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THANK YOU!!!to everyone who replied to my post of yesterday. What a great bunch of folks you are. Am still feeling a bit messed up from my mammouth binge on Friday. However, I feel more positive now than I have in a long time and more determined than ever to quit this drink problem that seems to have taken over my life! I've ordered my cd's and am eagerly awaiting them. In the meantime, does anyone have any advice on what to do when the little voice starts up ... you know the one I mean ... it says, go on just have a couple you'll be OK ... you can handle it ... FLOORED ... and then before you know it your kicking your own backside so much it hurts. Any tips would be much appreciated. :thanks: SueTags: None
Hi there Flossie...(do you mind that abbreviation? I think it's rather cute!)
Firstly missus you've found MWO this is a BIG help...and...
Weeeeeelllllll...this issue is of course different for all of us. I'm only on my 3rd day of AF and so haven't got much in the way to suggest (my big day is going to be Wednesday...that's the start of my weekend as far as the vino is concerned...I may have more to say after then). But I'll bullet the things that I have found eases the stuff slightly so far (sorry, I know bullets aren't friendly, but am off to work soon so have little time)
Have you got any of the meds yet?? If so, biff them in the piehole asap
Go STRAIGHT to the forums....get your feelings out..connect with someone, pm someone, go on to the chat and talk and talk to the other guys, read through past threads (look in the quick find forum list...sorry I haven't got time to check but there MUST be a few good threads on THIS subject...)
Go to a place you don't normally associate with drinking......sounds strange, but even I...champion binger never drink in my bedroom for some reason, When the voice starts....I go to bed...I go through the whole routine...shower, hot milk, book, 5htp (herbal sleep aids) and sleep.....(or not as the case may be lately) but I go there.....and I stay there
Go out...go far away from a liquor store, bar, wotever and walk and walk and walk swearing and cursing all the time under your breath until you almost faint with exhaustion then follow the step above ( don't have to swear and curse and mumble to yourself like a mad thing if you don't want, but I did warn you that this was what I do!!)
Read....luckily, I am an avid bookworm....a great ( and it has to be great) book, ever so slightly takes the edge off
Remind yourself (hyper graphically,) what the next day feels like....REALLY sit there and let the oh so lovely feelings of bloated, red veined, nauseous body and head wash over you...coupled with the embarrasment and shame of the absolute twerp you were after the 6th glass, how many people you upset...the phone calls you can't remember talking in but remember dialling....god! what did I say, what did I promise, who did I slag off or shout at?????????...again, not judging you, just telling you how I am
Hope something here helps in some way...the other guys will be along soon though and i expect you'll have a wealth of info to think about next time you log on.......GOOD LUCK!!!! keep with it girl.....When I next go for my mad walk...I'll shout a couple of lines for you in between my cursing!!!!!!!!!
I'll let you know in a couple of days how I managed after the big WED........Support, hugs and lots of mental energy......The melon
Hi Sue -
Here's a bit of advice someone shared with me: Put it off for a few hours. Delay. If you can avoid making up your mind, avoid becoming determined to drink, try just delaying a bit. Sometimes the delay is all it takes to abate the craving.
Here's something else: say it outloud. Its absurd, I know. But, it will also sound absurd. Because there is not one viable reason to have that drink and hundreds of why nots. But, in the mind, absurdity can seem like reason. Outside, or aloud, its likely to seem like absurdity.
And, the kudzu really helps.Yah, I know Moderation; I pass it every day on my way to Excess.
Hi Sue
I'm only starting out here and I struggle now and then. The best thing that I can say is that when I hear that tempting voice urging me to jump into the pit, I jump straight onto this site and have a good read. That usually creates the delay that Bluemoon spoke of. The craving will subside eventually, you just have to ride it out.
I'm not sure how I will manage the holidays, but I know the help is here if I ask for it.
Oh my - you are up and posting before 6 in the am! Really, you are my new hero! Congrats on day 3 of AF. It gets easier! Keep walking - missed you in abs today? yesterday? I had to look up the time zones after you said you were so behind in the news - this business of being 18 hours ahead has my mind very confused! Really, I would never get it straight! Good luck Wednesday!
Womfloss - I would say that the most helpful thing to me is to just NOT give up. At first, I did not make it much past 3 days, but I read that this happened to lots of people. So, just get back on and keep trying. Do not get discouraged if you slip. For me, I find it is best to just not start - now that I have lots of AF days in, it is easier for me to say that. If I start, I will not stop. Also, I agree with Paul - hop on and have a good read. That was a great help to me, too.
Take care Womfluss,
Welcome Sue :welcome:
Aside from slamming around my "mental sledgehammer" that XTexan inspired me to use (and attacking back at that nasty little devil voice..) I also focus on HOW HORRIBLE I will feel, and I know I will, the next morning!! I've had about three withdrawal sessions that can still make me shudder to just think about them.
I'm "officially" AF 14 days today and life is soooo much better without a trace of a hangover to wake up to!!
"I feel good!":yay:
Keep reading, keep posting... you may find the strength you're looking for here somewhere.
Welcome WormFloss
Hi WormFloss! I am GLAD that you posed the issue - "What To Do When Temptation is Knocking at Your Door"! If you hadn't started that thread, I would have!! I am new here also. I registered 6 days ago, and this is Day 6 AF for me. Lots of good advice given previously.........I think the post about getting out of whatever room you normally drink in is a good one. For me, I'd alway start the early evening off with a glass of wine or drink in the kitchen while cooking now, cooking dinner is always a trigger. I am trying to just focus on cooking good nutritious food for my nutrient-depleted body instead of trying to find an excuse to have that drink.
I pretty much drink in EVERY room of the house so, for me, planning an activity OUT of the house helps. (As long as it's not in a bar :H !) Since my drinking most often occurs when my husband is out of town traveling and when I am home alone........these times are most difficult. The suggestion of a good book and a hot milk is a good one. For me a good book, a hot bubble bath, and some chamomile tea do the trick alot of time. Trick is to get it so hot that you just slide right out of the tub and into bed!
I am also starting back to the gym today. I find that getting all those endorphins going helps too. Olly is so right about telling yourself, " I do NOT want to feel bad". I try to remind myself over and over again how awful those hangovers and withdrawals are........and it makes me think twice about taking that first drink.
Good luck......keep writing in.....for me, the fact that I can share my thoughts and feelings with others like myself is one of the biggest deterrents to the EVIL JUICE that there is! Hang in there!:h