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First morning of my new life

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    First morning of my new life

    Hi everybody, I am new here. I woke up this morning, again, after finishing a bottle of wine, again, last night and want to be free from the madness. I have known for some time that I have a drinking problem. Every morning I wake up promising myself that will not drink, and by mid afternoon, I convince myself that only one glass of wine will be okay... and before I know it the bottle is gone. I am an educated person, have an extraordinary family... and can't figure out what my urge to drink is. I have found this site for a reason... I AM DONE WITH DRINKING!!!

    First morning of my new life

    Good morning! And heres to many more GOOOD Mornings. I am only on day 3 myself - pretty much same story as yours, but I could put away much more than one bottle. Anyway, I did the same thing ---woke up 3 mornings ago and said enough is enough! Got on my computer and googled - "Please someone help me stop drinking" and this MWO website came up. It has been so wonderful to wake up 3 mornings in a row with no hangover. I too am educated with a beautiful family and I think how many years AL has robbed me of so much time. So, anyway, it is great to have you here. The thing that has surprised me the most is the horrid guilt and self- loathing do not greet me every morning and I am not depressed. That is enough to keep this journey going. Have a great day! Continue to post and let us know how you are doing.


      First morning of my new life

      Good morning: I'm on Day 2 (version 6,002) and am in the same boat. Have a great family, a lucky life, and... I drink too damn much. Going to use this site for support and not fall back into drinking again.


        First morning of my new life

        Day 2 for me as well. You all sound just like me! I usually put away about a bottle-and-a-half of wine when I get on a roll. That's a lot of booze for a small woman! My kids are 17 and 20 now; my son doesn't seem to care whether I drink or not but my daughter hates it! I didn't drink at all when they were little, but started up again a few years ago. They needed me when they were little and life seemed so much more simple and fulfilling then. The last few years have been pretty lousy, but I'm sure that's the case for lots of people who don't resort to the bottle as I have. I'm still woozy from drinking 2 nights ago; I swear, these damned hangovers seem to last for a couple of days!


          First morning of my new life

          Jumping in to say hello & welcome to Beautifullife, Wanna be Free, Chililug & Clover

          My story is a lot like yours ~ educated professional, great kids, etc. My drinking problem developed after the kids were grown & I realized I was left with a seriously depressed husband & no happiness

          I want to share the advice I received nearly 2 1/2 years ago when I first arrived:
          1. Download & read the MWO book. It has lots of good information.
          2. Make yourself a good plan, something that will work just for you. Take a look in the for ideas.
          3. Make a firm commitment to focus on your sobriety. Rid your house of all AL, promise yourself you won't go buy more. I stayed away from any social gatherings where AL was being served for about 3 months until I felt strong enough to reply 'No thanks' to to the offer of a drink.
          4. Use the MWO Hypno CDs if you can. They really helped me learn to relax with a glass or 10 of wine in my hand & to change my thinking about pouring poison into my body

          I did all this & am happy & healthier, proud, unhung, spending my savings on my grandkids & loving my sober life. It's work - but I did it & you can too

          Wishing all of you the best & please drop in the Newbies Nest thread for more support!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            First morning of my new life

            I know how you feel. The one glass is usually so great, and before you know it, the bottle is gone and the idea of another one isn't out of the question. Start with today, as others are saying, and worry about the other days as they come. I am not doing it today! It's been decided!


              First morning of my new life

              Hello new constituents, friends. I discovered My Way Out on line a few days ago, waited with bated breath for the book to arrive, inhaled it last night, and feel that I am finally on a long awaited path of sobriety and joy. 23 yrs ago I entered the 12 step program. Being the "all or nothing" type gal I am, instead of the 90 meetings in 90 days they suggest, I went to almost 250 meetings in 90 days! I had never experienced any connection to spirituality n my life and discovered a profound beautiful connection to spirit and life. The common stories of losing something, whether it was a spouse, job or integrity (could relate to this one) didn't really apply to me...what did resonate was the self deprecation, whether I drank one glass of wine or a bottle of scotch. Both parents were alcoholic, one "functional" (died at 72), the other entered AA and has remained sober for over 35 yrs, so my legacy was deeply embedded. I started drinking at the age of 3. Sorta a joke's in my book, how I vividly remember toddling up to my dad one hot July in Houston, coming eye to eye with a captivating blue and white can of Busch Bavarian beer with ice streaming down the side of the can. Wrapping my tiny hands around the can I felt the cooling effects, and my dad asks, "Do you want a sip?" Of course I did! And I can still remember just how easily that beer went down and how amazing the bitter taste was! Fast forward 40 hot summer day, my own toddling daughter reached for my cold beer, pulled it to her mouth, sipped and spit it out...fortunately, she got the good genes and has no desire for alcohol at all, a glass of wine with friends on a rare occasion (envy sets in with me when we go to dinner and I order my wine and she says, "No thank you, I'm good." I just realized that this in not the "my story" thread...sorry guys, I love to ramble. Anyway, after 5 yrs in AA, I stayed with my abusive husband (had 3 little children, one with Downs), too frightened to take on life alone, and resorted to my liquid rescue. I am alone now, 58, looking at hip surgery very soon and have no desire to continue this life of falsehood, pretending that my nightly consumption of a bottle of wine is some kind of compensation for raising my children alone (yes, finally did divorce the asshole after 4 more yrs, but wasn't able to divorce AL). I just ordered topiramate and would love some feedback from anyone who has begun taking the medication along with the program of meditation and exercise.

              Looking forward to hearing from anyone and i promise from here on out, no more ramblings!


                First morning of my new life


                Welcome to you as well! Glad you found us - this is a good place
                Feel free to ramble, please! I think it helps to just release all the stored up emotion.

                I did not take any Rx meds. But you will find omgoing discussions in the Meds forum. I'm sure someone will be able to help.

                Learning to say 'No thank you' is a big part of the process. I've been sober nearly 2 1/2 years & I still practice saying 'No thank you' in my head before going out somewhere & always have an early exit plan in place, just in case.

                Wishing you the best!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  First morning of my new life

                  :welcome: beautiful life love the the name and it is a beautiful life without drinking AL! Your story sounds like mine, I use to love that one glass I use to look foward to it all day it was on my mind all day. But a bottle and half later I could not remember anything. The next morning ugly then I would be watching the clock if I was not working for a ok time to drink to cure the hangover just to start the cycle again ahhhh so 24 days ago I had had enough I hit rock bottom but that is another story.

                  You will find love and support here :l I will look forward to your posts. xxxx


                    First morning of my new life

                    Thank you everyone for your support. I look forward to staying here. I am scared.


                      First morning of my new life

                      Hi beautifullife, and welcome. The fact that you have written down your feelings, and that you are writing and thinking about your relationship with alcohol is very positive. It is OK to be scared, we are here to help you.

                      Like you, I have a great family, a great life, but my drinking alcohol was out of hand. I can tell you, going sober is worth every difficult minute. Now some people work towards moderation, and some work towards quitting completely, that is up to you. For me, moderation did not, and will never work.

                      Start adding those sober days together, you can do it.
                      Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                        First morning of my new life

                        Good luck to those of you on Day 3 on this beautiful Sunday. I'm starting Day 2 today. We can do it!
                        Short term goal - (I can't figure out a realistic short term goal.)
                        Long term goal - Moderation! :heart:


                          First morning of my new life

                          I finally found the Toolbox and have been reading through it this morning. It makes me feel that I can really give up alcohol and has certainly alleviated some of the depression and anxiety I've been feeling this morning. I already have some of the recommended supplements and will head over to the health store today to get the rest. I've heard that it can be helpful to pick a significant date to quit, and so I'm going to try and make that date today, Father's Day. My dad was a very good, kind person but was also an alcoholic and the booze completely changed his personality over the years. He is gone now and I miss him in spite of everything. I'd really like to pick this date to do what my dad was never able to and start a brand new happy and healthy life!


                            First morning of my new life

                            This site has been useful to me. I hope everyone finds what they need.
                            Love and Peace,

                            Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


                              First morning of my new life

                              Thank you, Hill. It has been a very hard couple of days. My husband is an alcoholic also and we had wine in the house. Unfortunately, my madness occurred again this weekend. I feel so down on my self this morning. I told my husband last night that THIS needs to stop! On my end and his end. I, like you Hill, cannot do moderation. It simply does NOT work for me. I have to STOP it.. AL.. COMPLETELY!!! Thank the Lord that there is no more AL in the house. I made sure of that this morning by pouring everything that was left out. So, as I have said before, I am scared... BUT, today June 20, 2011 is MY DATE TO BECOME SOBER. Thank you all for your help and support. You are all very encouraging to me!

