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All I Want Is 30 Days AF

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    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

    Scottish travels and take care of yourself...looking forward to catching up with you x
    I'm on Day 3....hanging on in there with you lovely lot...still with me Clover? anxious about dragging my butt past day 4 as it always gets me...PAH!!!!
    Really proud of us lot
    Need to sleep.....big love peeps xx
    ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

      Scottish Lass - I am 44, and a trip to see my parents is always a trigger. They are both drinkers, my father is an especially high functioning alcoholic, so I really do understand and sympathise with your situation. I hope the trip allows you to face some of the challenges that trigger the drinking and I look forward to your posts when you get back.

      Well it is the end of day 2 and I am sober, but face to face with one of the reasons I drink so heavily in the evenings, which is to avoid coming face to face with the state of my marriage. It's very lonely, and broken, and, well sometimes I just don't like it once the children are in bed and we are alone together. Middle age is very challenging. Anyway, I am very grateful for my two beautiful children and my two days of sobriety. Makes me a MUCH better mother.

      Hang in there everyone!
      While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
      Benjamin Franklin


        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

        Queenbug, I'm still here. Just checking in after work and I don't have the urge to drink tonight. I'm going to take my daughter out for dinner, run to the store and then come home and relax. This is Day 4 for me and I know you can do Day 4, too!

        Shueaddict, please don't feel at all that you were bragging, I certainly did not see it that way. I understood the point you were making. I felt that we have much in common, other than the job/finances. I have truly let myself go these last 4 - 5 years, and I don't think for a minute that my financial difficulties are an excuse. I think of the gal who was in shape, healthy, engaged and interested in life and quite happy and THAT is who I want to be again!


          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

          Hey everyone....I know it's late but I just got home a little while ago...sober and tired! I just drank plain old water with lemon. I actually (don't hate me) thought about drinking a beer that was low in alcohol but when I got there, one of the other girls was drinking water with lemon so I figured what the heck. The place that we went has a liquor store in it and I went in there, bought a bottle as a gift for my neighbor. Now in the past, I would have come home, opened it, drank it and then bought another one the next day to replace it. Not tonight!

          Shueaddict - I can relate to alot of your story, as I'm sure many of us can. We are glad you are here....please stay with us on our journey. Trust me, we aren't perfect and some of us have caved (I did) but we keep coming back.

          QB - Day for me tomorrow too....we can do it girl - just hang in there!

          Not Tonite - Congrats on Day 2. I know it's hard but at least you have an understanding of your trigger. I too haven't been too thrilled in my marriage and it's a challenge to deal with sober. It's amazing how you can be with someone and yet still feel lonely. I know what it's like but this isn't about him or my marriage, it's about me right now and I'll figure the rest out later - one way or another!

          Scottish Lass - I can totally parents aren't drinkers and they might be a little looser if they were! I'm 45 and I DREAD telling them anything. They are very judgemental. I hate to say this but I've cut my visits back over the last year because it's too stressful. I have to accept that they are what they are but I can only take so much of it. I'm not drinking myself into the grave because of them or anyone else!

          I feel like I'm missing someone else who is new on here tonight but I can't go back to get the name....I still have to learn how to reply to everyone....but welcome. Like I said, we are all winos and like SL said........"we will win over the wine".

          I hope everyone has a good night, a peacful sleep and a blessed day tomorrow!


            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

            Yay, WS .... you made it through the get-together without drinking!! It must feel great!! My daughter got back in town today and I'd planned a nice dinner out together. Well, she is a raging, hormonal teenage mess right now and we got into a fight. I left to go to the store, thought only briefly about getting some wine, and then said the hell with it! I'm going to eat, not drink! My daughter then called and asked me to please come back. We had a lovely dinner and now I'm heading off to bed .... sober!!


              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

              Good morning all,
              Many thanks for the wise words WS (I have been stuck on being perfect for a very long time, I need to address this, how arrogant of me).

              It seems to me that we all started drinking with the ?best intentions?- coping with very specific difficulties ?from serious ones - there is a lady here who lost a child, divorces, finances to flimsy ones such as my unwinding with a glass or two. Sadly, in the end AL becomes the coping mechanism for everything.

              Clover, I too looked back on my super form days and long to get them back. I think the first biggest difference is that THEN I actually loved myself and took care of myself (at the time it seemed to me so selfish to spend all that time at the gym, money on super organic foods, etc ? but that was the ?early motherhood guilt syndrome?). And the second is that I had plan ? a healthy living plan that included meals, exercise, rest, work, social events and compensation days for excesses may they be drink, bigger meals, long nights, etc. God, my life was so organized.

              What matters is that I still have those tools at hand (and more through this forum) and the support of the same dietician. I just need to take the appropriate steps into re-adjusting my life so that I am back on the healthy living plan.

              Good luck to you all today, will check again in the evening.
              workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                Good evening all,
                End of day 3, headed for day 4. It is remarkable how much more productive one is when either not drunk, hungover or both. Suppose that is stating the blindingly obvious, but it has been a while since I have reached the end of a day and felt genuine pride in what I had accomplished. Hope everyone is well.

                WS - congrats. on getting through the evening sober!

                Clover well done for fighting against your temptation. Glad you and your daughter had a lovely diner together in the end.

                Well I am off to be with a cup of Camomile tea and a great book. See you tomorrow!
                While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
                Benjamin Franklin


                  All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                  Winding down Day 5 and I feel SO good ... very tired, but good! I've mostly been running errands and shopping this evening. My son, who is 20 but still my baby, has been in pain for the last week. He's seen the doc and had x-rays, but now both of his knees and feet hurt so bad that he can hardly walk. I'm very anxious and worried, but I will NOT drink because of this. I need to be completely there for him. I'm heading over to his place to help him out and make him see the doc again tomorrow first thing. It's wonderful to see so many of us checking in so much! I'll be back in the morning. Have a lovely, sober evening!


                    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                    Hey peeps...fell asleep earlier after long day at work...just woke up and struggling to sleep again so thought I'd just check to see how you all are..
                    Bit too tired to take in much but it all sounds like we are getting by...and guess what...DAY 4 done and here I am insomnia-ing my way through the begining of Day 5!!! first time in 10 years...can I hear a WHOOP?!? :H
                    Bloody miracle!!! Thank you for being there and hanging on with me!!! Be back tomorrow...stay strong lovlies xxx
                    ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


                      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                      Congrats. Queenbug on getting past day 4! Clover I will keep you sone in my thoughts.
                      Well today is day 4, looking forward to a sober weekend so that I can run in the mornings and be present for my children.

                      Great work everyone!
                      While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
                      Benjamin Franklin


                        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                        Thank you, Not Tonight. I have no idea what's wrong with him.

                        Well, it's Day 6 for me! I'm going to dash off to work, but I wanted to check in briefly. I'm tired, not sleeping all that well, which is probably to be expected. But how great it is to be starting off these last few days without a hangover! I can take the sleepiness and the moodiness, it is SO much better than the throbbing head, puking, guilt and depression that consumed SO many of my days. I hope everyone is hanging in there; have a wonderful, sober day!


                          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                          End of day 4, although a little shaky around 6:00. I need to find some kind of evening reward. Tea is comforting but perhaps a secret stash of chocolates is in order. I was fairly grouchy the past two days, my husband has been receiving the blunt end of that stick. But hopefully my emotions will begin to even out. I have been taking Evening Primrose, which I do find makes a difference.

                          Hard to believe the change in appearance that 4 days without alcohol has made. Normally in the mornings I try to avoid looking at myself in the mirror, as it is always another reminder of the damage I am doing to myself. It's nice to feel fine about looking yourself in the eye while you brush your teeth.

                          I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their day/evening! Will check in tomorrow morning! Good night
                          While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
                          Benjamin Franklin


                            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                            Not Tonight, it has surprised me at how much my appearance improves after a few days without alcohol. It's pretty astonishing. Just one more perk of giving up the booze! I think the evening reward is an excellent idea! I was just thinking of that today because tomorrow (Friday) is usually my night to tie one on after a long week of work. I have been trying to come up with something REALLY fun and rewarding to do instead of drinking - maybe go see a movie, have a delicious dinner or a giant bowl of ice cream. I've also been thinking of hitting the gym, gardening, going to the pool and all of those other FUN activities that I can engage in Saturday and Sunday if I don't have a hangover! I cannot bear to waste another precious Friday night or weekend being either bombed or sick! Hang in there, everyone. I'm off to the movies with my son, who seems to be doing a little bit better.


                              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                              Amazing Ladies

                              I registered recently and said I wanted to go 30 days AF - well I made it only 3 days, and that was a few weeks ago.
                              I am giving it a try again, because reading all of your stories and posts I know I have found support that may really help. I can relate to all you and WS, Shoe Addict and Not tonight - you keep up the good work and the posting because you will get there....we'll get there. Like a fleet of ships , all at different paces but watching out for each other.
                              I'm mid 50, career woman, mother of 2, grandmother of 2, single, but just getting ready to move in with a man that I have been in a relationship with for five years. I am very fortunate in most every way (hence the name Lucky Lady).
                              I want soooooooooooooo much to get a handle on this monkey on my back - almost exclusively red wine, but have begun to develop a taste for vodka too! My father is an alcoholic and I have watched it ruin him and our family. My daughter goes to AA and is doing better, but still struggles with wine. I see the destruction alcohol causes and know that if I let it go much further I will be sliding down that slippery slope.

                              I drank through last Sunday night , passed out and woke up late for work. Then feeling lousy had a non-functioning workday on Monday.Today is Thursday and AF day 4!!!
                              I am going to read a little tonight and have some Sleepy time tea and plan on a healthy day tomorrow - but, weekends are hard and tomorrow is Friday night.
                              Wish me luck!


                                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                                Hey Everyone....Sorry I couldn't check in last night....I didn't get home from work until 11 then I was tired! It's great to hear everyone is dong so well. Clover....I'm so proud of you and I'm praying for your Son. Lucky Lady....I think you are right about your analysis of where we are...and welcome! I'm leaving to go away tomorrow with my Husband to the beach and I won't be back until Tuesday. I'm sooooo looking forward to going to the beach and not drinking! I won't be online until Tuesday but keep on supporting each other and I'll check in when I get back.

                                Hope everyone has a great sober evening and a wonderful sober weekend!

