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Another new starter

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    Another new starter

    Hello everyone,
    I was surfing the web this evening looking for help for problem drinking and came upon this site. I have now joined, ordered the book, cd's and starter pack, which I hope will arrive before Christmas (I'm in Australia).
    I've been a heavy drinker for many years, always kidding myself I could stop whenever I wanted!
    From the threads I've read it looks like everyone is very supportive.
    So, finding this site this might be the best Christmas present I'll ever receive.


    Another new starter

    raghnall wrote:
    So, finding this site this might be the best Christmas present I'll ever receive.

    Yup. It might just be.


      Another new starter

      Good luck. I just got the book and the nutritional supplements. I'm starting today without the Toparimate so I'll let you know how it goes. I too am a very heavy drinker and NEED to slow down and/or stop. It's taking up way too much brain space. I really want to be freed, just like you. Good luck!


        Another new starter

        Desperate too!

        I'm starting today without the Toparimate (I'll also trying to conceive...makes things complicated). Feeling desperate and scared about this particular issue, like all of you I'm sure. DYING to get all of these feelings out of my brain space and be 'normal'. HA Any thoughts?


          Another new starter

          Hi there Raghnall.
          :welcome: This is a great place for support and advice and its helped me to stay AF longer than I have in a great many years.Good luck.


            Another new starter


            Glad to have you and all the newbies here, it adds that much more love and support to our FAMILY!:welcome:


              Another new starter

              Hello Raghnall & Jaf.
              Welcome To The My Way Out Forum.
              This Is My New Hot Spot On Info And Support On Staying Alcohol Free.
              Everyday The First Thing I Do Is Log On To This Site To Get Encouragement On Staying Clean,
              I To Have Found This Place Looking For Help.
              I Don't Think I Found It By Mistake.
              Me & This Site Is A Marriage Meant To Be.
              I Know That You Will Get The Help That You Need Here.
              Good Luck On Your New Found Life Clean And Sober.
              God Bless You
              Life Without Drinking Is Life Worth Living.


                Another new starter

                Thanks for your replies and encouragement. Tawny frog, did you have any problem with your GP to get a sript for Topamax? I haven't approached my doctor yet, and am a bit apprehensive about it. Thanks, Raghnall

