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First morning of my new life

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    First morning of my new life

    Beautifullife and wine sucks, I can't tell you how much your messages meant last night. I had about convinced myself now wasn't the time and repeated the same cycle until I saw your post. The amazing thing is that both of you are only a day or two ahead of me but you took the time to check on me. Btflife, my wife supports me also and drinks too much but is not ready to work on it so I also have no one to talk to. I hope to see both of you update today with another day under your belt. Good luck and you have my full support, we can do this.


      First morning of my new life

      So, a week ago, I was at work, moving as though through molasses, trying to get through the day, determined that this was the last day I was going to spend so miserably. The last night I was going to have put my baby in danger by being drunk around her, nursing her when I had had too much to drink, waking up with her on my chest and not remembering having put her there. The real last time in a long series of last times.

      A week ago, I found this site, found others in the same situation, and it's been a full week of AF. Thank you all for putting yourselves out here. This helps so much.

      DJL, that's awesome that you pulled through another day, and you too, winesucks and beautifullife. Yay for all of you. You're all helping me defeat the "Well, maybe this weekend, just a six pack... " or "Now's not a good time, maybe at the start of the next month..." voice. Now is the time.

      Thank you thank you thank you.



        First morning of my new life

        Hello and welcome to this glorious day! I am on day 5 of AF and feel better/healthier/stronger day by day!
        When I awoke this morning I was so happy to see bright, clear eyes looking back at me in the mirror. Good luck to you all for today!

        DJL- Congratulations on making it through the night and through another day! You have my complete support also, we CAN do this! This is OUR life, OUR existence and we are the controllers of it... so grab ahold of that steering wheel and drive straight-- for you, your children, your wife, your life!!

        STAY STRONG!!


          First morning of my new life

          Chililug, i didn't realize you had a beautiful baby to love and take care of. Use that as your motivation to stay strong. Although I have three kids who turned out very well, I set a terrible example for them and if anyone of them starts abusing alcohol it will be my fault. You are young and at a point that your child never has to see the madness. You can do it. Let's get through today.

          Beautifulllife it was so good to see your post this morning. You sound so vibrant and excited for the day. Hopefully this is only a glimpse of what is to come if we stay AF. You can feel the positive energy on this thread today. Lets get through it together. You can do it !!


            First morning of my new life

            Chililug- Congratulations to you, also, for a full week AF! You are doing the most amazing thing For you, your baby, family... I am here with you, and all of you.. we can overcome those defeating, WICKED thoughts. Like I tell my children to put their "monsters" in a box and through them away, I am going to put MY "monsters" in a box and burn it!!

            Best of luck to you all!!


              First morning of my new life

              Chililug, so proud of you for tackling your problem so you can be there for your baby!!! One week--awesome! I'm two weeks today and feel great. I've had a few nights when the wine monster was calling me--especially the night I took the kids out for pizza and seeing all the mini-wine bottles on the counter, but I"m staying strong and liking the new me.

              I'm sleeping really well now, I think the melatonin/magna-calm combo has done the trick.

              I'm still a bit worried about my husband's up coming business trips--one of which will be on my birthday. Having him home has made it very easy to be good so this will be the big test. He hasn't had anything to drink all week--a new record for him too. He bought some cheap beer he knows I don't like for the weekend, and we'll keep the wine in the basement so hopefully I can cruise through another few days.

              Keep going everyone--lets keep ticking off the days together!


                First morning of my new life

                Jordan you were the first one to reach out and offer support. so glad to hear you and your husband are doing so well. Keep up the great work you are an inspiration. This weekend is supposed to be great summer weather, I think I will lock myself in a closet until Sunday unless anyone has a better idea


                  First morning of my new life

                  Horray for day 5 AF!! Wishing you all the best. Believe me, today was going good until I started making dinner. Then that wine monster came roaring-- You see, wine was one of my favorite ingredients for cooking, and sometimes it even made it in the food-- But, luckily #1: we have none in the house anymore, and #2: my younger one came into the kitchen to "throw" their imaginary "monster bug" in the trash and it quickly snapped me back to what was most important in life... REMAIN AF for them, family, ME... Thank you all, again, for your constant support. The post and threads are a lifeline.

                  DJL, Chililug, WineSucks- How are you all doing?

                  Best to you all!!


                    First morning of my new life

                    Hello All,
                    I have just read through your thread and my morning has been brightened.
                    Lovely to see you all so supportive of one and other.

                    Congratulations on your sober days - they soon add up!

                    Have a great AL free weekend.


                    Sober since 30/06/10


                      First morning of my new life

                      Hope everyone is making it through the weekend. I was at a big party with drinking buddies last night--buddies who always get plastered--and it felt a little weird not drinking, but everyone else was too trashed to notice and wow, what a different perspective watching the going-ons. This crew is unabashed with their drinking, people were talking about what they'd do to nurse their hang-overs in the morning. I was worried about people wiping out they were so wobbly and child-supervision was spotty at best.

                      I feel great this morning.

