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All I Want Is 30 Days AF

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    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

    QB he sounds lovely and you are lovely and you are going to go & have a lovely time!
    Get your butt to M& S for some nice tummy tucking nickers- I wouldn't leave the house without them. Wear something you feel good in and start looking forward to what you deserve- good company & a bit of excitement. Go girl!
    Hi to everyone else- am heading to bed as have busy day tomorrow. Had a great 5 mile run today- hardly thought about AL but need to be vigilant.
    SJ xxx :groupluv:

    'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle


      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

      Good Evening, Ladies! I'm here, but tired and hungry so I'm heading out for a bit to eat.

      Flyaway and Queenbug, thank you for your kind remarks concerning my son. Now he is testing positve for Lymes Disease. Lord have mercy. He asked me on the way home from the doc if I thought he might be well by his 21st birthday (August 9th). I told him there's a very good chance that he'll at least be feeling better. He is starting a new round of even stronger antibiotics. He really is such a dear, kind of immature, but very sweet. It's all I can do to keep from crying in front of him. But, I have to be strong in every sense and that certainly means NO booze for me!

      Queenbug, your friend sounds lovely! You should go and have fun and don't worry about a few extra pounds - he already cares about you no matter what you weigh. And wait until he sees you just getting hotter and hotter due to not drinking!

      My daughter and I are having dinner together and then I honestly just want to sack out on the couch and try to relax. My girl is going into her senior year and is in the band. I went to a band parent meeting after work tonight and am really looking forward to marching season this year - Friday night football games WITHOUT any wine before or afterwards!

      I wish you all a nice, sober Monday night!


        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

        QB I think you're probably a very interesting person and a whole lot of fun to be around. You certainly come across like that here! I'm not the least bit surprised that someone would want to go out with you--not at all!

        The wine belly is the pits, though. I've got it too, as I've mentioned before, and HATE IT. I think you said somewhere that you were short and curvy. Me, too, but now I look more like a snowman than a voluptuous hot mama. I guess "matronly" is the proper term. Ugh. It's slow to come off, too, not like when I was 30.

        Have a great time on the date! Let us know how it goes.
        "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

          QB, the fact that he is already a good and trustworthy friend says a lot. He already cares about you just the way you are, whether it goes any further or not.
          Take a chance; what have you got to lose? He is your friend already - if he is the sort of person that you have already trusted about doing this then you have already got a great building block to start on - just wait and'll both work it out.
          Forget about the belly thing; like SJ says, nice tight knickers(thats my version!), although I'd be more inclined to go for really nice cover-up clothes that are comfy and glamorous!
          Keep us posted!!!!! I'm jealous!
          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

            Hey Everyone.....just wanted to check in. Day No. 13 for me! On to No. 14. My tummy has been bothering me and I had been thinking it was the wine but now I think I might have an ulcer. Yikes!

            Anyhooooo - QB - Oh no you don't back out of that date. You need to go missy. Obviously, he already likes you and he sounds awesome!

            Scottish Lass - I'm so glad you are back with us! I've been wondering how you were doing and when you would make your way back. Hang in here with us and let's get past that 22 day mark!

            Clover - Lyme Disease stinks! I'm going to pray that your Son gets better, especially for his birthday. Also, I'm sending hugs your's awful to watch the ones we love be sick. You are doing an amazing job staying sober and you have been an inspiration to me.

            SJ - you go girl on your 5 mile run! I was going to start my running today but we had a storm that knocked the electric out and my alarm didn't go off. I barley made it to work on time....oh well, I'll try again tomorrow.

            Juja and Daisy - I HATE the wine belly. It's so hard to lose the weight, especially after 40! Being a wino is a habit I wish I had never picked up.

            Off to drink some milk to calm my tummy and watch Shark Week (Discovery Channel) with my hubby. We are addicted to it for one week every year.

            Hope everyone has a peaful sleep.


              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

              WS, thank you so much for your prayers and hugs - truly, it means a lot to me! My tummy bothers me off an on, too; I imagine that all of the drinking we did was pretty hard on the entire digestive tract. Maybe you just need some time to heal. I'm taking probiotics and eating lots of yogurt. I'm also watching Shark Week, too, right at this very moment. Fascinating!

              Back to the couch! Goodnight Everyone!


                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                Good morning all,

                It took me some time to catch up with the posts as I was away and quite busy ? in work, having fun without AL ? but also falling off the wagon one more time ( last Saturday ? for my hubby?s birthday). The only reason I got drunk is because I did not plan my AF strategy before the party. Big mistake!!!

                So far I have committed to no goal, just adding AF days, not bad actually ? in July I had 18 AF days (that?s more than half the month, hooray.

                Here is what I thought before trying the AF days:

                1. My friends will give me a hard time for not drinking and continue to tempt me and corrupt me with drink (Actually ? they said nothing ? ordered a bottle of wine and proceeded to not pouring me any)

                2. My parents will start questioning me as to why I have stopped drinking and might worry ? Actually they said it is a good idea and stopped offering

                3. My husband will start questioning me too and keep offering drinks each evening, as usual ? Actually he said he?d join me, that he?s had too much recently as well.

                4. My work team will think it odd not to drink anything on our team outing ? Actually we did not even finish a champagne bottle on the yacht ( I threw mine in the sea after toasting our success)

                Goal for now - AF AUGUST ?.

                I know that I can do it with your support.
                workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                  All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                  WS ? congrats, you were my initial inspiration ? now I am also committed to 30 days AF

                  Clover ? your resolve is amazing and I am so sad to hear about your son; I pray he gets better and better

                  Qbug ? if your optimistic and upbeat personality is infectious in these posts I can imagine you are really fun to be with in real life ? having said that, if M&S industrial strength pants boost you r self confidence, do it

                  Fly, Juja, SJ and Daisy ? I used to never drink beer because I did not want a beer belly. Now I have wine love handles. Let?s try and do as much sports as we can. Last month my energy levels were so low I could not believe it. Now I am starting to feel better
                  workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                    All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                    Good Morning, Ladies! It looks like a cloudy morning here and I DO NOT want to go to work! I pulled a back muscle and would like to just stay on my couch and watch t.v.

                    Shue, thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers. I'm so glad you are back and getting right back on the wagon! I've always been thin and was in really good shape for years. But my mid-section has become "mushy" with all of the drinking. Yuck! I'm up for the sports, too, and can't wait until it's no longer in the upper 90's outside. In the meantime, it's the gym.

                    I'm off to get ready for work (phooey). I hope everyone has a lovely, sober day .... see you all later!


                      All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                      Good morning friends! It absolutely beautiful here today, sunny and low humidity. Oh yeah, and I don't have a hangover and feel great because this is day 22 AF for me!

                      Queenbug--Don't turn your back now! You deserve good things in your life and this date sounds like one of them. You wouldn't hesitate to go out with him as a friend, would you? Is it just the "date" idea that has you freaked?

                      SJ--Wow, I wish I could run 5 miles! For some reason I can't get into exercise. You sound very strong. Keep up the great work!

                      Clover--I'm with you on not wanting to go to work today! It'll be a late night for me. In your posts you really sound like you've turned a corner in your thinking about AL. Isn't being sober great?

                      Juja--It's definitely not as easy to lose as we get older! How are you doing? Are your cravings still bad?

                      Daisy--Great advice. Hope you have a fabulous day.

                      WS--My stomach bothered me for a week or so, but now I feel fine. Sorry to hear that yours is bothering you. Do you feel better after drinking milk?

                      Shue--Eighteen days is nothing to sniff at! Good job. I'm with you on a sober August!


                        All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                        Hi girls,
                        Not feeling so strong today but thanks anyway Fly! A year & a half ago I couldn't run to save my life, last year I ran 2 half marathons. Now I am training for my first full one. I am not a great runner but I just take it one step at a time.
                        Just before I joined MWO I had a miscarriage. It was a surprise pregnancy, I am 45 & my kids are 10-17. But we were so delighted & I was due on Christmas Day. Just thought it was meant to be. But it wasn't. I drank for 2 weeks, a bottle of red a night, after it happened. I work with pregnant women & it is very hard dealing with the ones who are due at the same time. Most of the time I am fine, but not today. But I know the answer is not in a bottle, it is being healthy and getting support, I would be lost without this site.
                        Must go back to work now for the evening, will take a few deep breaths & get on with it.
                        I hope you are all having a good day, will catch up properly tomorrow. Promise to be more cheerful!
                        SJ xxx :groupluv:

                        'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle


                          All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                          Oh, SJ, that is dreadfull, honestly. I have a 7 year old and have been trying for the past 5 to have another one. But deep down I know I must tackle AL before trying any fertility treatment ... Whoaaa ... This is the first time I admitted that !!! My husband, God bless him has been trying to get me to IVF for the last 2 years but I have always resisted it.

                          I think it is greatly due to me feeling out of control drinking.

                          Power to us, fighting this horrible addiction.
                          workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                            All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                            SJ - I'm so sorry to hear you are having a rough day. I really hope you feel better tomorrow.

                            Shue - Good to hear from you girl......sounds like you really have some incentive to get the drinking under control.

                            Okay........Today was Day No. 14 for me and I struggled in a MAJOR way today. The worst day since I started this again. I seriously almost caved in. Pulled into the liquor store parking lot then turned around and left. I probably should have taken some more L-Glut. I'm relieved to be home right now, AF but boy was it a close one! Just goes to show that just when you think you have it going on, the addiction mosnter is there to slap you upside the head. I need to be more careful tomorrow, make sure I drink plenty of water and take my supplements. Here's to Day No. 15.


                              All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                              SJ--I'm so sorry about the miscarriage. You're so right that drinking isn't going to make it any better. :l

                              WS--I had to go back to see how far you'd made it the last time and it was 10 days, so you've been sober longer than the last time. You're getting stronger and stronger. I remember the last time I quit was for 6 months. I felt pretty strong and didn't find it that hard until 2 months in! It felt like it was Day 2 or something and I was 60 days in! I really struggled hard that night and I have no idea why. I actually had the bottle of booze in my hand but put it down and walked away. And 6 months in I could really take it or leave it, but decided to drink some wine at a special dinner with my husband one night to celebrate and that was the end of that.


                                All I Want Is 30 Days AF

                                Fly - Wow....I was just getting ready to start a new Thread to get some input from those who have gone AF for awhile and made the decision to moderate...wondering how it went and if the cycle just started over again. The thought of getting my 30 days in and then trying to moderate scares me because I'm not sure if I can do it.

