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All I Want Is 30 Days AF

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    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

    WS, I've been more tired than normal, too. It seems to come and go, however; afternoons are the worst, I could easily put my head down on my desk and fall asleep at work. I sometimes doze off after dinner if I sit on the couch to read or watch t.v. Then I get a damned second wind late at night! So, my sleep patterns are out of whack, but I am having vivid, interesting dreams!

    I am now watching t.v., on the computer and doing laundry, thank you very much second wind! I hope every is enjoying a sober and relaxing night and will see you all tomorrow!


      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

      Just getting home from work and thought I'd check in before bed. As for feeling tired, I've been sleeping longer and better than I have in a while, but I've been sleeping later too. Tomorrow and Saturday I've got to be up really early so I'm not looking forward to that. My husband snores so loudly that I sleep with earplugs in. I'd never get to sleep otherwise. I'm feeling strong and am loving not drinking. I feel so much better!


        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

        Hi All,
        I am very tired too. Hoping it will pass soon. Otherwise feeling very well.
        Think I will go have a little nap- because I can & I am worth it! Funny- when I was tired form AL I felf guilty & used to push myself through the day & do plenty- so no-one could say that I had a problem. Now the guilt has gone & I am doing what I want- how liberating.
        Happy Friday all- am going to have my favourite drink with barbecued lamb later- fizzy water with lime juice & fresh mint, and some ice cubes as it is quite warm. Last Friday night I drank a bottle of red, had a shocking nights sleep, felt shock all day Saturday & nearly had a car accident. Shame I didn't enjoy it more as it was my last drink. Too much living to do now to poison myself like that- ever.
        SJ xxx :groupluv:

        'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle


          All I Want Is 30 Days AF



            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

            I know it's late (11:30 p.m. EST) but I wanted to stop in and say hi....I made it through day 10 and a rough week and it's Friday. I really had no desire to drink today....I thought about it buty it wasn't a big deal.

            SJ - I know what you mean about not feeling guilty for taking a nap.....I actually enjoy my afternoon naps where before with a hangover it would be like I was punishing myself and not take one. Hopefully I have more energy next week.

            Twosides - Welcome.....we are happy to have you join us. This is a great support thread!

            Hope everyone has a great evening....I'll check in tomorrow.


              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

              Day 11 and I have no cravings (although its only 11:30 a.m.). I don't want to jinx myself but I'm wondering if this time could be different. I've thought about wine but not very much and then I have been able to turn my attention to something else. I'm not sure if it's the L-Glut or what. I am still a little tired, though and I haven't been sleeping that great. I hope this straightens out soon but I am so HAPPY to be on Day 11!

              I'm just wondering when the weight will start dropping off....if anyone has any input on how long it took the stomach to start going down, I would appreciate it...well, off to clean the house!


                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                Friday night was no problem after all & I am going to a drinks party later & really looking forward to it AF. I have been to the same house for lots of parties before & have always battled not to drink too much as I was driving- always having half a glass more than was probably ok & then feeling so guilty later. I don't even care if anyone questions me not drinking. Where I live people will always have 1 or 2 glasses when they are driving so just saying that I am driving isn't a valid 'excuse' for not drinking. Which is stupid- any amount of AL affects your driving.
                But I don't feel like I need an excuse. Will report back later.

                My 17 year old son came home this morning after he stayed overnight at a friends house after finishing a course. They had a party on a boat in the evening. He got sick when he got home- his first & hopefully last hangover. He kept saying he only had a couple of beers. I asked him what a couple was - he said 3 or 4. He kept making excuses like something he ate or not eating enough. (It was like I was looking at myself- so scary) I felt sorry for him as he is such a good kid. But I sat him down & told him that he had 2 choices. He could spend the next 30 years or more trying to drink 'sensibly' & have fun & trying hard not to 'over do it' going from one hangover to the next. Or he could not drink at all & have a fun, rewarding life. He was saying until quite recently that he never wanted to start drinking. I named a couple of men in their 20's & 30's that he knows well who don't drink & have great lives. He wants to achieve quite high sporting goals, he missed training this morning. He said he was never drinking again, I told him everyone says that but most of us make the mistake of thinking we can drink & will never feel bad from it. Will see how he gets on. He is actually the first person I have told that I am not drinking anymore.

                Hope everyone is having a fabulous weekend. :h
                SJ xxx :groupluv:

                'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle


                  All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                  WS forgot to say I have lots more energy today- did a great 4 mile run this morning & have been really sluggish all week. Hope that stage has passed as I am feeling great now.
                  Clover I am the same with the second wind at night- we are going to have very clean houses!
                  Flyaway don't work too hard. You are so positve- it is catchy!
                  Hi Twosides.
                  Hope everyone else is doing great.
                  SJ xxx :groupluv:

                  'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle


                    All I Want Is 30 Days AF


                    Congrats on day 11!!

                    I had mild withdrawal, but about 7-10 days in, my energy levels crashed. I could have slept whole days. I read up on this and got basically 2 answers:

                    1, my sugar levels were messed up from drinking wine. Although I never craved sweets while drinking, I was still consuming massive amounts of sugar in wine. In fact, I read somewhere that a bottle of wine is like eating 6 candy bars - pretty gross, no? So my fatigue was a low sugar crash and I found that a sweet would give me some energy. In the usa, we have a drink called glucerna. It is like Ensure but made for people with diabetics. It has a low amount of sugar but made to avoid insulin spikes. A "milk" shake drink packed with tons of vitamins and minerals - I use that now and it helps a great deal, although I'm passed the fatigue stage.

                    2. Our bodies are exhausted from drinking. The liver/filter of the body has so much work to do to process poison from the system. Worse, alcohol converts to acataldehyde which becomes the primary source [a bad source] of energy leaving food calories to get stored in the body as fat which shows up in the midsection/beer belly. Once we stop drinking, the liver can finally start doing the work it should normally do if it were not distracted by eliminating alcohol toxins from the body. The fatigue we feel is "detox" fatigue. The liver is working hard to detox the body --- so it is important that we help out the process by eating well, taking good supplements, lots of water and lemon, vitamin C, etc. Dont fight the process. The fatigue means that your body is healing and getting stronger.

                    After I stopped drinking, my weight stayed the same, maybe even went up a bit. But once my liver became a fat burning machine [which nature intended it to be] instead of an alcohol eliminator, the weight is coming off. I try to eat well, do cardio 5 times a week, and am losing weight. AF for 7 weeks, have lost about 8 lbs - but no weight loss in first 3-4 weeks.

                    hope this helps...peace to you and continued success!


                      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                      Life...take2....I could have written that same post. That's exactly what happened to me.
                      I had 7 weeks of slug, and I mean slug.

                      There is no way I will ever go back to day 1. One thing I did learn was to up the L-Glut to 4500 mg. per day to fight off the sugar cravings that staged war on me last week! Now they're gone. Here is a good article.
                      The Way Up Newsletter : Benefits of Amino Acid L-glutamine.

                      Good luck everyone.....:l
                      THOUGHTS become THINGS
                      choose the GOOD

                      AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


                        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                        Congrats on Day 11 WS!!!
                        ?A year from now you will wish you had started today.? Karen Lamb


                          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                          WS, I am so happy for you! I'm just over 3 weeks and still feel sluggish, off and on. I decided not to push myself too much, though, because so many people here advised to be good to yourself. When I have an energy spurt, I do housework or hit the gym. If I feel tired, it's couch and t.v. or book time. And, of course, I'm eating well again - so Lord only knows when some weight will start falling off. I do believe that a lot of the "bloat" I had is just about gone, though.

                          SJ, my son is 20 and I have certainly worried about him concerning "substance" abuse. He has always been a good kid and didn't seem at all inclined to drink in high school. But then he got involved with the wrong person and discovered weed, which seemed to go well with booze. He is SO much like me that it is frightening! I used to love pot back in high school, hated alcohol because my father was a heavy drinker. But in college, I discovered wine and it was all downhill from there. Since my son has been ill, he has not been drinking at all. And neither have I. Maybe this is a very important turning point for both of us. I truly hope so!

                          Life and Barbara, what wonderful and helpful info! I am taking the glut and milk thistle and doing my best to get this poor old liver cranking up full steam again. It is such a relief to know that we're on the right track. Thank you both!

                          I hope everyone is enjoying their sober Saturday. It's hotter than hades where I live, but I'm going to attempt some yard work today. See you all later!


                            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                            SJ - I'm going to hit the gym and start running again on Monday (it's too hot here to run outside). I went this morning but did a class. I can't wait to start running again. Maybe it will increase my energy level. BTW - Have fun at your event tonight and drinking the fizzy water! I can't wait to hear about it tomorrow.

                            Life - Thank you sooooo much for posting the information. It makes sense and honestly, its probably a combination of both. I've got some lemons so I'll do some warm water and take a bath in epsom salt (know for getting rid of toxins in the body).....also, I live in the States so I'll get some of the drink you suggest (although I had some candy last night!).

                            Margaret - Thank You!!!!!

                            Barbara - I'm with you.......NO MORE DAY NO. 1s!!!!!!! I read back through some of my older posts today and I've probably had to start over again at least 4 freakin times. I wish I were a little farther along then 11 days but I'll take what I can get. I haven't gone 30 days AF in at least 5 years so this is really important to me.

                            Clover - I'm glad to hear the bloat is are two weeks ahead of me so I have something to look forward too! It's really hot where I am too.......and I have a bunch of veggies to pick out of the garden.

                            Hope everyone is having a fantastic SOBER SATURDAY!!!!!!!!!!!


                              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                              WS...REALLY well done for getting to Day11...proud of you matey!
                              Clover, the 'bloat' info is giving me hope!
                              Tired today and sadly back to Day 1 (just can't crack that Day 10)...but hopefully will be the last time...
                              Happy Saturday peeps xx
                              ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


                                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                                Had a lovely time at the drinks party last night. Had my fizzy water in a wine glass with a wedge of lime, ice & fresh mint- looked a bit like the cocktail they were drinking but it was what I wanted to drink. No-one noticed & it didn't bother me at all. Enjoyed some lovely seafood & raw vegies. Was nice to talk to lots of people & remember every word I said- no cringing when I woke up this morning. And no hangover! I am listening to Amy Winehouse today- she died on my Day 1. She reminds me what a waste of a life AL is. She was fabulous.
                                I did have a few moments when I was wondering who to speak to next & had moments of low confidence- only moments though. Was there without my hubby as he was busy with our boys. I had my 10 year old daughter with me who was a bit bored at times. Was great to be able to walk out when I wanted to & not when I had 'Just 1 more drink'. Also great to be able to drive. I found myself more comfortable with the people who don't drink much, also the ones who were getting stuck into the wine were all together- getting a bit loud as I was leaving. That would have been me- thinking I was having a great time.

                                QB- you will get to Day 10 & beyond, you are making great progress.
                                WS- Day 12 today- hope it is good for you. We came to MWO at the same time- this is my 4th time starting over too. NO MORE DAY 1's!!!
                                Clover- this does sound like an important turning point for you & your son. I know we can't control our kids lives but I think we can do alot more to support & guide them when we are sober.
                                Margaret- welcome back- how are you doing?

                                Hope everyone is having a great Sunday.

                                Think I might clean some windows- have so much energy today. Then I do whatever I feel like- because I can.
                                SJ xxx :groupluv:

                                'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle

