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    Hello I have been reading posts for a while and have finally joined as I need to stop drinking. I seem to have the same thing as a lot of new starters here, I can do 5 days but once I hit Friday thats it and I think I 'derserve' a drink. Even though its soon to be Christmas I still want to stop. I need to, I am damaging myself and desperate to lose weight, I can't afford to wait until after Christmas which is what my logic says! Glad I have finally joined anyway.:new:


    Hello hannahK :welcome:
    Let me be the first to welcome you to this wonderful place. There are a lot of us in the same boat.
    Glad you found us.



      Thanks. I have got the book but haven't ordered any of the stuff as I don't know if you can from the UK. I have got LGlutamine and multi vitamins. Will try to order Kudzu through Holland and Barrett.

      Determined this time and don't want to drink this Christmas as I am normally really drunk by the time dinner is served. I would love to be able to remember it all.



        Hey hannah, welcome

        I'm from the UK and just received a big pack of stuff from MWO - the only thing is I had to pay extra customs tax on it, it was about ?12 extra for the $149 extreme pack plus extra kudzu. You might not have to pay if customs don't open it.

        I'll be alone for christmas cos I like to feel sorry for myself! Hope you have a good and memorable one!



          Just got the book today and like you am now looking for the vits, I was thinking of waiting till after the hols too, its not going to be easy, to start now will be even harder, but then I look like I'm putting it off arghh. Confused



            Thanks to such a quick and lovely response. My mind is saying "give up after xmas" but I don't want to! I want to give up now and start counting the days properly. How much does it cost in pounds for the stuff, its sounds really expensive. Probably do it anyway, I would have spent it at the off licence. Can see this is going to be a big fight between me and me!



              Yeah that's what I thought - what I spend on the vits and stuff I would have only spent in the pub, and with the expense laid out that's another reason to make the most of it and take it seriously. I went for the extreme option which came to a total including delivery etc of just over ?100. You might not need the extreme pack though, I just got it cos I'm an extreme kind of guy



                Hi Owly, Alice, HannahK,
                I ordered the book yesterday from Amazon...expecting it on tuesday. I shall have to read it before I can make any studied decision about moderation or abstainance.
                I'm not making any promises to myself or anyone else about not drinking over the holidays because I can't yet trust myself to keep them, but I'm damn well going to try.
                I'm never going back to that hellish existence again. I'm off to bed now....early start tomorrow.
                All the best!




                  Welcome to this friendly board. I have been lurking around for a few weeks, and decided to join. I have found a lot of the posts very helpful and also knowing I am not alone in this battle makes me feel less ashamed for having this disease. Keep posting and reading!:welcome:



                    Hi Hannah - Welcome. You have found a great place. It is a tough time to quit, but hang in there! You can do this!:welcome:



                      hannah get the hypno cd set
                      they help quite a bit
                      cheers and keep comin' here



                        welcome Hannah:welcome:

                        For what it's worth... I bought Kudzu while in the US, a different brand than MWO offers and it didn't do much for me. I've since learned from several folks here that the KUDZU at the MWO healthstore is a superior blend/product and is very different from other "over the counter" types available. So, if you choose to use the KUDZU to help with the early days, you might consider at least ordering that from the MWO site and maybe piece together the other vits/supps.

                        This is my second week here and I've been AF 14 days today and I owe so much of this new happiness to the folks here!!



                          re after the hols

                          Hi Guys - and welcome to other 'new' people - I'm new too! I was prompted to reply by Alice's message about putting it off until after the hols - this is effectively what I'm doing. Like Alice I'm not sure if this is 'sensible' or just making an excuse - I'm confused too. I am thinking I need to AF for a while and then would like to mod. Must get round to ordering the book and having a read - think things might become clearer then!

                          Don't cry because it's over - smile because it happened



                            Welcome Hannah


                            First of all, your quote: "Don't cry because it's over - smile because it happened!" Makes me smile every time I read it!!

                            Welcome Hannah! I, too, am new here (6 day AF) but very determined to quit before Christmas. In the past (I've tried to quit off and on for the past 5 years), I would have always used the holidays as an excuse to keep on drinking...... come New Year.......just wanted to continue. This time, I have decided to ditch ALL excuses once and for all. If you feel that this is the right time for you, then it is!

                            Keep writing.......we're here and sharing your journey with you!! :l




                              Quotes and things

                              Hi Scarlet - yes, I like my quote too (obviously I suppose!) - after I put it on I thought it might be a bit inapropriate on this site; but I have used it a lot after someone very dear to me emigrated to Australia - I try not to be sad about it but I miss them so much. In a sense it's not 'over' just a different phase in our relationship I suppose - and great to have an excuse to go over there too!
                              I think I might be using the excuse of the holidays but in other ways I don't feel quite 'ready' yet either.....
                              I x
                              Don't cry because it's over - smile because it happened

