm planning not to drink at all. Mostly because I've said it a million times and it doesn't mean anything. Also, I know he would try and let me off the hook by saying "Why don't you just see if you can make it until Friday". I want to do better than that. I want to change my whole life!

                        This board has already been so helpful! One of you (I'm sorry, I don't remember who) has a quote in their signature line that says something like "I'd rather put up with a few hours of craving alcohol than a full day of regretting that I drank". Something like that. That hit me like a ton of bricks. I always just felt like I had to give in to cravings because they were uncomfortable. I never stopped to think about the inevitable mental anguish and struggle that would follow. I hope holding on to this one thought will carry me through today (and tonight!)
                        ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
                        Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


                          First Post

                          Irie: I hope you're sticking to the one-day-at-a-time message. It's so much more manageable than trying to give up alcohol for life. That's just too daunting. If I hadn't found MWO, I would have taken forever to understand what a serious drinking problem I had. Life is so much better for me since I got sober. I wouldn't trade this for a drink at all! MWO is there for you any time you need it. I come here every day...especially the monthly abs forum. I also go to AA meetings which seemed intimidating at first but opened up a whole new way to stay sober. Good luck!

                          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                          October 3, 2012


                            First Post

                            I just wanted to take a moment to reflect on how things have changed for me since my first post in June. At that time I had a 20+ year habit of heavy drinking. Typically more than a bottle of wine a night. I was desperate for a stop to the madness, but felt utterly incapable of change. I was disgusted with myself.

                            Four months later my world has changed. This morning is my 13th in a row AF. I've lost 10 pounds. I wake up happy and hopeful instead of despondent. I don't think much about alcohol at all any more. It's like it's in my rear view mirror instead of approaching me like a freight train.

                            The biggest factor in this change for me is that I think about drinking in a whole new way. I truly believe the reason for that is the time I've spent every single day at MWO. You wonderful, supportive, honest people have saved me. That is not an understatement. I know where my life was going, and where it's going now. I don't post a lot, but simply following all your stories ... aching to make your triumphs my own, learning from your mistakes has made all the difference for me.

                            I'm not so naive as to not realize there will be days when I don't have the clarity I do today. I may slip and drink again. I hope not, but should it happen, I know I have the tools to get immediately back on track. I will never go back to the person I was. Never. And to the extent that is due to those of you who post here, I owe you my deepest gratitude. I hope some day to be far enough down the road on my journey that I can give back a fraction of what has been given to me.
                            ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
                            Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


                              First Post

                              Hello Irie,
                              If you're up for some reading material I suggest 'kick the drink...easily' by Jason vale.
                              It totally changed my way of thinking when it comes to alcohol.
                              Good luck x

