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All I Want Is 30 Days AF

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    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

    SJ--I am 46, so we're right there in age together. You sound so strong today!

    Not Tonight--Fantastic news about the Chinese publishing house! And I didn't realize the must fest was 3 days. Wow, that sounds like a lot of fun. Hope you have a great time there with the kids. I'm not really overweight, but it's funny (not really) how the middle thickens as middle age hits. Ugh.

    Clover--Hooray for the stink being gone today. I wonder what will happen to you next? :H I took L-Glut throughout the day, whether I was craving anything or not. Morning, noon, and night. Then if I felt a craving coming on I'd take another dose. It really did calm down the cravings.

    Queenbug--Does your mum want to quit drinking? Is it something that you've been able to discuss with her without her getting defensive? Does she know that you're trying to quit?

    WS--The great thing about your slip was that you came right back here. I think it's a pity when people are too ashamed to come back and talk about it. And look at you now! You are doing great. Positive vibes for your daughter today. I hope they find the problem and can help her quickly.

    This will be another long work day/night for me. I'll be getting home late and will probably sip some tea, check in here, and go to bed. I'm feeling great and slept like a log last night. I've got 2 events this weekend. One on Saturday right after work at a bar to send off a coworker who's moving away. I'll be a designated driver, but I can see this night going long. Sunday we're having a barbecue at my house with maybe 15 people. I'll be fine there. I'll be sipping water at both events. I may get some grief and questions why I'm not drinking on Saturday, but I'll be fine.


      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

      WS....we are doing it side by side matey!!! :kewl:
      NT...enjoy the music..:band2:
      Clover...not just a spa day for you after all you have been through....I'm thinking a whole weekend...glad things are smelling sweeter...:hearts:
      My mum doesn't really see that she has much of a problem anymore...she drinks every day, from about 10 am...gin &/or vodka. Her veiw is that she doesn't get into as much trouble as she used to and calles herself a 'quiet drunk'...shes in her 70s now, lives in a wardened community, walks daily, sleeps from about 3-7pm, starts again and goes to bed (or passes out on sofa) around midnight. Generally now she's much more mellow, but when she stays with me (a few times a year for a few weeks at a time) we tend to keep out of her way on the evening round as she can get quite bitchy and nasty.
      When I was teetotal she wouldn't have anything to do with me and I found it hard to be around her and one of my sisters...horrible to watch and be on the recieving end of it all.....sadly when I started to drink, we could be together much more easily. That said...I in no way blame her for my own drinking...I had choices.
      At the moment, I don't need to say anything to her...but she's due next week, and I'm hoping that I will be clear and strong enough to try it. One of my daughters is coming home after travelling and she saw through my drinkhiding years ago which has caused a rift between us. With distance between us we have been able talk a bit about it and I want to show her that I'm armed with this, I may find a way to tell mum and withstand her own anger/anxieties/guilt....or just tell her that this is the way it is and what I want...and take her home until she feels happy to spend time with me AF....that's the plan...we shall see...
      gets tricky eh?
      Sounds like you have a hectic weekend Fly...don't take any shite matey xx
      ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

        WS .... Congrats on 8 days of freedom! I hope you daughter is feeling better.
        This thread has been such a rich source of support, thanks again for starting it.

        SJ... Here, here to no more Day 1's!!!

        Clover... glad you are back in your house, hope the rest of your day went well.

        Flyaway ...I have every confidence in you that you will get through both events this weekend successfully. I always feel that when ever I get through a social event that I would have normally drank at sober it gives me more arsenal for the next event.

        QB.... My parents are both are died in the wool alcoholics. High functioning, however booze has warped their emotional state and their ability to have a real relationship with their children and grandchildren. I can hear so much of my experience of my time with them in your description of your mother. Part of my decision to give up drinking was because I did not want to morph into an old drunk and become so emotionally unavailable to my own children. Your giving up drinking must be very threatening to her own addiction. I think your plan to deal with your mother is a good one. Your daughter loves you, wants the best for you and will be happy with the direction you have taken. Mother daughter relationships are so deeply complicated.

        Well I have packed up my L-Glut, and am ready for 3 days with my children. I will try to check in while we are gone.
        While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
        Benjamin Franklin


          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

          Hey everyone....thanks for the well wishes for my Daughter. Everything went fine. I did struggle just a tiny bid today with the wine issue. It's such a beautiful day and the thought crossed my mind. Then I thought about how awful I felt last week, how awful I would feel then I thought am I, am, am I, am i tired?....yes! so I took a 30 minute power nap, two capsules of L-glut and I was able to push through. It wasn't too terrible but now I am a little concerned about what it will be like next week, when the memory of the horrible hangover is gone. I need to redirect my attention on to something else.
          Everyone sounds like they are doing so makes me happy! Well, off to make dinner and a bike ride with my huby.

          Hope everyone has a restful sleep, good dreams and a great AF day tomorrow.


            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

            Good Evening, Ladies. I wanted to check in and say hello and had every intention of trying to be supportive and cheerful, but damn it, I feel pretty lousy tonight. I'm still sober, Thank God, but very down in the dumps.

            My mom stopped by to see my son today and cheer him up. She told me he said when he's recovered he wants to start over, take care of his health, work out and go back to school. I'm just so sad for him. About 2 years ago he got involved with a girl who turned out to be a complete psychopath; she seriously is mentally ill, angry, manipulative and mean as a snake. I saw him spiraling downwards with her; the two of them spent most of their time smoking dope and drinking. I had shared my concerns with him in an e-mail, which she read. I had no idea she has access to his private e-mails. Well, she went bonkers and started sending me vile, disgusting and threatening messages. Finally, a few months ago things came to a head and she moved away back with her parents. We were relieved, but naturally that was not the end. She came back about a month or so ago, and my goofus of a son started spending time with her. It took about 2-3 weeks for him to start getting sick. Well, the long and short of it is, his current condition (reactive or infections arthritis) is the result of an STD. It is one that antibiotics will clear up, but the arthritis that it caused could be with him for weeks, months or even years.

            I'm so distressed by this, but REALLY pissed off, too, at her AND my son! It's funny; in her last message, she threatened to come to my house. She is a spoiled little marshmellow with a big mouth. What she doesn't know is that I grew up in a very tough working class neighborhood, and I am no shrinking violet. I told my son if she dared to show up at my house, it would be my pleasure to beat the living s**t out of her!

            I must sound like a nut; maybe it's the de-toxing, mood swingy thing or stress or the heat. But at least I am not drinking .... and don't especially want to. Thank you all for letting me rant and rave.

            I am very glad to see everyone coming back and hanging tough together!


              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

              Hey Clover...what a cow!!! I was brought up on a pretty dire estate... my kids lives have been very different...but I have been known, when someone has really hurt/bullied or broken them, to occassionally follow the inner voice...and loudly threaten to Rip the ****er's face off if he/she comes anywhere near one of mine!!".....It's rare...and I'm a shortarse...but generally effective....if needbe , you go girl!!
              So very hard when our kids do stuff that makes no sense to us...and we can see the pain they will have coming to them.....
              You rant all you want to.....just don't drink....she ain't worth that and your son is probabely really glad to have you there for him....
              Jeez, when it's tough - it's tough eh? Chin up xx
              ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                Queenbug, you are a hoot and you sound a lot like me! Thank you, and I will keep the old chin up. I'm actually feeling a lot better now. I was just all worked up by the end of a long day, feeling blue, feeling pissed off, etc. But ... I unloaded here, fixed myself a nice dinner and watched a funny old movie. And now, I'm doing okay. And you are right - she ain't worth it and sometimes I think he ain't either! But he's my kid and I adore him. I feel more than ever that I should set a good example and be there for him. AND my little girl (who is actually 17) seems so much more happier to be around me these last couple of weeks. I'm very glad to see you're hanging in there, QB! Have a lovely sober evening!


                  All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                  Clover - I would feel the same way. She sounds like a little Heffer! My youngest daughter dated a total jerk a couple of years ago and she is still dealing with the aftermath. I'll never forget one night he called here and told me if I didn't put her on the phone he was coming over and I told him (of course I had a couple of glasses of wine in me) that if he showed up I would personally beat his little ass up and down the street! This was totally out of character for me and my kids STILL laugh about this but I meant it when I said it. I'm so glad he didn't show up....I probably would have gone to jail.

                  It's amazing how crazy we can get when other people hurt our kids. It's a tough lesson to learn bet thank God he has something that can be cured!

                  You are doing incredible and I have so much respect for you. You have really dealt with alot and to not be drinking on top of everything just shows how strong you really are!


                    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                    I have to admit I'm laughing at your stories! :H

                    Clover--You are a nut! :H And I wouldn't blame you for beating the sh!t out of that girl! But the best news is that you've dealt with all of this nonsense without drinking!

                    Queenbug--And you are the biggest nut of all! :H You always make me laugh!

                    Not Tonight--I hope you have a great time with your kids. Enjoy Blondie!

                    WineSucks--Great job! We can't forget how bad things were, although it sure is easy to do. So funny the things we'll do for our kids.

                    Just home from work and I heated up some unsweetened chocolate almond milk and added stevia. Yum! Tastes like hot chocolate. My treat before bed.


                      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                      What's stevia Fly? :question2:
                      ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


                        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                        Good Morning, Ladies! Queenbug and WS, you both sound a lot like me! Even sober, I'm pretty whacky - imagine me wanting to beath the s**t out of someone - trust me, though, she deserves it! I've settled down and feel good this morning. Finally got a decent night's sleep. Anyway, I'm very glad that we are all keeping away from the wine! You gals are doing great and I look forward to seeing your posts here every day!

                        Flyaway, I'm sure you'll do fine this weekend. I tend to be concerned about what my friends will think when I socialize without drinking. I've had this notion for some time that I'm more fun when I drink; but that is really not the case. Oh, I get all loosey-goosey, sentimental and silly after a few glasses. But, since I ALWAYS end up getting bombed and sloppy, how could I possibly think that is fun for my friends to be around? Yikes! You sound very interesting, kind and FUN sober and this weekend should be a lot more fun for you now that you won't be drinking!

                        I hope everyone has a great, sober Thursday. Wow, July is nearly over!


                          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                          This thread makes for a very entertaining read- even though I know some of the problems are serious.
                          QB stevia is a more natural sugar that doesn't cause blood sugar level swings, you get it from a health food shop.
                          Am Day 6 today & think am doing very well. Eating well, exercising lots & not really thinking about AL much. But I was the same last Thurs and on Fri night drank a bottle of wine & felt hideous the next day. So need to keep focused & plan my weekend AF. Have just been invited to a friends house on Sat night for drinks & not overly concerned- but will need to have a little chat to myself first. My friends love their wine, most of them are very sensible about it & some are just shocking. But they will have to get used to the AF me- if anyone says anything I am just going to say that I feel like drinking some fizzy water & change the subject.
                          Off to the beach now with my daughter- catch up later. Hope you are all having a magnificent Thursday.
                          SJ xxx :groupluv:

                          'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle


                            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                            Queenbug, stevia is a no-calorie sweetener that's made from the leaves of the stevia plant. It's available in liquid or powder form.

                            Today is going to be a great day! We are feeling strong and doing fabulous! We are doing it!


                              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                              Good Evening, Everyone! I just got back from the gym a little while ago and feel good, but still tired.

                              I stopped to see my son during my lunch break, and he seems to be feeling a little bit bitter. I did a lot of on-line research and got that kid a ton of supplements for his condition; he's been taking them for about two weeks and I can only hope that something is working.

                              I'm just so glad that it's almost Friday, even though that has always been my night to get even more blotto than usual. Tomorrow will be the 3-week mark for me. I have plans to go out for dinner, right after work, so that I won't even have time to think about wine. I absolutely cannot go hungry after work, that is a sure-fire trigger. Years ago, when my kids were little and I didn't drink, Friday was my favorite night of the week. I looked forward to a nice meal and then the entire weekend ahead. It's starting to feel that way again!

                              I hope everyone is doing well and hanging in there!


                                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                                Hey, what a long day! Work was stressful to me today (another trigger) and I'm not going to lie...I thought about it but I took another L-Glut and pushed through. Soooo like Fly Away said....we are doing it! I feel good. Tomorrow will be Day 10 for me and I'm playing cards with some friends that don't drink, so at least I'll be occupied.

                                I do anyone feeling more tired than normal? I have been taking the L-Glut and I think not drinking the wine has really reduced my sugar intake and I'm wondering if I could be having some type of withdrawl. I'm tired. I hate this feeling because usually I'm a very energetic person. I didn't make it to the gym this morning, I slept an hour later and I was still tired! I hope I can get my butt up tomorrow and get to the might give me more energy.

                                SJ - you are right.....this does make for some entertaining reading. I find myself getting a kick out of alot of the posts..who says getting sober has to be solemn anyway....I think it's great that we are having fun!

                                I hope everyone has a peaceful sleep (I hope my husband doesn't snore tonight, I wanted to choke him last night) and a wonderful AF day tomorrow.

