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All I Want Is 30 Days AF

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    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

    Hi, Winesucks,

    I, too, love wine. I've been AF for only 8 days, and I'll have to say that a cold glass/bottle of chardonnay has crossed my mind numerous times. I understand completely, and am ready to make the change. It hasn't been too bad, really.

    Right now I'm angry, tired, and want to stop doing all the niggling things household things I can't stop doing. Wine always put the brakes on the O-C behavior, and I would be able to relax. Oh, well.

    I don't like my body anymore either, and I used to--it was okay with me. My problem is that I can't seem to make myself exercise. I thought that after quitting AL I would drop a pound, at least, without exercising. Not so, and it's probably because I'm focusing on being AF instead of eating the perfect diet. Right now, if I want it, I eat it, to a certain extent. I'm not talking tons of chips, ice cream, or chocolate; I'm just not paying a whole lot of attention to what goes in my mouth, except for AL. Anyway, I'll get to that aspect of being healthy when I get a bit more AF days behind me. Proper nutrition. Exercise. One thing at a time.....

    I'm hoping for 30 days, but I don't work that way. My goal is 7 AF days (Done), 14, 21, and then 30. Thirty is daunting, and doesn't sound like one day at a time, it sounds like 30. Does that make sense?

    So-o-o-o, one day I'll be 132 lbs again, and I hope I'm still 58.

    If I can do it, you can do it, believe me. I'm with you.

    Thanks for letting me ramble.

    "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

      I'm with you all I'll be with you for the 30 days
      I'll get back and read some more of the comments have to clean up after having 8 grandkids here for the week-end the suns out again been flooding here and raining since easter hope we don't get anymore for a while


        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

        I feel you Juja

        I have been AF for 3 days now, and 30 days seem light years away. Stopped thursday spent thursday, friday, and most of saturday feelings horrible, serious withdrawl, but today maybe the worse... day three or four my body (used to b just hands and feet) feels like its on pins and needles, burns, itches sooo weird. Has anyone else experienced this? All i have heard is that it is alcoholic neuropathy? Could be withdrawal? Everything online says diabetes or an odd thing that eventually prolongs and could have lasting effects? Anyway...I too have been completely unmotivated to exercise, and have been letting myself indulge in anything else I want, replacement therapy i guess. Maybe it will be better in the coming days for both of us. Thanks to everyone for being so motivating, i really need it right now


          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

          I'm still awake and jittery...have to get up in 4 hours for work...but pleased Day1 achieved...onwards and upwards! My witching hour is 6pm when I'm back home...or perhaps I'll try to gym it for a while on the way home...then be so knackered I won't make it to the shop for wine...fall asleep...and hey presto day 2?! I will be back tomorrow at some point around those tricky times...good luck everyone...thanks for being there x
          ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

            My witching hour is also around 6:00 when i start cooking dinner. I love to have a glass of wine while I'm cooking (but it ends up being the whole damn bottle). Don't be surprised if you guys see me posting from my laptop while I'm making dinner...I know it sounds crazy but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!

            On a positive note.....went for a bike ride and it's 8:45 now - made it through witching hour on day 1. I'll check back in tomorrow.


              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

              Good for you Queenbug & WineSucks!
              Day 1 is the hardest - you've done well.

              Crawling Out, hello & congrats to you on your 3 AF days! That's big
              Please be sure you are staying well hydrated = pehaps some of those symptoms you mentioned could be due to the dehydrating effects of AL. You will start to feel better very soon, hang in there.

              Here's another tip - don't let yourselves get too hungry. Drinking thoughts tend to happen when your blood sugar drops a bit. Instead of reaching for a glass of wine go for a snack with a bit of protein.

              Keep up the great work!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                hi girls... there must be many like us in the world huh! i am a chardy loving divorced mum of 5 who uses wine to 'relax" and am hating myself so much lately.. cant seem to stop.. maybe as a group we can support each other..this is my first time on here.. am off to work soon but will revisit later..


                  All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                  keepwalking;1133555 wrote: WOW! well done you, thats what i call progress!!!!! No idea how to change username but i guess you go into profile and edit settings just like you can edit picture?? Good luck, you sound so focussed, JUST DO IT!!! xx
                  It would take a Moderator/Administrator with access to the Mod/Admin Control Panel, and certain permissions.....only takes a few seconds once you get there, but you have to get a hold of them and ask.

                  The other option is to start another account, but you will have to start all over again. Not the case if the Mods/Admins can change it for you
                  Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



                    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                    Good Morning

                    And it is a GOOD MORNING!!! I woke up this morning without a hangover and the self-loathing that comes along with it! Didn't go to the gym but did bike ride last night. Spent the morning praying (I need all the help I can get). I'm off to work but will check back in tonight. Hope everyone has a great day.

                    Staying focused on 30 days...........Day No. 2, here I come!


                      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                      Me, too! I don't have a hangover this morning and I'm not even dreading work. I'll be back tonight! It's Day Number 2!!


                        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                        Well, it's after 7:00 here and witching hour is underway.....I think I'm hungry and need to get something to eat, then I'll feel better. Work was stressful today and I'm so used to coming home and un-winding with some Pinot Grigio but I know that tomorrow, I'll just regret it and be upset with myself. Plus logging on here and sharing has given me new motivation.

                        Thursday I'm supposed to go to a baseball game with some guys from work, which always includes drinking (Beer mostly). I sent an email, starting the bail-out process because I am really busy at work and I think going is probably a bad idea. I can tell one of them is upset with me because it's his Birthday but I just feel like I have to do this. Any ideas how to handle this?

                        Also, to the others that responded yesterday that feel like 30 days is too long...I know it is rough. I have failed so many times. I think it's a goal but I also think that anything is better than nothing so if you get 1 or 2 or 3 days AF then it's a victory and we just keep plugging along.

                        Hope everyone had a good day....I have to believe this gets better with time!


                          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                          It's after 7:00 here, too, and I'm mostly past my witching hour, which is usually immediately after work, around 5:30. Phew! I feel safe, at least for the rest of tonight. I, too, am going to eat something to keep my mood up.

                          WS, I accepted 2 invitations to go out last week, Thursday and Saturday, and guess what? I drank! Even though I didn't even especially want to and wasn't having terribly bad cravings! For me, I'm going to have to skip socializing with anyone who is drinking, at least for a while. Most of my friends don't actually drink that heavily, so we should be able to find other things to do. I'm trying to plan lots of time with my kids, just watching movies, etc. Perhaps a walk tonight, and getting back to that damned gym one of these evenings.

                          This is rough, and I certainly had thoughts of wine after work. But now that the craving has passed, I already feel SO much better, especially knowing that I'll wake up tomorrow morning feeling good!


                            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                            Clover - I'm with you. I've made it past my witching time and I feel fine. Getting ready to settle down and read a least I'll remember what I read!

                            Thanks for the advise on the game....I agree. I know, without a doubt, that I wouldn't be able to not drink....even if I didn't want to. I need to stick to my guns..I hope they don't amp up the pressure.

                            Going to the gym in the morning without a hangover....whoop whoop!


                              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                              YESSSS!! Good for you!! I've got a good book to read tonight, too; and I'm watching television; and I'm surfing the net. These are things that I don't enjoy the least little bit if I'm drinking, so this feels like fun tonight! If my daughter doesn't keep me up too late, I may try for the gym in the morning. Day 3, here we come!


                                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                                Hiya Winesucks and like minded individuals!
                                looks like we could all have been separated at birth:H
                                That witching hour is the make or break time, not getting hungry is my best advice, cravings seem to settle down after food, for me anyway. Weight gain has been a nightmare, and I'm sick of all my extra jiggly bits, along with the psoriosis that's come with it too...all down to booze I'm sure (not a pretty picture!).
                                Day two, feeling confused (?) and not sure what's in store.
                                I wouldn't do the socialising thing either. I know for a fact if I went I'd be right back on it, dreading going to the supermarket later!!!
                                Anyways, good luck everyone, I'm going to write a list of things I need to buy to get me started.

