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First morning of my new life

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    First morning of my new life

    Thank you, Hill. It has been a very hard couple of days. My husband is an alcoholic also and we had wine in the house. Unfortunately, my madness occurred again this weekend. I feel so down on my self this morning. I told my husband last night that THIS needs to stop! On my end and his end. I, like you Hill, cannot do moderation. It simply does NOT work for me. I have to STOP it.. AL.. COMPLETELY!!! Thank the Lord that there is no more AL in the house. I made sure of that this morning by pouring everything that was left out. So, as I have said before, I am scared... BUT, today June 20, 2011 is MY DATE TO BECOME SOBER. Thank you all for your help and support. You are all very encouraging to me!


      First morning of my new life

      Best wishes beautifullife! I am so impressed and inspired by so many of the success stories here.
      Short term goal - (I can't figure out a realistic short term goal.)
      Long term goal - Moderation! :heart:


        First morning of my new life

        Thank you BlueFlower! I am through this day, TODAY, AL free!! I feel good and these success stories are VERY INSPIRING to me. I check in here often.

        Best wishes to you!


          First morning of my new life

          Good luck to those on day 3 and above. I am on day 2


            First morning of my new life


            Brand new here so not even sure if I am doing this right. I really need some support from anybody. I drink a bottle of vodka a day and over the last year things are progressing very quicky. Liver enzymes are 3 times normal level, black out every night and I'm really scared. I'm the sole provider for my wife and 3 kids but not sure how long I can continue the double life of being a professional every day and absolute drunk every night. Most people have family encouraging them to quit but unfortunately my wife will get upset with because she doesn't want to quit her 2 bottle of wine a day habit. I dont know where to turn but something has to change.


              First morning of my new life

              DJL;1134972 wrote: . Most people have family encouraging them to quit but unfortunately my wife will get upset with because she doesn't want to quit her 2 bottle of wine a day habit. I dont know where to turn but something has to change.
              My husband flat out told me too quit--(and I wanted to, have wanted to for a few years now) even though he was my drinking buddy. I was drinking more than then him on the sly--and got caught. I was releaved because I no longer could do my usual "I'll stop after the weekend, holiday, etc.

              I'm day 13 and except for Father's Day when we usually would have had a nice bottle with our grilled steaks, I have not been missing my big bottle of wine every night--at all. My first day without alcohol my husband drank--though not as much as normal and I was a bit miffed--but got over it quickly, after all I need to be responsible for me and not him--but as the days have gone by he's drinking less and less, and hasn't had anything for the last few days. I think if your drinking buddy stops drinking, your own alcohol abuse starts getting harder and harder to over look.

              You might tell your wife you need to quit and would she mind cutting back or not drinking for a few days to help you started AF? Or say, "you don't have to stop, but I do, your support would be appreciated whether you keep drinking or not". If she doesn't want to stop herself, not much you can do, but stop drinking for your sake. You'll feel so much better, no black out guilt--been there--and you may lead your wife by example.

              My brother went AF and his wife didn't stop drinking. He remarked that it probably made it harder for him to stay on track, but he knew he was drinking his life away and had to stop to save his own life. His wife drinks much less than she did now. My brother has been AF for nine years and looks fabulous for someone his age--healthy weight, awake looking, no longer bloated. I'm losing weight too and looking foward to losing all the wine weight I've put on.

              Stay strong, you came here because you know you need to stop drinking. Take that first step and do it. (((hugs)))


                First morning of my new life

                Thanks Jordan. I know I have to do it with or without her support. I'm hoping the support in here can help.


                  First morning of my new life

                  Thinking of you DJL, it's far from easy, that's why were here. Keep posting for support, I know I am! This place is a lifeline when you're really struggling x


                    First morning of my new life

                    Made it 24 hours! Really didn't know what to do with myself last night. Went to bed at 9 and slept about an hour all night. This site helps but not sure what's next.


                      First morning of my new life

                      DJL;1135574 wrote: Made it 24 hours! Really didn't know what to do with myself last night. Went to bed at 9 and slept about an hour all night. This site helps but not sure what's next.
                      Congratulations! Sorry you didn't get a better night's sleep. Whenever I'd take a day off from drinking I had trouble falling and staying asleep so now I take 5 mg of melatonin an hour before I got to bed and that really helps. Also, I'm taking a spoonful of Magnacalm ( Longevity Science Magna-calm 16 Oz: Health & Personal Care) and I've been sleeping really well. Melatonin is in all the drug stores--google it to see what the max doses are as you might need more to get you over the not-sleeping hump. I imagine loss of sleep might be taking the edge off the "I woke up not feeling hung-over and feel great" high some of us have after not drinking. I know not sleeping was a good motivator for me to drink.

                      Hang in there--looking foward to seeing your day two post. I'll be two weeks tomorrow and friends are starting to comment on how good I look and ask what I've been doing.


                        First morning of my new life

                        Jordan, thanks again for your support and congratulations on your 2 weeks!! Keep up the great work. Today is harder than the first but I am clinging to this site for help.


                          First morning of my new life

                          You can get through today, DJL! We're rooting for you!


                            First morning of my new life

                            DJL;1135696 wrote: Jordan, thanks again for your support and congratulations on your 2 weeks!! Keep up the great work. Today is harder than the first but I am clinging to this site for help.
                            Hi DJL, hang in there with it. This site really is inspiring and life changing/saving. I am on day 4 myself and I know what you are talking about with the "nightly" botttles. I had tried to stop many times before, and finally scared myself this last weekend to decide that I cannot put it off anymore. The time is NOW, so make it NOW! I can tell you, as well, that you do feel better each day. It is not easy because I have had hard times these few days, but I remember why I am doing it- My wonderful family, and being around to enjoy making memories with my small children. I provide for them, also, and the madness HAD to stop. I come here for the support and encouragement that I need. You found this site for a reason.. Stay here with us. I will keep checking back with you.

                            Best of luck,


                              First morning of my new life

                              I just wanted to pop in and say hi and best of luck to everyone. DJL....I too have a hard time knowing what to do with myself when I'm not drinking. For me, sometimes it is best to just turn in for the's better than drinking. I slept terrible last night and had some bad dreams...not sure if it's AL related or not. Hang in there...there is so much support here!

                              Beautifullife - My Husband drinks too and I think he has a bit of a problem but he is able to keep his under control.....I can't. It sounds to me like you are done! I am only on day 5 so I'm right here with you....we are lucky to have found this site!


                                First morning of my new life

                                WineSucks - I love your post name! Thank you for your support and I am right here with you, also! Though my husband is being supportive of me, I felt like I was alone and couldn't talk to anyone for so long about my problem...I used to sit up in the wee hours of the night/morning after consuming 1,2,.. bottles of wine (just me, and the equal portion for my husband), be completely disgusted with myself and google anything and everything about AL abuse/addiction. I never found anything to completely change my mind and support my need, want, desire to quit until now-- WE ARE very lucky to have found this site!

