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Diagnosed pancreatitis

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    Diagnosed pancreatitis

    Hi all been in the background on this forum for a while, reading people stories and AL problems. Last thursday morning 4am i woke up with sharp pains in left side of stomach and mild pains about 3inches above belly button, could not sleep at all, took pain killers but pain was still there. Anyway i waited later on to see if pain would go away itself but it didnt, so i decided to admit myself to A&E as advised by my doctor. A week before of heavy drinking i vomited blood which i new something serious is wrong. I know that my previous blood test of ALT and GGT have been HIGH which should have been a knock on the head to quit this poison. Also i could not eat anything since the pain started. Whilst in hospital they done all relevant tests CT scans US scans, blood tests. After the next day the doctor came around to see me and he said that i have pancreatitis due to alcohol abuse and i must quit a.s.a.p. I know i have to quit but i went and had a few drinks later on the next day:upset:
    Having looking at my hospital discharge note at key investigations section i have normal amylase and lipase levels, normal spleen , normal gall bladder, no gallstones. What they found was inflammation around pancreas small thrombus on splenic vein but also says LIKELY PANCREATITIS. My doctor had prescribed me thiamine, b6, that was before i went to hospital. I feel really ashamed and disgusted withmyself that i have let me drinking get out of control. Its know effecting my family life to. even though i am writing this my mind is heading towards the bottle, ANY ADVICE AND SUPPORT PLS!!!!

    Diagnosed pancreatitis

    Hi Rocco76 Welcome :welcome: Thank you for your honesty. I am new to being sober 3 weeks for me today so the only advice I can give is go to the thread on here thats says TOOLBOX. Also stay here at MWO There are senior members here that know what they are talking about and you will receive so much love and support!

    Stay sober with me today it is so worth the effort! I promise! :l xx


      Diagnosed pancreatitis

      Hi Rocco ... sorry you're going thru this .. think this is your wake-up call .. like you I'm trying to get sober and worrying constantly about what I might have done to my body .. best to you and hang in there...
      :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


        Diagnosed pancreatitis

        Thanx dexterhead and Mia wow you have been sober for three weeks i cant remember the last time i went without a drink for one day good for you, are you guys on any meds??


          Diagnosed pancreatitis

          Mia how will the toolbox help me??

          Got to get to bed know hopefully chat with u guys later thanx for the support.



            Diagnosed pancreatitis

            Hi Rocco,

            Welcome to MWO, this is a good place. I'm glad you've decided to take control of your situation before it gets any worse.

            Go to the Health store here on the site & download the MWO book. It's full of good info for you.

            You need to make a plan for yourself. Look in the for some useful ideas.

            I did not use any meds to quit drinking but I do recommend using the MWO Hypno CDs also available in the Health store. They helped me learn to relax without AL & to change my thinking ~ very important!
            All this with a strong desire & commitment to quit will take you a long way.

            Wishing you the best!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Diagnosed pancreatitis

              hi guys another day of trying to beat the beast

              Thanx LV some interesting posts there just need to spend time to read them.


                Diagnosed pancreatitis

                Hi rocco and welcome!

                Another thread you may find helpful is, because a plan is really necessary.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  Diagnosed pancreatitis

                  Hi Rocco,
                  Just wanted to say hello. I have found this site to be incredibly useful.
                  Like Lav I did not use meds. You just have to find what is most useful for you. For me it was/is coming here and posting. The fact that I could share, and know others have been through the same or similar situations/feelings was very helpful. Also there are many threads here that have helped remind me why I can not drink. You can always reach out to anyone here and get a positive response. I really hope the best for you. Welcome, wander, post often, or lurk, glad to have you here.

                  Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington

