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All I Want Is 30 Days AF

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    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

    day 1, take #2

    Hi all,

    Yesterday afternoon, Sunday, day 14 AF, I have decided that I was going to allow myself a beer (or two). I am not a beer drinker but it was superhot and I did a lot of work around the garden. This was my first AF weekend at the house and definitely one of the triggers. I did not finish the second beer, not my thing really.

    I do not regret breaking my AF streak as it was a conscious decision and I think it will only make me stronger for this week?s hurdles (a weeklong of golf evening events culminating with my husband?s birthday). The beer DID NOT MAKE ME FEEL GOOD !!!!

    The proof of my commitment is the half drunk bottle of white still sitting untouched in the main fridge for 2 weeks now. I have 2 other fridges that used to double as secret stashes, trying to confuse my husband as to how much exactly I drank. Wine has been my poison of choice and I really want to kick it.

    I have learnt a lot in these 2 weeks though: -do not go hungry, do not eat simple sugars, take the supplements, check in MWO, PLAN PLAN PLAN !!! Depression, apathy and low energy have plagued me but I hope the supplements will help and I can get back into excersiging.

    Juja, WS, Clover, QueenBug and Not tonight, you ladies are an inspiration (and salvation). Have a wonderful AF week everyone.
    workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

      Good Morning, Everyone! Monday, Monday and back to work. It's Day 17 for me, I stil have to pinch myself to even believe this. Typicall, I'd be facing Monday with a hangover, as if going back to work after the weekend NORMAL isn't bad enough But, I'm feeling great - my energy level gets low, but I suppose some de-toxing is still going on or maybe it's just the heat!

      FlyAway, thank you for asking about my son. Unfortunately, he is not any better. I'm going to call the doctor as soon as they open and let them know what's going on. Maybe the results from the last round of bloodwork will be ready. I just hate seeing him in pain.

      Shue, I remember about 2 years ago I thought switching to beer would make me moderate because basically I can't stand the taste of the stuff. Well, I probably could not become a beer drinker because a half-bottle made me feel sick, too! It's great that you're here and sharing with us! It's probably a rare one of us who woke up one day, decided to stop and went on without a single slip. I've had several "Day 1's"! And who knows how many more "Day 1's" any of us will have? I believe the important thing is to never stop trying!

      I'm off to work. I hope it's a great sober Monday for all of us!


        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

        Clover, I truly admire your resolve, and many thanks for the word of warning.
        I really really hope your son gets on the mending path soon. Seeing your child in pain is experiencing pain yourself

        you are both in my prayers,

        bug hug:l
        workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

          Amy Winehouse

          Here?s a story of last week, when I was home alone. Each night, as soon as I got home, my neighbor?s daughter would pop in. She?s 14, bubbly and fierce and I love her as a daughter. She?s been through a lot the last year - her dad is finally homebound in recovery from AL and drugs addiction (after he kicked her and her mom out of the house, I helped them rent an apartment and get by for the first few months). But the girl has not lost her wicked sense of humor and is blissfully self centered in ?teenaged-hood?.

          When I ?m with her I automatically go 20 year back and joke and prank like a teen myself. It?s a great switch off. She?s been through my collection of shoes and Cd?s . Each night we?d sit on the porch and listen to Amy Winehouse ? me, checking MWO, she ? on facebook with her friends.

          On Saturday ? as I was having dinner with my hubby I could hear her giggle in the garden next door: ?Dad, this song is for you? ? and she cranked up the volume on ? They try to make me go to rehab, I say Noo Noo Nooo?. I did not know what to feel, but decide to join my husband in quiet giggles.

          Soon after, I learnt that she died. RIP, but her music, her story still lives ? and is used as a message by a 14 year old who only came to know her
          workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

            Hi all,
            WS I have been reading this thread since you started it & I thought I would say hi.
            I am also 45, am on Day 3 for the 4th & hopefully last time.
            I keep getting to between 10-20 days AF & then get confident that I can have 'just one little glass of wine'. Then the bottle is gone & I spend the next day feeling hideous. It happened on Saturday and I was so tired I didn't think I would get through the day. I very nearly had a car accident, with my precious 10 year old daughter in the back. I have had lots of other low moments due to AL but this is the last time. Next time I may not be able to regain control of a car or something else may happen. I am done now, my next step is to tell my DH that I do not drink anymore. He can't understand why anyone can't stop after 1 or 2.
            Catch up later. Thanks for listening.
            SJ xxx :groupluv:

            'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle


              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

              Monday looks different today- what a concept! Your posts help- so many people with such a varied number of sober days! What a great site. Will look at the book after work today. Blessings to all---


                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                Shue--I'm really glad that you're here. You've come so far! Two weeks AF and then a beer and a half is so much better than where you were. Your story about Amy Winehouse and the girl next door makes me think of the interconnectedness of us all. You're a good person to help her and her mother. Sounds like you've got a lot going on this week. I know you can do it AF!

                Clover--Sorry your son isn't feeling better, but with 17 days AF under your belt you are doing better. You're better able to care for him and care for yourself. And what you said is true for all of us. The important thing is to keep on trying.

                SarahJane--I can hear the resolve in your voice. This is it and you can do it. We are here for you when the going gets rough. :l

                So this is day 14 for me. Two weeks since I made a total drunken ass out of myself. I still feel strong, but it's hard to think of never drinking again. Not that I'm thinking about it. But I saw the 90 day Buddhist Lent thread and the thought of not drinking for 90 days was overwhelming. I couldn't make myself commit to that. I do want to quit and quit forever, but if I think in big terms like that it's scary. Sometimes I think the emphasis on what day it is AF is counterproductive for me. I just need to focus on one day at a time, not some huge goal in the future or not even a number goal at all. Because that makes it seems like there's an end to this abstinence and there really isn't one.

                I hope you all have a fabulous and alcohol free Monday.


                  All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                  Spanky;1152775 wrote: Monday looks different today- what a concept! Your posts help- so many people with such a varied number of sober days! What a great site. Will look at the book after work today. Blessings to all---
                  Spanky, you slipped in the back door while I was typing! It seems funny to wake up sober and not hung over sometimes, doesn't it? Happy sober Monday to you.


                    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                    Good Morning Ladies....Day No. 6 for me and I'm so happy Typically after having a relapse, like I did last week, I would just keep on relapsing.....not this time. I know it's because of the support I get on here. I also have been trying to follow Women for Sobriety....check it out if you haven't already. It works better for me than AA did.

                    Went out with my daughter yesterday and I have food poisoning. I've never felt sicker in my life! I'm home from work today, been throwing up all night, fever, chills but all I can think least it's not a hangover and I'm on Day 6.

                    SaraJane - I've been watching your progress on other threads as well.....I know you can do this!! Please join us. Your incident must have been so scary.....I think driving with a hangover is just as bad as driving under the influence. We all know how it feels to get a good amount of time under the belt and then that stupid little voice kicks's a liar! You will get all the love and support you need on this thread...these people are amazing!

                    Clover - you rock!

                    Fly - Day 14!!!...I can't wait until I'm on Day 14.

                    You guys are doing amazing...have a great sober Monday!


                      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                      Oh, and Shue.....I was also saddened by Amy Winehouse's death.....although it was surprising to most people, for some reason it really affected me. I guess we can all relate on some level....addiction is addiction.


                        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                        Thanks WS for the lovely welcome.
                        I am also feeling very sad about Amy Winehouse- ironically my Day 1 day is the same day she died.
                        I hope you are feeling better, sounds like you have a nasty bug. Just thinking- I used to all feel like that after drinking sometimes & I thought I was having so much fun doing it. Talk about self inflicted torture.
                        Must go & be domestic- have a lovely evening everyone.
                        SJ xxx :groupluv:

                        'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle


                          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                          Hello everyone...happy sober Monday! Today I seem to have been full of energy which is a lovely feeling. This sounds a bit weird but I've lost count of which day I'm on?! I had my slip up the other day after 10 days, then started New Day 1, New day 2...then just kept going without counting...strange feeling.
                          Did anyone read Russell Brand's twitter about Amy Winehouse? He's not always that funny...but what he says about her and addiction is beautifully and sensitively written...if you can get hold of it...see what you think...?
                          Welcome SarahJane...think we may have spoken a while ago?
                          WS, Fly et al....good to see you are all still here...Clover, my heart is with you re. your son...
                          I can recommend green tea with mint as a good refreshing tasty drink btw...
                          :wave: ....happy tuesday folks xx
                          ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


                            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                            I did read it Queen and it was eloquently written. Surprised me because I'm not a RB fan and didn't realize he was capable writing something so moving and somber and true.


                              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                              Yeah...I think that it has (unexpectedly) become the most sincere thing I've read about her....
                              ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


                                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                                Good Evening, Everyone; it is so good seeing all of you here tonight! It's been a rather stressful evening for me. My son had another doctor's appointment this afternoon, and I think we're finally getting to the bottom of what's going on with him. It's not good, but it's not terrible either. He has some type of reactive arthritis, which was triggered by an infection. The infection should clear up soon with antibiotics, but the arthritic pain and swelling in his feet, knees and back could linger for some time. So, I'm feeling down, but I am sober. And that is a miracle!

                                I read Russell Brand's tribute to Amy Winehouse, and it was very lovely and touching. I didn't know that he was a recovering addict/alcoholic. It's very sad and frightening ... I think of her parents, too, who seemed to know this was coming.

                                Well, I'm going to finally do some laundry and clean up my kitchen. Then I'm probably not going to be up for anything except for some guilty pleasure/trash t.v. shows! I hope everyone is enjoying their sober Monday evening!!

