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    Hey everyone, first post :new:

    I guess I should write this. I found the forum looking for info on Antabuse, and ended up reading lots and lots about Baclofen. I've since ordered some, and I'll be here to talk in the meds forum about it a bit more.

    I honestly just wanted to say hi and be all self-centered and chat about me. I'm a 25 year old guy from the UK. I've been drinking from before I left school, but only regularly afterwards - around 9 years now. My drinking's got increasingly heavier, but 3 years ago I found my missus and 4 months ago our daughter was born!

    I was drunk the first time I met Gem (she knows this - ouch haha) but we actually met and started talking online weeks before we met in RL. My drink habits have worsened and worsened over the years, and at the moment I've been on sick benefits for over 4 years for anxiety and depression problems (alongside alcohol). I've got really regretful memories and phyiscal scars, and at the moment I'm drinking around 600ml of vodka a day.

    I'm frustrated and want to quit. I quit for three full weeks after new years day this year (the most I've gone without a drink since I was 15 at least). That was due to not wanting to be hungover or drunk when my little girl was born - but a week after, I started back down the lonely path. My missus doesn't drink at all - she doesnt like the feeling! But both my parents are alcoholics an thats how it all started out I guess, how I used to get drink.

    Sorry for the length of this. I want to quit, and I've tried in the past. I just wanted to make a proper introduction! I've ordered my Baclofen, but I'm going to stock up before I start titrating (to make sure I don't run out). I'm sick to death of horrible SSRI's, SNRI's and another anti-depressants that in the end don't work and make you feel worse. I want something to kill my alcohol cravings before I can tackle my anxiety problems! For my beautiful little girl and my frustrated fiancee that has to put up with me.

    Anyways, hey! This forum seems full of nice people - I hope to stick around and learn some things (especially about Baclofen!)


    I can't submit my post in the drugs forum with a link, without at least two posts! Hope this is appropriate

    Edit: This is said post!




      You have to come to a great place if you want to turn your life around.
      Dont know much about baclofen but I have received great support from all here and been found great advice by exploring the site.

      You have done 3 weeks before, no reason why you cant do it again, and then maybe keep going.
      The benefits of being AF are amazing and with your partner not drinking should help you and keep you from temptation.
      It can be very difficult at times but its so worth it and you will be surprised how many of your problems will lessen with a clear head.
      All the best Joe, take it one day it a time, stick close to here and ask for any help or advice you want.
      I am now nearly 6 months sober and its the best thing I have ever done, quitting the booze.

      Damo in Dublin
      Still trying !!!
      AF 25th June2014



        Wow 6 months I thought 3 weeks was an accomplishment! I'm really envious

        Oh btw, I know my nicknames AverageJoe but my actual names Craig (haha). I've got a nick I use online pretty much everywhere, but when you type it in google it comes up with the forums I've been on and the posts I've made so I'm always a bit wary of using it now :disco:

        Hope this isnt disconcerting, and thanks loads for the welcome !



          Hi Craig like Damo said this is a great place with many ways talked about to stop drinking, read lots from all the different forums. Each day that you don't drink is an accomplishment , we might have some more time AF under our belts but we know all it takes is one drink to start the drinking machine up again. MM
          AF 5/jan/2011



            Hi Craig!

            Welcome to MWO, this is a good place with lots of information available.

            Have you read the MWO book yet? You can download it right from the Health store here.
            Be sure to take a look in the for some great ideas to help you make your plan. You can do this, a lot of us have but you need a firm commitment & a strong plan.

            I did not personally use any prescription meds but I'm sure you will find your answers on the Meds forum.

            Wishing you the best!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



              HI Craig,
              Just wanted to say welcome. I found this site a few months ago and it and the people here have been my saving grace. Posting really helped me. There are lots of great supportive people here, and wonderful tools you can use.
              Again, Welcome!

              Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington



                Hi craig :welcome:
                I'm a lurker too, and on and off the rails like noones business! You're in great company here. Keep reading and posting, it really helps. When I don't visit for a while my mind just readjusts to booze booze booze. I've had some brill advice, love, support and encouragement here - some amazing people.
                Good luck with your journey, a fantastic begining for your partner and little girl xx



                  haha, I think I should get a badge for lurking (only shiny purpley ones mind ) either way, thanks loads for the messages I'm still about and posting (every so often) an just kinda wanted to apologise for my first few posts.. I decided to 'break the ice' after a fairly large amount of vodka, which was a mistake and set the wrong impression

                  So heres me - and I'm saying Hiii!! and thanks Hope everyones doing good!

